Technical Skills Exercise

Classes - list any classes you have taken in the past that are of an interest to you and in which you may wish to gain more exposure to in your university career.

Job Record / Co-op Placement - where have you been employed? Were these jobs full-time, part-time, co-op placements? What was it about these jobs that you really enjoyed? What were your principle activities and accomplishments?

Volunteer/Community Activities - Have you actively involved yourself in extracurricular activities or volunteered your time to the community? What did you like most about doing this? What did you like least? Why did you involve yourself?

Apprenticeships / Internships Programs - Did you actively participate in any work/study programs where you gained some practical experience which you enjoyed? What was the area you were involved in? Did it relate to any career areas that are of an interest to you?

By viewing your past experiences in all of these areas, you can gain a better understanding of where you may want to go in the next few years. It may be beneficial for you to look for courses in school which are relevant to your past experiences. Or you may recall something that you did in the past that you would like to continue to do during your university years. Perhaps there is even a job available at the university in which you have experience from previous employment. It is important to examine your past experiences with a fine tooth comb so that you can look toward a career option that relates to this information.

(The following are simply for example formatting, feel free to fill out as many as you need for each category)

Classes Checklist

Year: ______Semester: ______

Class: ______Credits: _____ Grade: _____

List the Principle Activities/Accomplishments and the skills required from the list on the third page:



Apprenticeships / Internships Checklist

Job Title: ______

Employer Name: ______

Employer Address: ______

Employer Phone: ______

Beginning Date: ______Ending Date:______

Supervisor: ______

Brief Description of the Organization:



Brief Description of your Apprenticeship / Internship:



Most Enjoyable Job Activity:



Overall Satisfaction Rating (1 = Strongly Dislike and 5 = Strongly Like): ___

List the Principle Activities/Accomplishments and the skills required from the list at the bottom of the page.




1. Written Communication

2. Critical Thinking and Interpretation

3. Data Management and Analysis

4. Computer and Technological Literacy

5. Research and Investigation

6. Planning and Design

7. Organization and Management

8. Teamwork and Leadership

9. Positive Attitude and Behaviour

10. Responsible and Committed

11. Open-Minded and Flexible

12. Career Specialization or Personal Choice