Meeting Purpose: The purpose of this meeting is to review the final concept design and analyses for the various subsystems of the ARC Communication Board and close out any action items left from senior design I Detailed Design Review. (Project P08005).

Materials Reviewed (list all documents reviewed at the meeting including revision):

Design Review(1).pptx

public\Design Reviews\Design Review 1 SDII (1)

Attendees (name and discipline / role of all participants):

Kirk Marquard / ME / Arm & Speaker Concepts

Cortney Ross / ME / Internal & External case Material Concepts

Rachel Lepkowski / ID / Case Design/UI Concepts

Amy Koster / ID / Case Design/UI Concepts

Dr. Debartolo / ME / Guide

Recorded by (name and role of person recording meeting notes): Kirk Marquard

__________(signature of person recording meeting notes)

Meeting Date: Thursday, April 3rd, 2008

Previous Open Action Items Reviewed and Closed:

Action Items /
Item # / Description / Responsible / Due Date / Close Date / Comments /
A008 / Look into KVM cables / Achilles / 2/30/08 / 3/30/08 / Will not need as complicated KVM cable with new objective changes, only require VGA and audio cable which will fit through arm.
A009 / Include impact force not just push force arm calculations / Kirk / 2/30/08 / 4/1/08 / Include impact force calculations and test plan to verify push force capacity.
A010 / Look up impact forces on LCD/Computer/Battery / Cortney/Kirk / 2/30/08 / 5/20/08 / Contacted Caltron industries to obtain LCD impact testing and compared to last years data for similar component.
A011 / Set strict deadlines next quarter / Group / 3/1/08 / 3/2/08 / Set schedule and timelines for certain points in the process.
A012 / Fix Arm calculations / Kirk / 2/30/08 / 2/30/08 / Updated and fixed calculations and testing for calculations.
Decisions /
Item # / Description / Contributing Individuals / Decision Date / Comments /
D003 / LCD is recommended / Achilles/Dr. P / 3/20/08 / Purchased LCD
D004 / Battery Parallel to add life / Achilles/Dr. P / 3/30/08 / Changed Objectives

DDR Senior Design II Presentation Feedback Comments

Dr. Debartolo

-  Start LCD enclosure mold as soon as possible (2-3 Week lead time to machine mold and 1-2 week lead time to thermoform rest of product + finalized machining)

-  Analyze and refine push force calculations and fatigue for typical operations.

-  Go to ARC of Monroe and measure best positioning of the arm for Donna.

-  Bring mockup of arm to ARC to verify form, fit and function of mounting.

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