Santiam Water Control District


284 E. Water St.   Stayton OR, 97383 

Phone (503) 769-2669  Fax (503) 769-5995


Owner Name and Property Address:



R# ______Phone #______

  • I am requesting temporary water rights for construction for industrial purposes (such as dust control) for a single year. Fees - $250 Application Fee
  • I am requesting temporary irrigation water to irrigate ______acres for a period of _____ years (maximum of 5 years, but can be renewed). Fees - $250 Application Fee and $50 Per Acre Access Fee (see below)
  • I am requesting permanent water rights to irrigate ______acres. I understand the District may initiate a temporary transfer to allow immediate use of water until the permanent application or transfer is completed. Fees – All Listed Below

$150 Mapping Fee - Due with this form

$250 Santiam Water Control District Application Fee - Due with this form

$50. Per Acre Access Fee - Payments accepted: must be paid in full before permanent application is submitted to the state. (max 5 years)

$_____ Oregon Water Resource Department(OWRD) Application Fee - Due prior to submission to state.

***All fees may be paid at time of this application, and are considered complete atthe current OWRD rates. If applicant chooses to pay only required fees at time of application, collection of remaining fees will be based on rates at time of collection.

There is an annual operation and maintenance charge due to the District in April. This charge is adjusted annually and is currently at $25.50 per acre per year with a minimum charge of $75.00 a year. Also, if any additional costs are to be incurred by the District to serve an individual applicants property, the cost will be determined for the improvement and an agreement to reimburse the District will be required prior to the delivery of water.


The undersigned has read and verified the above information and hereby applies for the purchase of water rights from the Santiam Water Control District. I understand a Water Delivery Contract covering the period of service will need to be signed prior to delivery of water.

Signature of Applicant:______Date ______

C:\Users\Tresa.TRESA\Documents\Blank Forms\Water Right Application.doc