Nursery application form for Ysgol San Sior

Ysgol San Siôr


A Church in Wales Voluntary Aided Primary School

This form has to be submitted to the school by 21stDecember 2012

No applications will be considered after this date.

This is an application for NURSERY placement

to start September 2013

Name of Child:


Date of Birth: ......


Pupils are admitted to the Nursery, which is part of our Early Years class in the academic year in which they are four – i.e. any child who is three by 31st August can apply for a part time place at San Sior the following September. Nursery is a statutory provision; however, it is not compulsory education. Admission to Nursery does not guarantee admission to Reception; if a child has a place in our Nursery the appropriate application form for admission into Reception must be submitted within the prescribed timescale of the annual admissions round.

Application Form for Admission

Ysgol San Siôr is a Church in Wales Voluntary Aided Primary School and the religious education and collective worship of the school are in accord with doctrines, rites and usage of the Church in Wales as specified in the Trust Deed.

This application is for (name of child)......

Date of Birth: ......

Names of parents / guardian to whom correspondence should be addressed:


Home telephone : …………………………………………………………

Mobile : …………………………………………………………

Do you wish your child to take part in the collective worship of the school and to receive religious teaching in accordance to the Church in Wales Primary School syllabus for Religious Education?


If the number of applications exceeds the available pupil places, the Governing Body will admit children whose applications satisfy the over-subscription criteria. Further information and clarification can be had from the enclosed Admission Policy.

1Is this application is for a ‘looked after child’ ? YES / NO

If YES please provide supportive information:



2Is the application is for a child with a Statement of Special Educational Needs where the school is named as the most appropriate educational setting? YES / NO

If YES please supply supporting evidence:



3Does your child live in the Rectorial Benefice of Llandudno and with their family worship regularly in the parish? (Here and in the following criteria ‘regularly’ means at least once a month.)


aWhich of the churches in the parish do you attend?

Father: ......

Mother: ......

(supporting evidence in the form of a letter from the clergy must be enclosed.)

bTo which denomination does it belong?

Father: ...... Mother: ......

cHow long have you attended this church?

Father: ...... Mother: ......

dHow regularly do you attend?

Father: ...... Mother: ......

eIs your name on the Church Electoral or Membership Roll?

Father: ...... Mother: ......

fDo you hold any office in your church? Please specify.

Father: ......

Mother: ......

If you answered NO to question 3.

4Does your child live outside the Rectorial Benefice of Llandudno and with their familiy worship regularly in another Church in Wales parish, and for whom Ysgol San Siôr is the closest Church in Wales Voluntary Aided Primary School.

aWhich of the churches in the parish do you attend?

Father: ......

Mother: ......

(supporting evidence in the form of a letter from the clergy must be enclosed.)

bTo which denomination does it belong?

Father: ...... Mother: ......

cHow long have you attended this church?

Father: ...... Mother: ......

dHow regularly do you attend?

Father: ...... Mother: ......

eIs your name on the Church Electoral or Membership Roll?

Father: ...... Mother: ......

fDo you hold any office in your church? Please specify.

Father: ......

Mother: ......

5Does the child have a sibling already registered at the school on the date when the applicant child is due to commence school?

If YES please state:

Name: …………………………………….. Class: ………………………………

If you answered NO to question 3 & 4

6Does your child live in the Rectorial Benefice of Llandudno and - with their families - worship with another Christian denomination which is a member of CYTUN, but does not provide statutory denominational primary school places. If so please provide details:



If you answered NO to question 3, 4 & 6

7Does your child live outside the Rectorial Benefice of Llandudno and - with their families - worship with another Christian denomination which is a member of CYTUN, but does not provide statutory denominational primary school places, and for whom Ysgol San Siôr is the closest Church in Wales Voluntary Aided Primary School.

If so please provide details:



8Does your child live in the Rectorial Benefice of Llandudno.






Postcode: ...... (postcode is essential)

9Does your child, with their families, have a commitment to another faith group, and who wish them to be educated in a Church in Wales school?

If so please provide details:



10 Children whose applications are on medical or compassionate grounds. Such applications should be supported by professional references where appropriate. Please provide relevant details to support your application.



This is an application for a part time place in our NURSERY.

Children are admitted to the Nursery the September following their third birthday