Sustainability Project Opportunities
Sustainability is a key priority for Staffordshire University. We are already one of the top 20 greenest universities in the country and we have a bold vision to, not only be a sustainable and responsible university, but a recognised global leader in educational sustainability. These opportunities will help to develop your Staffordshire Graduate attributes, particularly your global citizenship and key employability skills through the delivery of live consultancy assignments and work placements.
For certain projects we would welcome applications from teams of students, (up to a maximum of 3 students per team). Teams can be from the same or different disciplines/subjects
It is not essential for you to have studied sustainability for the projects or internships offered, but it some cases it may be an advantage. The projects require skills in
· research,
· data collection and analysis
· presentation
However, some opportunities do require the application of a specific discipline or skills and we have endeavoured to highlight these where applicable.
Food Waste Recycling Business Case
Client: Campus & Commercial Services
Contact: Adam van Winsum
The University currently provides recycling points in the majority of its catering outlets, including bins for mixed metals and mixed plastics. In addition, food waste is segregated in the kitchens, but this is not currently recycled/processed. With Government continuing to discuss a potential future ban on food to landfill, the University wishes to better understand the implications of this and review how to collect and recycle food waste.
Key Tasks:
1. Review Governmental policy on food to landfill ban and best practice examples of how other Universities/Public sector bodies are managing their food waste (Present a summary report by April 2014)
2. Prepare an outline business case for food disposal/recycling with principle contractors (to be identified) (June 2014)
Deadlines: As set out above.
Disciplines: Would ideally suit a Geography, Business or other Social Sciences student, but open to open to any student with an interest in sustainability. We would welcome applications from teams for this project.
Compensation: A stipend of £250 will be paid upon the successful completion of the business case.
Green Business Village Feasibility Study
Client: Office of Sustainability
Contact: John Adlen
Staffordshire University has a series of Business Villages across its campuses that provide affordable business space to local businesses, start-up and spin out companies. The Stoke Business Village (located next to the Science Centre on Leek Road) was constructed in the 1950s and offers 30 business units varying in size from 100 sq ft to 560 sq ft. Businesses are facing tough challenges in the current economic climate and with energy costs rising they are keen to find ways to reduce costs and find more sustainable energy sources. The University is keen to ensure that the Stoke Business Village provides the most energy efficient and sustainable accommodation possible for our tenants. To this end we require a study to explore the feasibility of making energy efficiency improvements to the building and the potential for renewable energy.
Key Tasks:
1. Undertake an energy audit of the Stoke Business Village
2. Identify the key energy efficiency issues relating to the building
3. Provide a series of options for improving the building’s energy efficiency (including renewable energy and recycling technologies) including pros and cons, estimated installation costs, estimated energy and cost savings and payback periods
4. Recommend a package of interventions to transform the Stoke Business Village into a sustainable green business village.
Deadline: July 2014
Disciplines: Engineering students with an interest in energy efficdsgiency and/or renewable energy. We would welcome applications from teams for this project.
Compensation: A stipend of £250 will be paid upon the successful completion of the feasibility study.
Halls Recycling Audit & Feasibility Study
Client: Campus & Commercial Services
Contact: Adam van Winsum
The University has provided kitchen recycling in all Halls for two years, operating a dry mixed recycling system which includes blue bins for paper/cardboard; red bins for mixed metals/plastics and a yellow bin for food and non-recyclable waste. A Student Switch Off recycling audit revealed generally high levels of correct segregation across the Stoke Halls, with an average 10.7 out 15 (report findings available). Other findings revealed that students:
• Want to recycle glass
• Want to recycle food waste
• Are incorrectly recycling tetra-packs e.g. fruit juice
Key Tasks:
1. Audit/review existing awareness materials (posters and labels etc.) and provision of bins to ensure they are fit for purpose. If required, produce new materials by April 2014.
2. Produce feasibility study for recycling glass waste in halls with particular emphasis on health & safety/manual handling and liaise with interested parties e.g. university waste contractors by July 2014.
3. Produce feasibility study for recycling food waste in halls and liaise with interested parties e.g. university waste contractors by July 2014.
Leek Road Houses Retrofit Feasibility Study
Client: Office of Sustainability
Contact: John Adlen
Sustainability is a key priority for Staffordshire University and we are very keen to ensure that our student accommodation is as energy efficient and sustainable as possible. To this end we would like to explore the feasibility of retrofitting the existing 2-storey student houses on the Leek Road campus with energy efficiency measures and assessing the potential for renewable energy.
Key Tasks:
1. Undertake an energy audit of the Student Houses on the Leek Road campus
2. Identify the key energy efficiency issues relating to the houses
3. Provide a series of options for improving the energy efficiency (including renewable energy and recycling technologies) of the houses including pros and cons, estimated installation costs, estimated energy and cost savings and payback periods
4. Recommend a package of interventions to transform Leek Road houses into sustainable student accommodation.
Deadlines: July 2014
Disciplines: Engineering students with an interest in energy efficiency and/or renewable energy. We would welcome applications from teams for this project.
Compensation: A stipend of £250 will be paid upon the successful completion of the feasibility study.
Nature Reserve Aquatic and Bird Species Audits
Client: Campus & Commercial Services
Contact: Adam van Winsum
The University manages a 10 hectare Natural Heritage nature reserve behind the Leek Road campus. Further details are available at The University wishes to repeat and update an aquatic and bird species audits.
Key Tasks:
1. Review existing species audit data to form a baseline of species.
2. Perform aquatic and bird species audit and present/record data and species list.
Deadlines: July 2014.
Disciplines: Would ideally suit an Ecology or Biology student. We would welcome applications from teams for this project.
Compensation: A stipend of £250 will be paid upon the successful completion of the audits
Student Eco-Village Market Research
Client: Office of Sustainability
Contact: John Adlen
Sustainability is a key priority for Staffordshire University and we are keen to ensure that our student accommodation is as sustainable as possible. One idea that we would like to explore is the creation of a ‘student eco-village’ on the Leek Road campus, which would provide dedicated ‘green’ accommodation incorporating renewable energy, vegetable plots, enhanced recycling and composting facilities. We would like to understand whether there is demand for such accommodation from students, and if so, what key features would students like to see included.
Key Tasks:
1. Review the existing literature and studies relating to sustainability, universities and student accommodation, particularly any relevant surveys
2. Undertake a market research exercise with existing Staffordshire University students to estimate the scale and nature of demand for a ‘student eco-village’ utilising a range of techniques including surveys, focus groups, etc.
3. Identify best practice in university student accommodation from other universities in the UK and overseas
4. Provide a market research report analysing the results of the market research exercise and desktop reviews and make recommends about the likely level of demand for a ‘student eco-village’.
5. Present your findings and recommendations to a client group from the Office of Sustainability, Estates department and Business School.
Deadlines: July 2014
Disciplines: Marketing, Business, Geography or any of the other Social Sciences. We would welcome applications from teams for this project.
Compensation: A stipend of £250 will be paid upon the successful completion of the study.