Guidance for producing an example of teaching

Accreditation and Re-accreditation purposes

Please note that this information represents a synopsis of ongoing work to develop the assessment tools and this is likely to be further enhanced.

The Assessment of Educational skills for Trainer Re-accreditation

For many years, the assessment of a tutorial delivered by a trainer has been part of the process for assessing the skills of trainers on practice visits. The trainer accreditation and re-accreditation process is based on reflective practice and triangulates this with evidence from the trainer portfolio. To add to this process of triangulation new and established trainers are asked not only to reflect on their own teaching skills but seek feedback from peers who will give written feedback

The trainer’s own reflection on his/her teaching using the attached template and then written feedback from other educators will form part of the evidence of satisfactory skills as an educator submitted with the self evaluation questionnaire.

Please note:

For new trainersthe Patch Associate Dean (PAD) will review the example of teaching at the practice visit and ideally this should have also been peer reviewed

For established trainersthe PAD will need to see your own reflection and the feedback from at least one but ideally two peers but does not need to see the actual teaching event unless specifically requested.


One-to-One Tutorial

Content -has to be a registrar’s experience based situation

oPreferentially a tutorial based on a video of the registrar consulting, with the registrar’s consultation at the beginning.

oClinical case / practice situation / general issue

30-60mins duration in total

Accompanying documentation

Commentary, time log, reflection

Practical Considerations

Any format of recording which can be viewed remotely eg DVD

Time and Date visible on screen

Sound and Vision quality has to be good

Faces of both trainer and GPR have to be visible

Written Consent from both GPR and trainer

Patient confidentiality must be maintained

Assessment Criteria

A working party consisting of experienced trainers involved in education has suggested that all trainers should demonstrate certain competencies at least, and ideally additional ones as part of their educational development. These have been defined as core and supplementary skills.


CORE Skills

oEvidence of learner centred teaching which should be present in all tutorials


oA menu of teaching interventions which demonstrate good practice when selected appropriately

CORE Skills

Establishing comfortable protected learning environment

Eliciting learner’s agenda

Demonstrating listening skills

Exploring issues appropriately

Summarising / checking out learning with GPR

Involving learner throughout


Evidence of preparation if indicated

Awareness of different learning styles

Awareness of ‘cultural’ and gender issues

Responding to cues

Giving advice

Expressing opinions


Sharing experiences appropriately

Giving the correct amount and type of information

Offering constructive feedback

Challenging appropriately

Planning future work

Guidance on completion of the form

On the form provided note the time(s) when a particular skill was demonstrated and put a brief explanatory note in the evidence column,

Reflection – for those undertaking the PG certificate in Medical Education a detailed reflection in the academic style (referenced) would constitute a piece of evidence you may wish to submit to support your submission for the PG Cert and would thus be included in your list of academic submissions

This is offered as an example of the core skillsand supplementary skills that may be demonstrated. While all core skills must appear, not all supplementary skill is expected to be shown.

The GPR is at 7 months into his training. The Registrar has not previously prescribed HRT in peri-menopausal woman and has not undertaken a job in gynaecology. I chose to conduct this tutorial sitting in the patient chair.
Time / Skills / Evidence
0-60 mins / Establishes protected learning environment /

No interruptions

Preparation /

Topic decided upon after issue raised by GPR

Learning style /

Appropriate teaching method

9.00-9.10 /

Learners agenda

/ Managing the menopause based on a 43 year old woman with hot flushes
9.00-9.10 /

Listening skills

/ Allowed GPR to describe the problem without interruption
9.40-9.50 /

Exploration of issues

/ Existing knowledge of the menopause; previous experience. Attitudes to female patients; current controversies re HRT
9.18 /

Appropriate challenge

/ Taking into account patient’s belief
9.20 /

Responds to cues

/ …Trainer notes GPR’s discomfiture
9.22 /

Cultural/gender issues

/ Addressed
9.30 /

Information giving

/ Searching EBM and local guidelines
9.35 /

Sharing Experience

/ ‘I have found that……..’
9.45 / Summarises/checking out the learning / GPR encouraged to reflect on learning points
9.50 / Constructive feedback / Specific and descriptive comment
9.00-10.00 /

Involves learner

/ Open questions, active participation
Advice giving / Follow up/safety netting
This was not an entirely straightforward tutorial as issues about managing female patients emerged from the male GPR’s agenda. However it was evident that the GPR gained insight into this difficulty. Through my challenging of his attitudes he gained insight into this difficulty which was confirmed by his reflection on the learning points.

Instructions to Peer Assessors

This recording is of a Tutorial between the Trainer and the GPR from which you are asked to make a judgment about the Trainers teaching ability. Two Trainers will view this Tutorial by themselves in order to come to a summative conclusion.

The Trainer has provided a commentary on the Tutorial. This indicates the timing of the core skills as well as several of the supplementary skills.

You are asked to view this recording to identify all the core skills and any supplementary skills. You may do this by watching the whole episode or by sampling, using the Trainer’s log as a guide. It is also important to read the context and reflective sections, which provide an additional commentary.

Marking Schedule

1.Is this recording of sufficient technical quality to make a judgment ? Yes/No

2. Is this a problem-based Tutorial ?Yes/No

Core Skills


Supplementary skills

Establishes comfortable protected learning environment / Evidence of preparation, if indicated
Elicits learner’s agenda / Awareness of different learning styles
Demonstrates listening skills / Awareness of “cultural” & gender issues
Explores issues appropriately / Responds to cues
Summarises/checks out learning with GPR / Gives advice
Involves learner throughout / Expresses opinion
Shares experiences appropriately
Gives correct amount and type of information
Offers constructive feedback
Challenges appropriately
Plans future work
Comment for feedback:
Signed Trainer: / Signed Peer Assessor1:

Core Skills

/ Supplementary skills
Establishes comfortable protected learning environment / Evidence of preparation, if indicated
Elicits learner’s agenda / Awareness of different learning styles
Demonstrates listening skills / Awareness of “cultural” & gender issues
Explores issues appropriately / Responds to cues
Summarises/checks out learning with GPR / Gives advice
Involves learner throughout / Expresses opinion
Shares experiences appropriately
Gives correct amount and type of information
Offers constructive feedback
Challenges appropriately
Plans future work
Comment for feedback:
Signed Trainer: / Signed Peer Assessor 2:

No 6 ~ Trainer Accreditation and Re-accreditation Peer Review of Teaching Revision Date: August 2012