Rubric for Using Photoshop Tablet Trace/Illustration (18 points)

Points Available / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0 / Total Points
Composition / Effectively uses rule of thirds and/or other principles of design to create an engaging and balanced composition. / Attempts to use the rule of thirds and/or other principles of design to create an engaging and balanced composition, but the composition still seems somewhat unbalanced or dull. / N/A. / Does Not Attempt.
Subject matter / Intentionally and effectively chooses an original image with enough detail that allows student to practice a variety of brush strokes and line qualities. / Original image has some detail and variety, but lacks enough to adequately explore the pen tool and it's basic uses. / Original image has limited detail and variety and does not encourage the student to experiment or increase skill in Photoshop/pen tablet rendering. / Does Not Attempt.
Detail/line quality / Uses multiple (at
least 10) brushes to render the illustration. Evidence of experimentation with different brushes and line qualities to create effects such as fur, grass, plants, eyes, and other details. / Uses a few (at least 5) brushes to render the illustration. Evidence of experimentation with different brushes and line qualities to create effects such as fur, grass, plants, eyes, and other details. / Weak use of a variety of brushes to create detail and effects. Final image is closer to a sketch than a full rendering of the subject. / Does Not Attempt.
Creativity / There is a distinct effort toward creativity and individuality evident in the design. May have made bold use of elements and principles of design to create visual interest. / Some effort toward creativity and individuality in the design. Technically satisfies the assignment and also indicates some use of learned elements and principles of design to establish a more interesting composition. / Little to no evidence of effort toward creativity and/or individuality in the design. May have technically satisfied the assignment in terms of emphasis, but neglected to use other principles and elements of design to develop stronger visual interest. / Does Not Attempt.
Correct Size / Photoshop document size is at least 8.5 inches x 8.5 inches. Resolution is 300 ppi. / Photoshop document size is at least 8.5 inches x 8.5 inches. Resolution is is not set to 300 ppi. OR Photoshop document size is not at least 8.5 x 8.5 inches, but resolution is 300 ppi. / Photoshop document size is neither 8.5 x 8.5 inches nor 300 ppi. / Does Not Attempt.
Correct format for Moodle / Uses PSD. / N/A / N/A / Incorrect file format or fails to upload .
Total Points / 18