2016 - 2017 Young Women in Science & Engineering Investigators (YWISEI) Program

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science


Deadline: May 27, 2016

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Your Teacher Mentor

Program Overview

The Young WISE Investigators Program main goal is to inspire and encourage high school students from Dallas to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Sponsored by the UT Dallas Erik Johnson School of Engineering and Computer Science, Texas Instruments Foundation, Flour Family Foundation, Ericsson, National Science Foundation, and multiple donors, the Program provides mentoring and support for at least 51 high school students, in at least 17 teams of three, over a one-year period to complete a science, technology, or engineering project. The program also seeks to reward the top 3 teams by awarding scholarships to attend UT Dallas.

The success of the program and the students’ completion of their projects depend on an advisory team of mentors comprised of UT Dallas students, industry professionals, and high school science teachers. Each mentor will guide one team of 3 participants through the project development cycle, beginning May 2016 through April 2017.

Benefits of Participation

·  Opportunity to receive a scholarship to attend UT Dallas

·  Learn what engineering is all about

·  Develop a project working with your peers, industry professionals, college students & faculty

·  Receive individual recognition, encouragement and support

·  Gain confidence to challenge yourself to achieve new goals and explore alternatives

·  Gain a realistic perspective of college and professional life

·  Receive advice on how to balance school with other responsibilities and set priorities

·  Receive training in creating a poster and presentation skills

·  May receive school credit

Program Eligibility Requirements

The applicant must:

·  Be classified as a high school junior (grade 11) or senior

·  Have a GPA of 3.0 (B) or higher

·  Have taken a physics course/enrolled in Fall 2016 in high school

·  Must receive free/reduced school lunch

Participant Expectations

·  Select one project from the list of possible projects (to be provided)

·  Program participants must consult with their “circle of mentors” :

§  School Teacher on a weekly basis

§  College Student on a weekly basis

§  Industry professionals on a monthly basis

§  UTD College Faculty as needed

·  Attend Orientation at the kick-off meeting at UT Dallas (Date TBD)

·  Parents are encouraged attend the Kickoff along with the participants

·  Submit timely project status report to student mentors and teachers

·  Program participants must present project on the final Poster Session Day

APPLICATION: (Please print or type)

Contact Information:

First Name: ______Last Name: ______Gender: ______

Ethnicity: ______Email: ______Phone: ______

Address: ______


School Name & Program: ______

Year in School: Sophomore Junior Senior Grade Point Average: ______

Are you planning on going to college? Yes No What is your intended major? ______

What colleges/universities do you plan on applying to? ______




Please list all science and engineering courses you have taken in high school. Indicate if the course was an honors level or advanced placement course:

Skills, Activities & Achievements:

Indicate membership(s) in scholastic honorary organizations or other school and/or civic groups, including any elected positions or offices held in the organizations, and any honors prizes and/or awards received for scholastic and/or creative achievement:

Family attend kickoff meeting Yes No Does your family speak English Yes No

Teacher advisor name

I have read, understand and agree to all the terms and conditions of this agreement.

Student Signature: Date:

Parent Signature: Date:

A copy of this application and release forms can be found at utdallas.edu/community under the YWISEI tab

Application Checklist:

  Complete this application

  Complete the “Indemnification Agreement – Minors” Form

  Complete the “Medical Information – Minors” Form

  Complete the “Talent Release” Form

  Please turn in your completed application to your teacher mentor by Monday, August 31.

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