Orientation week for the students of Business Administration master’s degree programmes in english 30.8.-2.9.2016

Time / Monday
29.8. / Tuesday
30.8. / Wednesday
31.8. / Thursday
1.9. / Friday
9 – 10 / Studies and other practicalities
@Viipuri Hall / Studies at School of Business
study counselor Kaija Huotari, study adviser Merilin Juronen, Enklaavi, The Finnish Business School Graduates
10 – 11 / Welcome to LUT
@Viipuri Hall / Enklaavi (the Guild of Business Adm. students)
The Finnish Business School Graduates (Suomen Ekonomit)
@ XXX / Introduction to Studies of Economic Sciences for Master’s Students
Hanna Salojärvi / Welcome Fair
(at 9.00-14.00)
Personal study plan
at 10.00-11.30
MSM @7334
MSF @6216
11 – 12 / Introduction to Finnish Culture / LUNCH BREAK
12 – 13 / & Student Culture / Programme presentationMSM
Academic director Katrina Lintukangas / LUNCH BREAK / Personal study plan
MIMM @7337 at 12.00-13.30
MSIS @7334 at 11.30-13.00
13 – 14 / LUNCH BREAK / Jet Lag OFF Lappeenranta ON
@Kehruuhuone / Programme presentation
at 13 - 14 MSF @4501, Academic director Mikael Collan
at 13 – 14 MSIS @4502, Academic director Kaisu Puumalainen
at 14 – 15 MIMM @4501, Academic director Hanna Salojärvi
Activities with tutors / Entrepreneurship – Panel discussion
@Viipuri Hall
14 – 15 / Info Sessions
@??? / Course Enrolments
/ Green Campus tour
The tour starts from the main lobby. Tutors guide the tour.
15 – 16 / Get Together
@Galleria Hall / Lappeenranta Sightseeing
16 – 17 / Tours start at 15 and 16 (2x3 busses). Buses leave in the front of the LUT main entrance.
17 – 18 / Campus Orienteering
18 – 19 / 20

Tuesday 30.8.

Welcome to Lappeenranta University of technology, LUT
Greetings of LUT President Juha-Matti Saksa: Open your mind @ LUT (20 min.)
Puhuja X: Welcome to the World’s Greenest Campus!

Minna Ranta, head of Student Services: LUT Student Services
Puhuja X: Academic Library of Lappeenranta
Puhuja X: Language Center
LUT Alumni coordinator Leila Armila/Elina Reponen: LUT Alumni Relations
Greetings of LUT Student XX: Feel the Skinnarila Spirit

Tanja Karppinen, project manager: Orientation Week & First Year Experience @ LUT

Introduction to Finnish Culture
Tanja Karppinen/LUT Student Services
Time: 11.45-12.30

Introduction to Student Culture @ LUT
Topi Pekonen/Student Union of LUT (LTKY)
Time 12.30-13

Info Sessions in English
Two parallel sessions. Each speaker will give presentation twice (same content).
Speakers: LUT Student Services, Lappeenranta Student Housing Foundation (LOAS), LUT IT services, Student Union of LUT (LTKY), Guilds of LUT, ESN Lappeenranta, FSHS/YTHS, University pastors, SaLUT Sports, Banking Services (EKOP), Foreign Affairs/Police, AIESEC

Remember to pay Student Union fee and get your LUT Attendance Certificate as soon as possible!

Place: Student Union fee -> Student Union office
LUT Attendance Certificate -> LUT Student Services
Please note: You can pay Student Union Fee and get your Certificate already on Monday 29.8.2016

Wednesday 31.8.

Studies and Other Practicalities
Minna Ranta, head of LUT Student Services: Offences Against Teaching
Mari Trinidad, head of study counselling (+ study counsellors): Studies @ LUT

Course Enrolment

Mari Trinidad, head of study counselling + study advisors, LUT Student Services

Please note that the deadline for course enrolment is 2.9.2016 and that before being able to enrol students have to pay Student Union Fee and get the LUT Attendance Certificate.

Campus Orienteering
Start from the Main Lobby
Racing around university campus
After the Campus Orienteering ceremony of prize giving in LUT Main Cafeteria.

Thursday 1.9.

Introduction to studies

Get Together

Kl. 15.15-16.30

Welcome event for all master’s students in business administration. Host Academic director Anna Jalkala. Refreshments are served.

Friday 2.9.

Welcome Fair
The lobby of hall 2310 and the corridors starting from there

Participants: Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland (TEK), AISEC, Banking Services/EKOP, City of Lappeenranta, ESN Lappeenranta, Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS=YTHS),
Foreign Affairs/Police, Frank (student cards), Green Campus, LUT Abitiimi, LUT Firmatiimi, LUT IT Services, LUT Student Services, Language Centre, Lappeenranta Academic Library

Lappeenranta Student Housing Foundation (LOAS), LUT Entrepreneurship Society (LUTES), LUT Open university, SaLUT – Higher Education Sports and Welfare Services at LUT and SaimiaStudent Union of LUT (LTKY), The Finnish Business School Graduates (Suomen Ekonomit), University Pastors

Panel discussion "Entrepreneurship" in English

Participants are Risto Siilasmaa (COB Nokia) and Mika Anttonen (COB St1). Chairman is the LUT professor of practice Anssi Vanjoki.

Important information (before you can enrol the courses):

  1. Remember to pay Student Union fee as soon as possible!
    Student Union fee -> Student Union office @ Student Union House, Contact person Virpi Partti. Opening hours: X
  2. Get your LUT Attendance Certificate after paying Student Union fee.LUT Attendance Certificate -> LUT Student Services @ 2313
    Contact persons Tuula Peltonen and Sari Pitkänen. Opening hours: X
  3. Visit to Origo @ library for usernames and passwords.
    Opening hours: X

Please note, that you can pay Student Union Fee, get your LUT Attendance Certificate and your LUT usernames & passwords already on Monday 29.8.2016 before orientation programme.

Remember also to visit academic library (date) for completing the library pass.

Please note that the course enrolment ends on 2.9.2016 at 23.59.