Jobs with Geometry, Probability and Statistics


  • geometric patterns/angles to cut stones so that they reflect light, angles enhance clarity and color, the final shape influences the appearance and value
  • measurement, precise dimensions and weight
  • circumference for ring sizes
  • distribution of customers by day and time of day
  • distribution of purchase amounts
  • probability an item will be defective upon arrival
  • probability an item will fail while under warranty
  • probability an item will sell within a specified time period
  • correlation of cost and any measure of quality
  • probability a watch will quit running before it is sold or within x weeks after
  • probability a gem stone will have a specific type of flaw

Related Jobs: Watch and Sunglasses Designers

Fashion Designers and Interior Designers

  • fashion designers need to know how to convert a three dimensional shape into a two-dimensional pattern that can be made from flat cloth
  • interior designers need to know how geometry, color, and scale can be combined to make aesthetically pleasing spaces
  • linear and angle measurement and proportions
  • determining surface area from three-dimensional objects
  • geometrical size and shape of clothes is used to create the best looking clothes fordifferent body shapes and sizes
  • probability distribution of specific style preference by age or body type
  • probability of sale of specific item, color or pattern
  • probability distribution of sales of an item at specific prices
  • probability a particular style item will not sell with x months
  • correlation of material quality and sales
  • correlation between cost of advertising/promotions and product sales

Related Jobs: Handbag, Shoes, and Leather Goods Designers, Milliner (Hat Designer), Furniture Maker, Kitchen Designer, Bathroom Designer, Curtain Maker, Cabinet Maker

Construction Workers

  • precise measurement, linear and angles
  • keep walls straight and aligned
  • triangle shapes added to give the required strength
  • volume when pouring concrete, filling areas
  • area for roofing, carpeting, tiles, flooring, painting
  • parallel lines when building multi-lane roads
  • perpendicular lines when building intersections
  • probability of x days weather will prevent work
  • probability of specific types of weather damage
  • probability distribution for cost of specific materials
  • probability a specific material will be delivered when needed
  • probability of a given quality of ordered material
  • probability of specific type of worker injury
  • probability of worker absence from work
  • probability of machinery or part failure

Related Jobs: Architect, Builder, Carpenter, Civil Engineer, Road Building, Earth-moving and Excavation, Drainage Engineer, Town Planner, Surveyor, Plumbers

Game Developer/ Graphic Designer

  • geometric shapes usedto convert three dimensional real world objects into shapes to make characters for animations and games
  • computer game characters made from tiny colored squares
  • geometric shapes to create new virtual worlds
  • probability distribution for given number of errors in a specific draft
  • probability distribution of functionality of a specific number of drafts
  • probability of completion in x months
  • probability a specific type of error will show up after supposed completion
  • correlation between work schedule and error frequency

Related Jobs: Animator, Draftsman, Engineer, Architect, Computer Aided Designer,Computer Programmer


  • geometric hair shapes for different face shapes
  • angles when cutting hair
  • distribution of customers by day and time of day
  • probability customer will have washed hair that day
  • probability customer will return per hairdresser or per manner treated
  • probability a promotion plan will result in “x” new customers
  • distribution of dye colors needed
  • distribution of types of services desired
  • distribution of products sold

Related Jobs: Makeup Artist, Nails Artist


  • probability weather will be suitable
  • probability of specific price when commodity is ready
  • probability of damage by specific insect or disease
  • probability of destruction by weather or vandalism
  • correlation between seed/plant/animal cost and return
  • probability of machinery or part failure
  • distribution of age when machinery will need service/repair
  • geometric shape for easy maintenance with spectacular appearance
  • area of irregular shapes
  • volume for storage of grain, hay

Related Jobs: Landscape Designer, Gardener, Farmer, Irrigation Engineer


  • geometric shapes to add contrasting effects to paintings
  • organize the scale of objects and space in pictures
  • proportion (“Golden Ratio” rule) to make pictures balanced and pleasing
  • probability of defective materials
  • correlation between material cost and quality
  • correlation between age of materials and quality
  • probability of equipment failure based on equipment age
  • probability of theft or accidental damage to equipment or product
  • probability of sale of product within x months
  • correlation between product price and sales volume

Related Jobs: Graphic Designer, Photographer, Website Designer, Sign Designers and Makers


  • probability of specific type of accident/problem
  • distribution of types of accidents/problems
  • probability of sale/purchase within x months
  • probability of turnover for x profit amount
  • probability potential customer will have credit approved
  • probability a specific advertising plan will be profitable

Related Jobs: Insurance Agents, Real Estate Agent, Bank Employees, Procurement Agents, Accountants

Therapist: Physical, Occupational, & Speech

  • maximum angles that human bone joints and muscles can move to restore an injured person to full mobility
  • best position/angle to achieve certain movement, relieve pain
  • probability distribution of number of patients per month/season of year
  • probability distribution for length of therapy required for specific problem
  • probability of patient regression following specific treatments
  • correlation between length of therapy session and patient progress
  • correlation between frequency of therapy session and patient progress
  • correlation between length of therapy sessions and patient satisfaction
  • probability of additional injury with a specific type of therapy

Related Jobs: Personal Trainer, Physical Education Teacher, Chiropractor

HealthCare Worker

  • geometry to determine shape of tumor or injury
  • shapes and surface area for bandages
  • diameter of injection needles
  • complex geometry used in medical imaging
  • distribution of diseases/types of diseases by month/season
  • distribution of specific types of injuries by time of day/year
  • frequency of need for specific diagnostic or other equipment
  • frequency of missed appointments
  • probability of specific complication during a given treatment
  • probability distribution of specific type of litigation
  • correlation between sanitation plan cost and infection rate
  • correlation between employee pay and patient satisfaction or survival
  • molecular structures (cells, viruses, proteins, chromosomes) consist of large groups of geometrical shapes

Related Jobs: Radiology Technician, Nurses, Physician Assistants, Dental Assistants, Dentist, Doctor, Surgeon, Veterinarian Assistant, Veterinarian, Pharmacist, Drug Chemist, Geneticist

Extension Assignment

Have student choose a job that they are interested in, research the job, and answer the following questions.

1. What is the nature of the work?
2. Are there special training, skills, other qualifications or talents needed?
3. What is the earnings/salary?
4. How is geometry, probability and/or statistics used in this profession? Give examples.
5. Did you find any additional information about this profession?

ASE MA04: Geometry, Probability & Statistics, Revised 03/04/16, Page1