Location / AL-KHOMS
District / AL-MARQAB
Building No

A. Type of test

Concrete Slump Test


ASTM C 1437

Name of test

Standard Test Method for Flow of Hydraulic Cement Mortar


-concrete thermometermeasuring tapetamping rodslump plate

-Slump conewheel borrowscope


  1. Get a fresh concrete sample in a wheel borrow then mixed it.
  2. Dampen the slump cone and place on the flat slump plate, filled the mold in 3 layers approximately one third the volume of the slump cone.
  3. Rod each layer with 25 strokes of the tamping rod.
  4. Clean the surface of the slumpcone & slump plate then release the slumpcone atleast 5 ±2 second.
  5. Immediately measured the slump by determining the vertical difference between the top of the mold and the displaced original center of the top surface of the specimen.

In this method is to determined the consistency of flow of the fresh concrete


B. Type of test

Concrete temperature


ASTM C 1064

Name of test

Standard test method for temperature of freshly mixed Portland cement concrete


ContainerTemperature measuring device


1. Place the temperature measuring device in the freshly mixed concrete so that the temperature sensing portion submerged a minimum of 3 inches

2. Leave the temperature measuring device in the freshly mixed concrete for a minimum period of 2 minutes or until the temperature reading stabilizes, then read and record the temperature.

  1. Type of test

Cube Making


BS 1881 Part 108

Name of test

Method for making cube of fresh concrete


MouldSteel FloatCompacting Barscoop


1. Mould should be thinly coated with oil or grease to prevent loss of water.

2. Fill the mould with concrete in 3 layer, the number of strokes per layer for 150mm is less than 35.

3. Compacting each layer should be in a uniform manner. The compacting bar should not penetrate any previous layer.

4. After the top of layer has been compacted, smooth and level the top of the mould.

  1. Cover the sample with plastic or burlap and put a flywood on top of it.
  2. During the initial 24 ±8 hrs. after demoulding the temperature immediately adjacent to the specimen shall be maintained in the range of 16-27 ⁰C, loss of moisture from the specimen shall be prevented.

D. Type of test

Concrete Curing


BS 1881 Part 111

Name of test

Method of normal curing of test specimen ( 20 ± 2⁰C)


Curing TankThermometer


  1. Mark each specimen clearly with an identification number or code
  2. Submerged the specimen in the curing tank until they reach the age of test
  3. Maintain the water temperature 20 ±2 ⁰C

E. Type of test

Concrete Cubes (compression test)


BS-1881 part 116

Name of test

Standard Methods for Determination of Density of Hardened Concrete


Compression testing machineauxiliary platens


1.Placing the cube in the testing machine.

2.Carefully center the cube on the lower platen and ensure that the load will be applied to two opposite cast faces of the cube.

3.Loading. Without shock, apply and increase the load continuously at a nominal rate within the range 0.2N/(mm2 .s) to 0.4N(mm2 .s) until no greater load can be sustained.

4.Record the maximum load applied to the cube.

In this test method is to determine the strength of the concrete required.

F. Type of test

Density, Relative Density and Absorption


ASTM C 127

Name of test

Standard Test Methods for Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate


Weighing BalanceSample ContainerWater TankSieves


1.Dry the test to constant mass at a temperature of 100 ±5⁰C, cool in air at room temperature for 1 to 2 hr for test samples.

2.Subsequently immerse the aggregate in water at room temperature for a period of 24± 4 hr.

3.Remove the test sample in water and roll it in a large absorbent cloth until all visible films of water are removed. Wipe the large particles individually.

4.Determine the mass of the test sample in the saturated surface-dry condition. Record this and all subsequent masses to the nearest 0.5 g or 0.05% of the sample mass, whichever is greater.

5.After determining the mass in air, immediately placed the SSD test sample in the sample container and determine its apparent mass in water at 23 ± 2⁰C.

6.Dry the test sample to constant mass at a temperature of 110 ± 5⁰C, cool in air at room temperature 1 to 3 hr, and determine the mass.


