Research Paper Rubric

American Literature and Composition Ms. Drane

Student Name:______Topic:______

Standard / Needs Major Support (1) / Emerging
(2) / Developing
(3) / Proficient
(4) / Exemplary
Thesis Statement / ELAGSE9-10
W1 / thesis not evident / thesis lacks a clear objective and/or does not "fit" content of essay / thesis phrasing too simple, lacks complexity; not clearly worded / clearly stated but focus could have been sharper; has multiple subpoints / clearly stated and appropriately focused; has subpoints that provide a roadmap
Organization / ELAGSE9-10
W4, ELAGSE9-10
W2 / absence of planned organization / inconsistent organization / organization attempted, but unclear or inappropriate topic sentences / logical and appropriate organization; clear topic sentences with transitions / obviously controlled and/or subtle organization; strong topic sentences and transitions
Supporting Research / ELAGSE9-10
W8, ELAGSE9-10
W9 / irrelevant, missing, or relies on opinions rather than research / insufficient; relevance not always made clear / adequate focus, but unbalanced content; more analysis needed / less thorough but still substantial and relevant / thorough and relevant
MLA: In-Text Citations / ELAGSE9-10
W8 / sources are not accurately documented, and MLA format is not attempted or followed properly / several sources lack proper documentation / most sources are documented, but many are not in the desired format / all sources are documented, but a few are not in the desired format / all sources are accurately documented in the proper MLA format
Formatting & Works Cited Page / ELAGSE9-10
W8 / none of the sources on Works Cited page follow proper MLA format / few of the sources on Works Cited page follow proper MLA format / most sources on Works Cited page follow proper MLA format and paper is formatted with few errors / all sources on Works Cited page follow proper MLA format and paper is formatted with few to no errors / all sources on Works Cited page follow proper MLA format and paper is formatted flawlessly
Mechanics and Usage / ELAGSE9-10
L2 / mechanical and usage errors that significantly interfere with the writer's purpose / mechanical and usage errors interfere with writer's purpose / some mechanical and usage errors, but not severe enough to interfere significantly with writer's purpose / few mechanical and usage errors / free of mechanical and usage errors
Formal Essay Tone and Style / ELAGSE9-10
W2.e / no awareness of formal or appropriate tone; no apparent control over sentence structure and word choice / limited awareness of formal or appropriate tone;.several awkward and/or unclear sentences; problems with word choices / limited, but mostly correct, sentence structure variety and word choice / uses a formal tone that is appropriate to the audience;precision and variety in sentence structure and word choice / uses an engaging and formal tone that is appropriate to the audience;writer's voice is strong; precision in tone, sentence structure, and word choice

Total: ______/35= raw score ______/100 (grade in gradebook)

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