1. Professional development funds are to be used to support employees’ positions and mission of Cuesta College. Funding forms are to be completed and submitted to Human Resources before the third Thursday of each month prior to the activity. The Staff Professional Development Committee will review the requests and Human Resources will notify the requestor of the final decision. All questions regarding the decision can be submitted to the Staff Professional Development Chair.
Name: / Date Submitted:
Division/Department: / Extension:
Activity Date(s): / Location:
Supervisor’s Approval: / Date:
2. Please check the box that applies to your funding request and submit the listed paperwork with this funding request form.
Attending a conference:
Ø Attach a completed conference request form.
Ø Provide conference information sheet.
Ø How will participation in this activity support student learning outcomes and/or promote institutional effectiveness outcomes (be specific)?
Taking a class (If class credit is being used for Professional Growth, Staff & Management Development
funds may not be used as referenced in the District-CCCUE Bargaining Agreement, Article 3.7)
Ø Attach a claim form outlining class costs.
Ø Describe why you are taking this class:
Presenting at a conference:
Ø Attach a completed conference request form.
Ø Provide written confirmation of your involvement in the presentation, including documentation that you are representing Cuesta College in your presentation.
Coordinating a group activity:
Ø Number of participants involved in the activity:
Ø Attach a claim form outlining costs of the activity.
Ø Describe the activity:
3. Amount of Funds Requested:
Staff Professional Development Funds: (Maximum $200 per year per person)
/Division/Department Conference Funds: (must enter a numeric value ie:$200 or $0)
Other Funds: (Specify Funding Source)
Telecommunications & Technology Infrastructure Program (TTIP)
Staff Development Committee Action:
/Approved Denied
/ /Date:
/Date Request Received:
/ /Amount Approved:
/Updated 8/19/2009 DE