Genetics Advisory Committee Meeting

July 19, 2007


MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Dave Viskochil (chair), Ross Hightower, Lorenzo Botto, Joyce Dolcourt, Jeffrey Botkin, Marc Williams, Vickie Venne, Nancy Rose
UDOH STAFF: George Delavan, Rebecca Giles, Harper Randall, Karlee Adams, Holly Williams, LaDene Larsen, Fay Keune
GUEST: Doug Springmeyer, UDOH staff attorney
Meeting called to order at 11:30 a.m.
Topic / Presenter / Discussion/Action / Responsible/Due Date
Approval of Minutes and Review of Previous Assignments
Utah Open Meetings Act
By-Laws Discussion and Final Approval
Newborn Screening Subcommittee
Next Meeting / Dave Viskochil
Doug Springmeyer
Dave Viskochil
Jeffrey Botkin / The April 2007 meeting minutes were approved.
Doug provided two handouts: Open and Public Meetings Act-2007 and Summary of 11 Key Changes to the Open and Public Meeting Act with Statewide Impact.
Review and discussion of handouts;
Five out of eleven changes being made are regarding the public website. Emergency meeting provisions require 24 hour notice. Must provide agenda 24 hours in advance. Meeting announcements must be posted throughout the building and on the website. Meeting agenda must be posted for the public and in the meeting building. Agenda must clearly state the type of meeting.
Meetings are open to the public, Tape meeting and post on website – make available.
52-4-205 Purposes of closed meetings.
If public to attend
·  Q: What is their role in the meeting
·  A: Allow public to participate; public allowed only to listen during meeting; allow 5 minutes at the end of meeting for comment from public
A couple of additional suggestions were made for changes to the by-laws:
Chair/Vice Chair – Vice Chair will succeed the Chair if the Chair leaves until a new Chair is designated.
Chair and Vice Chair must have an advanced degree in genetics or other related field, beyond a bachelors’ degree.
Membership of Subcommittees: invited to serve by the subcommittee chair with approval by GAC chair and subcommittee members
Delete/Remove V. Membership, section 1 in transition subcommittee section.
Correct numbering
Motion to approve By-Laws once revisions are made: approved by all members present.
Handouts for review and discussion - Proposed Screening for Utah Cystic Fibrosis, An Improved Screening Algorithm in Colorado: IRT/IRT/DNA and Projected results from three different screening mechanisms.
Meeting monthly with one new member, Alyson Eyre.
Referring to and review of handouts provided: Proposed Screening for Utah Cystic Fibrosis – the low cost approach.
Focus – CF Newborn screening meets all population screening criteria.
June 14th subcommittee meeting voted to present to GAC for approval. Vote was to one recommendation: IRT/IRT/DNA panel approach. Pro’s and Con’s with few disadvantages. Colorado will be also be adopting this approach.
Requesting kit cost increase. Need to move recommendation forward by mid September. In order to request kit fee increase during the upcoming legislative session
Motion to submit recommendation from Newborn Screening Committee to implement cystic fibrosis newborn screening to UDOH Executive Director;
Motion on the table – discussion focused on the need for more details about expanded screen issues and formal presentation.
Motion to table the first motion – five out of eight approved.
Move to call special meeting before September for more in-depth presentation and discussion on CF Newborn Screening recommendation. All members present approved special meeting. Will hold special meeting August 23rdin conjunction with the Newborn Screening Subcommittee.
The next meeting is scheduled for August 23, 2007, 11:30 am – 1 pm. The meeting will be held at 44 Medical Drive, Conference Rooms B-D. Please carpool and remember to get parking permits at the front desk. / Action:
Rebecca Giles
to make changes and correction to By-Lawswhere will these bylaws be maintained – on a website?
Jeff Botkin will prepare and present NBS subcommittee recommendations in more detail