Table 5.9.49.A—Mt Gravatt corridor neighbourhood plan: material change of use

Use / Level of assessment / Assessment criteria
MCU, if assessable development where not listed in this table / No change / Mt Gravatt corridor neighbourhood plan code
If in the Medium density sub-precinct (NPP-001d), (NPP-001f) or (NPP-004b), where in the Medium density residential zone
Office / Code assessment
(a)  250m2 or less gross floor area;
(b)  located at ground level;
(c)  fronting Kessels Road or Mt Gravatt-Capalaba Road / Mt Gravatt corridor neighbourhood plan code
Centre or mixed use code
Prescribed secondary code
Shop / Code assessment
(a)  250m2 or less gross floor area;
(b)  located at ground level;
(c)  fronting Kessels Road or Mt Gravatt-Capalaba Road / Mt Gravatt corridor neighbourhood plan code
Centre or mixed use code
Prescribed secondary code
If in the High density residential sub-precinct (NPP-001c) where in the High density residential zone
Office / Code assessment
(a)  250m2 or less gross floor area;
(b)  located at ground level;
(c)  fronting Mirimar Street, Mt Gravatt-Capalaba Road or Khandalla Street / Mt Gravatt corridor neighbourhood plan code
Centre or mixed use code
Prescribed secondary code
Shop / Code assessment
(a)  250m2 or less gross floor area;
(b)  located at ground level;
(c)  fronting Mirimar Street, Mt Gravatt-Capalaba Road or Khandalla Street / Mt Gravatt corridor neighbourhood plan code
Centre or mixed use code
Prescribed secondary code

Table 5.9.49.B—Mt Gravatt corridor neighbourhood plan: reconfiguring a lot

Development / Level of assessment / Assessment criteria
ROL, if assessable development / No change / Mt Gravatt corridor neighbourhood plan code

Table 5.9.49.C—Mt Gravatt corridor neighbourhood plan: building work

Development / Level of assessment / Assessment criteria
Building work, if assessable development / No change / Mt Gravatt corridor neighbourhood plan code

Table 5.9.49.D—Mt Gravatt corridor neighbourhood plan: operational work

Development / Level of assessment / Assessment criteria
Operational work, if assessable development / No change / Mt Gravatt corridor neighbourhood plan code

Part 5 - Tables of Assessment (Mt Gravatt corridor NP) Effective 12 September 2014