Steps to use in QB:

  • Sort leads oldest to newest.
  • Open lead in edit mode.
  • Click “Show all entries” in the activity box at the bottom and review info.
  • Make phone call.
  • Leave VM if no live answer.
  • Send Email after every call and ALWAYS cc Steve.
  • Review Status and change if appropriate (list of statuses and their meaning below)
  • Change date: Call every 3 days if no live answer or 3 months if not interested.
  • Make notes in activity box. Examples:

6/19/13 – VM1, Email1 – Cynthia Moore

6/19/13 – Rob was with a client and asked that I call back at another time. Email1 Cynthia Moore

6/19/13 – Sandy is not interested at this time. Cynthia Moore

6/19/13 – Spoke with receptionist. Joe was not available. Email2 Cynthia Moore

  • To move to the next lead hit next and save.

Below is a list of the statuses that we use and when we use them.

Below is a list of the statuses that we use and when we use them.

  1. VM1,2,3,4,5 - These are used for new leads who have had not contacted.
  2. Warm - Lead becomes WARM when we make live contact with them and stays this way until they change to hot, cold, scheduled with Steve, Fresh or Close Now.
  3. Cold - Lead become cold when they request to be taken off the list, not a real estate agent, say they will never need a virtual assistant, etc.
  4. Hot - Lead is interested in scheduling a call with Steve or signing up for our services within 1 to 4 few weeks.
  5. Scheduled with Steve - This status is used when an appointment has been book between the lead and Steve.

Steve's statuses:
Fresh - Proposal has been done and we have not talked to them since.

Close Now - Proposal has been done and we have spoke with the lead since then and they are getting close to signing up.

Please pay close attention to statuses as you are calling and change it when appropriate. If any of these are unclear to you, please let me know and I'll give you a call and we will go over them in greater detail.