  1. Relative Density (Specific Gravity – Dry), SG dry

SG dry = A/(B-C)

Relative Density (Specific Gravity – SSD), SG SSD

SG SSD = B/(B-C)

  1. Apparent Relative Density (Apparent Specific Gravity), ASG

ASG = A/(A-C)

  1. Absoprtion (%)

Absorption = [(B-A)/A] x100


A – mass of oven dry test sample in air, g

B – mass of saturated-surface-dry (SSD) test sample in air, g

C – apparent mass of saturated test sample in water, g

G. Type of test

Density, Relative Density and Absorption


ASTM C 128

Name of test

Standard Test Methods for Density, Relative Density (Specific Gravity), and Absorption of Fine Aggregate


Weighing BalanceMold and Tamper for Surface Moisture Test



Gravimetric (Pycnometer) Procedure:

1.Partially fill the pycnometer with water. Introduce into the pycnometer 500±10g of saturated surface dry fine aggregate, and fill with additional water to approximately 90% of capacity.

2.Mannually roll, invert, and agitate the pycnometer to eliminate all air bubbles (note: About 15 to 20 min are normally required to eliminate the air bubbles by manual method).

3.After eliminating the air bubbles, adjust the temperature of the pycnometer and its contents to 23 ±2 ⁰C if necessary by partial immersion in circulating water, and bring the water level in the pycnometer to its calibrated capacity. Determine the total mass of the pycnometer, specimen, and water.

4.Remove the fine aggregate from the pycnometer, dry to constant at temperature of 100 ± 5⁰C, cool in air at room temperature for 1± ½ hr., and determine the mass.

5.Determine the mass of the pycnometer filled to its calibrated capacity with water at 23 ± 2⁰C.


  1. Relative Density (Specific Gravity – Dry), SG dry

SG dry = A/(B+S-C)

  1. Relative Density (Specific Gravity – SSD), SG SSD

SG SSD = S/(B+S -C)

  1. Apparent Relative Density (Apparent Specific Gravity), ASG

ASG = A/(B+A-C)

  1. Absoprtion (%)

Absorption = [(S-A)/A] x100


A – mass of oven dry specimen, g

B – mass of pycnometer filled with water, to calibration mark, g

C – mass of pycnometer filled with specimen and water to calibration mark, g

S – Mass of saturated surface dry specimen, g

H. Type of test

Sieve Analysis for Fine and Coarse


ASTM C 136

Name of test

Standard Test Methods for Sieve Analysis for Fine and Coarse Aggregates


Moisture Pan or canControlled electric oven

Balance ScaleSet of sieves


1.Reduce the field sample to the desired size using procedure of quartering or by the sample splitter.

2.Weigh & record the wet of sample. (Ww)

3.Place in an oven until the mass becomes constant at a temperature of 110 ± 0.5⁰C.

4.Weigh & record the dry mass after cooling in a dessicator. (Wd)

5.Wash the sample in a running water using Sieve No. 200.

6.After washing the sample place in an oven with a temperature of 110 ± 0.5⁰C until its mass become constant.

7.Sieve the sample after cooling by passing through a series of standard sieves from bigger to smaller. (Sizes depends on the client requirement/specification).

8.Sieving operation shall be conducted by means of lateral & vertical motion of the sieve accompanied by jarring action to keep the sample moving continuously on the surface of the sieve.

9.Weigh & record the quantity retained on each sieve.

10.Compute for the water content, percent retained & percent passing on each sieve


% Water Content = [mass of water/drymass] x 100%

% Retained = [mass per sieve/total dry mass] x 100%

% Passing = % passing previous sieve - % retained

I. Type of test

Unit Weight of Aggregates



Name of test

Standard Test Methods for Bulk Density (Unit Weight) of Aggregates


Weighing BalanceTamping Rod

MeasureShovel and Scoop


  1. Shoveling Procedure – for loose bulk density

a.Fill the measure to overflowing by means of shovel or scoop, discharge the aggregate from a height not to exceed 2” above the top of measure

b.Level the surface with straight edge.

c.Determine the mass of measure plus its contents and measure alone.

  1. Rodding Procedure
  1. Fill the measure one third full and level the surface. Rod the layer with 25 strokes of tamping rod evenly distributed. Do not allow the rod to strike the bottom of the measure.
  2. Fill the second third and level again and rod as above. Prevent the tamping rod to penetrate the previous layer.
  3. Fill the measure to over flowing and rod again as mentioned above.
  4. Level the surface of the aggregate with straightedge.
  5. Determined the mass of the measure plus its content and measure alone


  1. Bulk Density

(G – T)

M = ------



M – bulk density of aggregate, kg/m³

G – mass of aggregate plus the measure, kg

T – mass of measure, kg

V – volume of measure m³