Food Services Advisory Group

Minutes - 10/10/12

Members present: Jeff Caponera, Robert Favila, Frank Gleason, Rose Hickok, David Davidson, Malcolm Nash, Iziegbe Okungbowa, Charles Timothy, Celia Esposito-Noy, Shelly Massey, Christine Scherbaum, Don Wallace

1.  Don Wallace welcomed the group and thanked them for their continued interest and participation. Members introduced themselves.

2.  No changes to the agenda were suggested.

3.  The May 5, 2012 minutes were reviewed and approved.

4.  Aramark Updates:

a.  Aramark reviewed hours of operation (current and proposed). It was noted that Java City is busy in the mornings but not so much in the afternoons and it was agreed that Java City could begin to close at 4:00 p.m. as proposed by Aramark. Aramark agreed to make the “better pastries” from Java City available in the cafeteria after Java City closes. It was suggested (by Aramark) that an automated espresso machine could be purchased for use after Java City closes. Frank will check with Java City about the availability of such a machine and will report back at the spring meeting.

b.  Aramark reviewed menu changes. New items for Grill Works include brownie bites, burger wraps, and cheese fries. Raging Burritos has been streamlined with new ingredients comparable to Chipotles and has added portabella mushrooms. Bene Pizza has several new items including cinnamon bread sticks, garlic cheese bread sticks, whole pizzas, and rolletos.

c.  Grab-n-go pricing was discussed. Grab-n-go items are largely provided by an outside group, Fresh-n-Ready, and the prices are controlled by them. It was noted that the fruit & yogurt cups were gone three days in a row. Aramark is now doing them three times a day to keep a supply out there. It was noted that candy cups at $3.19 are too expensive. Aramark states that they have no control over the size or the price of these items. However, Aramark will look into making more grab-n-go items themselves and will explore smaller packages at lower prices. Aramark will also look into Combo grab-n-go pricing (e.g., a bag of chips, a sandwich, and a drink for $4.99).

d.  Other items included: Shelli and Jeff to explore using student ID cards to purchase CARE meals in the cafeteria; SCC is doing this.

5.  Frank reviewed the results of the Spring 2012 dining survey. It was noted that the previous survey results (Spring 2011) were understandably lower due to the cafeteria being under construction and the operation taking place in temporary facilities. Frank mentioned that the Fall 2012 survey would be a true comparison with Fall 2011 since both of those surveys were in the new facility. The CRC values on the Spring 2012 survey were overwhelmingly Average to Excellent with very few responses falling in the Poor category. The mean response for Overall Experience was 4.9 for Fall 2012 compared to 3.86 for Fall 2011. (See survey results attached)

6.  The History of Recommendations and Actions was reviewed by the group (see attached). Aramark has been responsive to all the recommendations and all of the items have been addressed by Aramark to the satisfaction of the group. One item remains outstanding regarding the exhaust hood not evacuating the smoke adequately, which the college will investigate and follow up on. Additional comments regarding certain items were noted as follows:

a.  Item #6: Aramark will create a price comparison sheet to be displayed in the cafeteria showing Aramark pricing in relation to comparable products at local area restaurants.

b.  Item #7: Vegetarian offerings include fruit cups, yogurts, wraps, pizzas, salad bar, and burritos.

c.  Item #8: Aramark offered a Hawaiian menu and a baked potato bar the day after the meeting on October 10th and it was well received. Aramark has continued to offer ethnic and holiday theme meals four days a week and it has been well received.

d.  Item #13: Aramark to create a menu calendar for display in the cafeteria and copies to pick up so students know what menu items are offered on each day.

e.  Item #14: Aramark is currently providing samples in the cafeteria from time to time. They will conduct a taste test panel during the 2013 Spring Flex Day.

f.  Item #15: A binder of nutritional information is now available near the cash registers which lists all nutritional information for every item being offered.

g.  Item #19: Aramark has run out of only one item (hash browns) since the May meeting.

h.  Item #20: menu entrée items are offered four days a week now.

7.  Other Issues, Recommendations, and Comments:

a.  Garden Room needs to be available for Faculty and Staff who need a place to get away from work for 30 minutes to eat lunch. The room needs to be available between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Don will check into the logistics and see what can be done.

b.  Someone is plugging up the toilets in the women’s restroom on a daily basis with the seat covers and wads of toilet paper. Don will check with Campus Police and devise a way to catch the perpetrator.

c.  “Parkers” continue to take up valuable space in the cafeteria and are loud which makes the dining experience less than ideal for college students. It was noted that “parkers” can be asked to leave if they are taking up space that is needed for paying customers or if causing trouble as this is considered impacting the normal business operation of the college.

d.  It was noted that new bike racks are being installed at the top of the stairs where the bike lockers have been removed.

e.  It was reported that students generally like Raging Burritos.

Note: this meeting was split between two sessions, one of 10/10/12 and one on 11/28/12, due to the long agenda and running out of time at the first session. The minutes will be considered the minutes of the 10/10/12 meeting.