iPad POP Informed Consent Script

You have chosen to undergo surgery for pelvic organ prolapse. When we examined you, you had prolapse of the (anterior vaginal wall/posterior vaginal wall/apex of the vagina/uterus & cervix).

Understanding the anatomy of the pelvis is important in understanding the procedures we use to correct prolapse. The vagina is a hollow tube connecting the uterus to the outside of the body. The cervixis part of the uterus. The urethra is a tube connecting the bladder to the outside of the body

Pelvic organ prolapse is bulging of the vagina through the vaginal opening.

A cystocele is bulging of the vagina through the vaginal opening with bladder behind it. A rectocele is bulging of the vagina through the vaginal opening with rectum behind it.

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Possible treatments for prolapse include: observation or doing nothing, use of a silicone device called a pessary placed in the vagina,pelvic floor exercises (Kegel’s exercises), and surgery. Surgical correction of prolapse may involve removing the uterus, but it is not always required to remove uterus during surgery for prolapse.

Mesh is a permanent, plastic material that is also used for hernia repairs. It can be used to repair prolapse as well as urinary leakage.You can also use your own tissue and ligaments for prolapse surgery. Prolapse can also be repaired in a way that involves closing the vagina. This would mean you would not be able to have vaginal intercourse.


Depending on the procedure, possible complications include pain in pelvis and abdomen, pain during intercourse, infection, inability to empty bladder, and bleeding. If mesh is surgically placed in the body, it will always be there unless it is surgically removed. Complications of mesh can include: Pain in the pelvis, Vaginal Mesh erosion (mesh working its way over time through the vagina), Mesh erosions into other organs such as bowel or bladder, Infection of mesh requiring further surgery, and Painful intercourse. If you have complications with mesh, a second surgery may not always fix them.

The FDA warning about mesh in 2008 & 2011 states that there are serious complications related to the vaginal placement of mesh for pelvic organ prolapse. We will not be placing any mesh through the vagina to correct your prolapse.

There is always the possibility that your prolapse may come back. While you are recovering from surgery you will need to avoid lifting more than 10 pounds, strenuous activity and sexual intercourse. It typically takes about 6-8 weeks after your surgery to return to your routine activities.

We are planning procedure X for you. DESCRIBE PROCEDURE.

Do you have any questions?

Script dated 10-13-15 Page 1 of 2