Brett R. Dumbauld
United States Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service
Hatfield Marine Science Center
2030 S.E. Marine Science Drive
Newport, Oregon 97365
(541)867-0191 / FAX (541)867-0138 / E-mail
Doctor of Philosophy in Fisheries, 1994. University of Washington, Seattle, Wa.
Master of Science in Fisheries, 1985. University of Washington, Seattle, Wa.
Bachelor of Science in Fisheries, 1981. University of Washington, Seattle, Wa.
Ecologist, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Newport, Oregon, 2004- Present. Project to study: Quantifying habitat utilization and reducing juvenile oyster mortality in Pacific shellfish production.
Fisheries Research Scientist/Fisheries Biologist, Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Willapa Bay Field Station, Nahcotta, Wa. 1991 - 2004. In charge of all field station activities.
Fisheries Biologist, School of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, Wa. 1986 - 1991. Study of the impacts of the pesticide carbaryl on Dungeness crab populations.
Fisheries Biologist, School of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, Wa. 1985 - 1991. Studied dredging impacts on Dungeness crab populations in Grays Harbor and potential for shell habitat mitigation.
National Shellfisheries Association
Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, Pacific Estuarine Research Society
Society for Conservation Biology
Dan Cheney, Pacific Shellfish Institute
Chris Grue, University of Washington
Jennifer Ruesink, University of Washington
Steven Rumrill, Oregon State Department of Fish and Wildlife
Alan Trimble, University of Washington
Ted Dewitt, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
John Chapman, Oregon State University
Sally Hacker, Oregon State University
Steve Booth, Pacific Shellfish Institute
Kim Patten, Washington State University
Leslee Parr, San Jose State University
Joshua Mackie, San Jose State University
Sean McDonald, University of Washington
Selected Publications
Dumbauld, B. R., J. W. Chapman, A. M. Kuris & M. E. Torchin. 2011. Is the collapse
of mudshrimp (Upogebia pugettensis) populations along the Pacific Coast of North America caused by outbreaks of a previosuly unknown bopyrid isopod parasite (Orthione griffenis)? Estuaries and Coasts 34:336-350.
Bosley, K.M. and B.R. Dumbauld. 2011. Use of extractable lipofuscin to estimate age structure
of ghost shrimp populations in west estuaries of the U.S.A. Marine Ecology Progress Series 428:161-176.
Coen, L.D., B. R. Dumbauld, M.L. Judge. 2011. Expanding shellfish aquaculture: A review of
the ecological services provided by and impacts of native and cultured bivalves in shellfish-dominated systems. Pp 239-296 In (S. Shumway ed.), Shellfish Aquaculture and the Environment. Wiley Blackwell .
Dumbauld, B. R., J. L. Ruesink, A. C. Trimble & B. E. Kauffman. 2011. The Willapa Bay
oyster reserves in Washington State: Fishery collapse, creating a sustainable replacement, and the potential for habitat conservation and restoration. Journal of Shellfish Research 30:71-83.
Dumbauld, B.R., J.L. Ruesink, and S. S. Rumrill. 2009. The ecological role of bivalve
shellfish aquaculture in the estuarine environment. A review with application to oysterand clam culture in West Coast (USA) estuaries. Aquaculture 290:196-223.
Dumbauld, B. R., D.L. Holden, and O.P. Langness. 2008. Do sturgeon limit burrowing shrimp
populations in Pacific Northwest estuaries? Environmental Biology of Fishes 83:283-296
Dumbauld, B.R., S. Booth, D. Cheney, A. Suhrbier, and H. Beltran. 2006. An integrated pest
management program for burrowing shrimp control in oyster culture. Aquaculture 261:976-992.
Hosack, G.R., B.R. Dumbauld, J.L. Ruesink, and D.A. Armstrong. 2006. Habitat associations of
estuarine species: comparisons of intertidal mudflat, seagrass (Zostera marina) and oyster (Crassostrea gigas) habitats. Estuaries and Coasts 29:1150-1160.
Dumbauld, B.R., K. Feldman, and D. Armstrong. 2004. A comparison of the ecology and effects of two species of thalassinidean shrimps on oyster aquaculture operations in the eastern North Pacific. Pp. 53- 61 In: (A Tamaki ed.), Proceedings of the Symposium on “Ecology of large bioturbators in tidal flats and shallow sublittoral sediments – from individual behavior to their role as ecosystem engineers”. Nagasaki University, Japan. 118 pp.
Dumbauld, B.R. and S. WyllieEcheverria. 2003. The influence of burrowing shrimps on the distribution of intertidal seagrasses in Willapa Bay, Washington. Aquatic Botany 77:2742.
Dumbauld, B. R., K. M. Brooks, and M. H. Posey. 2001. Response of an estuarine benthic community to application of the pesticide carbaryl and cultivation of Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) in Willapa Bay, Washington. Marine Pollution Bulletin 42:826844.
Feldman, K.L, D.A. Armstrong, B.R. Dumbauld, T. H. Dewitt, and D.C. Doty. 2000. Oysters, crabs, and burrowing shrimp: Review of an environmental conflict over aquatic resources and pesticide use in Washington state's (USA) coastal estuaries. Estuaries 23:141176.
Dumbauld, B.R., D.A. Armstrong, and K.L. Feldman. 1996. Life history characteristics of two sympatric thalassinidean shrimps, Neotrypaea californiensis and Upogebia pugettensis, with implications for oyster culture. Journal of Crustacean Biology 16:689708.