1. 20TH Anniversary update

Commt approved the Club subsidizing an extra £1.00 per head for those attending the Roundthorn dinner/dance.

A contribution of £125.00 was approved to cover incidental expenses for the Frenchfield social - noted there could be no alcohol at this event.

  1. R2R volunteers and training

Richard Metcalfe has confirmed there is a course re the Leadershipin Running

training in Lancaster which costs £140.00/head. AM reported that the Club needed about 6 more people to be trained to make R2R effective. AM to check with Richard M re the possibility of there being a more local course.

AM reported that there was the need to set up a rota for R2R and the training night needed re-publicising.

  1. Funding for R2R

AM confirmed they had £300.00 in hand from weekly contributions. Agreed it should be placed in the ER account but earmarked to meet the needs of R2R . Query whether it should be used to meet training needs.

  1. Timing device

Reported that there was a Seiko stopwatch with print out facility for £300.00.

Expenditure approved. This needs to be kept for Club use generally and someone to be responsible for keeping it in good order.

  1. Re-election of Officers

JK reported that the Constitution did not require a specific period of office for Commt members. DP proposed that prospective Commt members should be invited onto the Commt.to take on the role of deputy for key members of the Commt.. It was recognized that there was a democratic process for election onto the Commt at the AGM although members needed to be encouraged to stand as they may be reluctant to usurp existing Commt. members.

AS announced his intention to resign as Chair. He will put an announcement on Facebook and suggest anyone who is interested should get in touch with him privately.


  1. Press Officer

Clare Kent has shown a keen interest in taking on the role and has already prepared a good press release recently. Agreed she should be approached and invited to take on the role of Press Officer and she be proposed for that role on the Commt. at the AGM.

  1. Info re Commt members

AW pointed out that a lot of new members did not know the Commt members. Agreed details needed to be put on the website and that CK could be asked to put together details of who is on the Commt with a photo.

  1. AOB

Skipton Cup – DP will circulate details via e mail and FB. Discussion took place about the route in light of the flood damage to Brougham bridge. Agreed it should follow the Park Run route but there was some debate about whether it should incorporateFrenchfield hill. Agreed for this year it would follow the PR route. Agreed we should invite Park Runners and R2R runners to participate. DP reported that next year was the 20th Anniversary of the Skipton Cup so agreed there would be no momentos this year but better ones next year.

Flyers for Hawsewater to be distributed at the Stoneybeck 10k - JK agreed to prepare appropriate flyers and to alert Schofields to possible early entries.

PS reported that Traybakes were sponsoring Stoneybeck and may be interested in Haweswater..

PS reported that the income from subs is less than last year where fees have increased and members are up. Possible explanation was simply a delay in money being transferred from one account to another. Query whether a more efficient account could be used which allowed online activity.

Date for AGM – agreed 8.00pm 9th November.