The Advertising Committee conference call took place on December 4th, 2012 at 10:00 A.M. There were seven members present. These members were Mike Wildung, Ed Greiner, Craig Walter, Curt Hodges, Paul Wiegand, Ben Booth, and Kellie Gregorich.

Ben then asked the committee where they would like to begin and Ed asked Ben to through the timeline. The overall overview of the timeline was that, “Here’s the money, but ideas may change and money in certain areas may change”.

After discussing tracking, it was decided that we didn’t want to spend the money on it. We decided to work more on the outreach effect instead of spending it on surveys and tracking.

Committee told Ben and Kellie that they were mainly just looking for more creativity and wanted that from HRB. The committee wants something real. Ben explained that he believes HRB needs parameters and direction. Ed then told Ben and Kellie that they would be in charge of giving them ideas, giving them directions, etc. The committee is also okay with HRB running with their creativeness. Ed explained that he wanted Ben and Kellie to keep the committee in the “loop” and be able to show the committee what they have done.

Action Plan:

Ben and Kellie will assist HRB with ideas and their creativeness to get things going.

Action Plan:

Ben and Kellie will track where primary cost is. (What areas? How much

was spent in which areas of planning and implement.)

Action Plan:

Ben and Kellie will have a conference call with HRB to get things moving and let them know what the committee all decided.

The conference call ended at 11:00 A.M. and it was decided that Ben and Kellie would just keep in touch with the Advertising Committee on what was going on with the agency.