Zone 04 Pennants 2018
Grade 06 – Section L / Please Note
This draw has been amended
From the 1.00pm Sunday Designated Time Slot to allow double headers or Saturday Play (which most clubs in this section prefer) This will mean 1 less away trip for each club where the distance is more than 100km to the playing venues.
Teams: Portland, Oberon, Wallerawang, Lithgow Workies / Clubs by mutual arrangement may play their matches at any time:
If inclement weather interferes with any mutual arrangement or the designated Time, the Match will be replayed – Recommenced on the Spare Washout Times
Managers are to submit match results sheets to the Zone Secretary within 24 Hours of the match being completed (FAX- 0268892958 – Email to – )
Round / Day / Date / Time / Home Team / Away Team
01 / Saturday / 03rd March / 01.00PM / Portland / Oberon
Saturday / 03rd March / 01.00PM / Lithgow Workies / Wang
02 / Saturday / 10th March / 01.00PM / Wang / Portland
Saturday / 10th March / 01.00PM / Oberon / Lithgow Workies
03 / Saturday / 17th March / 01.00PM / Wang / Oberon
Saturday / 17th March / 01.00PM / Portland / Lihgow Workies
04 / Saturday / 24th March / 01.00PM / Oberon / Portland
Saturday / 24th March / 01.00PM / Wang / Lithgow Workies
05 / Saturday / 07th April / 01.00PM / Portland / Wang
Saturday / 07th April / 01.00PM / Lithgow Workies / Oberon
06 / Saturday / 14th April / 01.00PM / Oberon / Wang
Saturday / 14th April / 01.00PM / Lihgow Workies / Portland


Club officials need to sign below to confirm dates and times – if your preference is for a different time or date then a mutual agreement must be filled in and returned to zone secretary Norman R Bohm before the 1st March

Club / Official / Signature / Date


President – WalWhiteley / Secretary – Norman R Bohm
0427696257 – / (02) 68891387 –

6A Meringo Street Narromine NSW 2821

ABN: 12 004 044 937


Pennants 2017

All Zone 4 Pennant Matches in sectional play for Grades 1 through to 7 have a scheduled starting Time Slotof 1.00pm on Sundays: The six nominated Sundays are

R01: Sunday 04th March, R02: Sunday 11th March, R03: Sunday 18thMarch ,R04: Sunday 25th March, R05: Sunday 08th April, R06: Sunday 15th April

Should clubs wish to play any of the sectional matches outside these Playing Time-Slots then the Mutual Agreement form attached below must be in the hands of the Zone secretary at least one week before the scheduled match takes place:

Yours Sincerely

Norman R Bohm

Change to Pennant Time Slot

MUTUAL Agreement Form

Match Details

Home Club
Away Club
Original date
Agreed new date
Agreed New Start Time
Agreed New Venue

Verification – Home Club

Print name
Position In Club
Signature / Date:

Verification – Away Club

Print name
Position In Club
Signature / Date: