Media Accreditation

All members of thepress/media need to complete the following Media Accreditation Form to gain access to the site and launch field. Car passes and individual passes (wrist bands) will then be allocated andare required from Monday 3rd August(is it supposed to be Monday 2nd or Monday 9th?).

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be completed.

NOTE: If you have additional media requirements, please do not hesitate to contact the Fiesta press team on (0117) 944 1415.

Top of Form

Personal information

Media organisation*

Name*: Job Title*:


Address Line 1*: Address Line 2*:

Address Line 3: Postcode*:

Telephone Number*: Mobile Number*

E-mail Address*:

Type of Media

Distribution International National Regional Specialist Local Other


Reason for attending (please select one and give details)*:


Please give details:

Media Coverage

When will coverage/interviews be aired or published?

We kindly request that where possible, a copy of any media coverage from the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta 2010 can be sent to the Fiesta for our records only.

Planned Media Events and Flights

We require details of all individuals attending the Fiesta as press/media in order to allocate the necessary car passes and individual passes.

We have spaces available for the media to fly at the City Centre launchbefore the Fiesta (details to be confirmed) and the Mass Ascent (am) on Friday13th August but demand is strong and with limited places available, we may not be able to accommodate all requests.

We also have spaces available for the media to access the launch field in the main arena for the special Shapes launch (6pm) and Night Glow (9.30pm) on the opening day.Please note: press flights are not available on the opening day. Spaces are for access only.
Pre Event Press Launch

Attendance Required YesNo

Flight Required? YesNo

Fiesta Opening Day - Thursday 6th August

Access Required? YesNo

Mass Balloon Ascent - Friday 13th August - 6am

Flight Required? YesNo

If you are having difficulty submitting your form, you can download the document here. Please complete and then email to