Period 3

Chapter 1-2 Vocabulary

  1. Inauspicious (42) – not conducive to success; ill-omened
  2. Sentiment (43) – An attitude toward something; feeling
  3. Sepulchers (41) – stone buildings that house the dead
  4. Burdock (41) – a coarse, broad-leaved weed
  5. Sluggish (43) – lacking in energy; lazy
  6. Ignominious (47) – contemptible; humiliating
  7. Remonstrance (49) – a protest
  8. Phantasmagoric (49) – having a fantastic or deceptive appearance
  9. Demeanor (47) – facial expression; behavior
  10. Ponderous (49) – dull and labored
  11. Matrons (44) – married woman; a woman in charge of domestic affairs
  12. Pitiless (45) – feeling or showing no pity
  13. Exquisitely (46) – extraordinarily fine or admirable

Chapter 3:

  1. Infamy (53) – extremely bad reputation
  2. Heterogeneous (51) – composed of parts of different kinds
  3. Manifested (53)–obvious; apparent
  4. Eloquence (55) – using language with fluency and aptness
  5. Attainments (55) – a personal acquirement; achievement
  6. Consciousness (57) – awareness of one’s own existence, sensations, thoughts, etc.
  7. Accustomed (56) – customary or usual
  8. Matronly (53) - being dignified and staid and typically associated with having a large or plump build
  9. Discerning (51) – having or showing good judgment
  10. Infrequent (51) – not occurring often; rare

Chapter 6 Vocabulary

1. inscrutable (73)

2. merriment (75)

3. Luxuriance (73)

4. quivering (73)

5. mutability (74)

6. visionary (77)

7. mingling (76)

8. apprehension (73)

9. invariably (75)

10. betwixt (77)

11. inviolable (76)

12. glimmering (76)

13. dexterity (74)

14. melancholy (77)

Chapter 7

1. embroidered (81) – to decorate

2. ludicrous (81) – foolish and unreasonable

3. eminence (82) – fame or recognized superiority especially within a particular sphere or profession

4. unpremeditated (82) – not thought or planned out

5. ignominy (82) – public shame or disgrace

6. inhabitants (81) – a person or animal that lives in or occupies a place

7. prominent (85) – important; famous

8. inevitably (82) - unavoidable

9. wayfarers (82) – a person who travels on foot

10. heirlooms (84) – a valuable object that belongs to a family

Chapter 8

1. unfeignedly (87) – not false or pretended

2. benevolence (87) – the desire to do good things

3. legitimate (87) – lawful

4. transgressions (87) – acts that go against a law

5. indefeasible (90) – not able to be lost or overturned

6. bedizen (88) – to dress in a gaudy or tasteless way

7. reluctant (88) – opposing; not giving in

8. perversity (89) – a deliberate desire to behave in an acceptable way

9. apparatus (88) – technical equipment needed for an activity

10. tremulous (92) – trembling from fear, nervousness, or weakness

Chapter 9 Vocabulary

1. appellation (95) –a name or title

2. heterogeneous (96) – diverse in character or content

3. scrupulous (96) – thorough and extremely attentive to details

4. emaciated (97) – abnormally thin or weak

5. opportune (97) – well-chosen or particularly favorable or appropriate

6. countenanced (97)– admit as acceptable or possible

7. despondent (97) – in low spirits from loss of hope or courage

8. importunate (97) – persistent to the point of annoyance

9. deportment (98) – a person’s behavior or manners

10. impelled (98) – to force someone to do something

11. sagacity (99) – good judgement

12. egotism (99) – the practice of talking and thinking about oneself excessively because of an undue sense of self-importance

13. refutation ( - the act of proving wrong by argument or evidence