Chpt 20.1
I Second Industrial Revolution
A. Westerners in 1800’s worshiped progress due to amazing material growth from Sec Indus Rev Þ new industries: steel, chemicals, electricity, & oil
B. B/W 1870 & 1914, steel replaced iron
1. new methods for shaping it made possible to build lighter, smaller, & faster machines, engines, & RR’s
2. 1913, Grt Brit, Fr, Belg, & Germ were producing an astounding 32 million tons per yr
C. new energy from of electricity was quite valuable b/c it was convertible into hear, light, or motion Þ by 1910 hydroelectric power stations and coal-fired steam generating plants allowed houses and factories to have a single, common power source
D. electricity gave birth to many inventions, such as:
1. the light bulb invented by Thomas Edison (US) and Joseph Swan (Grt Brit)
2. communications – when Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone and Guglielmo Marconi sent first radio waves across Atlantic
E. by 1880’s streetcars and subways powered by electricity appeared in European cities – making it possible for factories to never stop production
F. development of internal-combustion engine provided a new power source for transportation and new kinds of transportation – ocean liners, airplanes, and the automobile
G. increased sales of manufactured goods caused indust production to grow ® led to wages, transp costs caused prices to ¯, allowing urban dept stores to put customer goods up for sale
H. Some Eur countries did not benefit from 2nd Indus Rev
1. Grt Brit, Netherlands, Belg, Fr, & other countries had high standard of living
2. Sp, Portg, Russ,Aust-Hung, the Balkans, & S Italy were agric & much less wealthy
3. they (agric areas) provided food and raw material to indust nations
I. a true world economy devel’d in Eur, where they were receiving goods from all corners of world – Eur capital invested abroad to develop RR’s, power plants, & other Indus projects so that they dominated econ by 1900
II Organizing the Working Class
A. indust workers formed socialist political parties and unions to improve their working conditions, and Karl Marx developed the theory they were based on
B. 1848, Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels published The Communist Manifesto
1. the book was in response to capitalism causing the horrible working conditions
2. proposed a new social system where one form of socialism was called communism
C. Marx believed world history was history of class struggle b/w oppressing owners of means of production and the oppressed workers
1. the oppressors contr’d politics & gov’t
2. gov’t was instrument of ruling class
D. Marx believed society was increasingly dividing b/w bourgeoisie (middle class oppressors) and the proletariat (working-class oppressed), each hostile to other
1. Marx predicted the conflict would result in a revolution where proletariat would violently overthrow bourgeoisie and form a dictatorship
2. the revolution would ultimately produce a society w/o classes & class conflict
E. working-class leaders formed parties based on Marx’s ideas
1. German Social Democratic Party (SPD) emerged in 1875 – was the most impt
2. SPD delegates in parl worked to pass laws for improving conditions of the working class
3. became Germany’s larges party in 1912 when it received 4 million votes
F. Socialist parties emerged in other Eur states
1.1889 – various social leaders formed Second International – an association of socialist groups dedicated to fighting worldwide capitalism
2. Marxist parties divided over goals
a. Pure Marxists wanted to overthrow capitalism violently
b. Revisionists – wanted to reject idea of revolutionary program & wanted to work w/ other parties for reform
3. Democratic rights would help workers achieve their goals
G. Trade unions worked for evolutionary, not revolutionary change – Grt Brit in 1870’s, unions won right to strike allowing trade unions to use strike to achieve other reforms
H. 1900 – 2 million workers were in Brit trade unions – 4 million in 1914 ®making great progress towards improving conditions of workers
I The New Urban Environment
A. by end of 19th c – mass society had emerged & concerns of majority ( lower classes ) were impt ® coincided w/ growth of cities ( London grew from 960,000 to 6,500,000 b/w 1800 & 1900)
B. cities grew b/c of urban migrations to urban centers – lack of jobs in country & improvement of living conditions in cities led to this growth in 2nd ½ 19th c
C. following advice of urban social reformers, city gov’ts created boards of health to improve quality of housing and medical officers & other officials inspected bldgs for public health hazards
D. Essential to public health of modern Eur city were clean water and proper sewage systems
1. system of dams, reservoirs, aqueducts, & tunnels provided water
2. 1860’s, heaters made regular hot baths available to many pp
E. sewage treatment was improved by massive building of underground pipes to take waste out of city
II Social Structure of Mass Society
A. Even though most ppl after 1871 enjoyed a rising standard of living, great poverty remained in West – several middle class groups b/w rich and poor
B. Wealthy elite – 5% Eur society and contrl’d 40% wealth
1. gov’t & military leaders mostly
2. marriages arranged to unite these groups
C. middles class: lawyers, doctors, members of civil service, engineers, scientists, & others – they were identified w/ certain values (esp. in Victorian Eng):
1. hard work – open to everyone & guaranteed to pay off given enough labor
2. churchgoers – concerned w/ moral way of doing things – gave rise to etiquette books
D. lower middleclass: shopkeepers, traders, & prosperous peasants
E. working class: skilled artisans, semi-skilled laborers, & unskilled laborers (servants)
1. made up 80% of Eur pop
2. life for them improved after 1870 due to reforms, rising wages, & lower prices
3. some could even afford leisure activities
4. strikes were leading to a 10-hour workday & Sat afternoons off
III Experiences of Women
A. 1800, family roles mainly defined women – legally inferior to and economically dependent on men
B. Second Indust Rev – opened door to new jobs for women
1. low-paid white collar workers
2. Indus plants and retail outlets needed secretaries, clerks, typists, & similar workers
C. women – took jobs expanding gov’t services in fields of education, soc work, & health to improve their life
D. 1880’s – marriage only honorable and available career for most women
1. number of children born to women declined as century progressed (develop of modern family)
2. birthrate declined b/c econom conditions improved & ppl were using more birth control
E. middle-class family fostered an ideal of togetherness – Victorians created family Christmas
1. US – 4th of July went from wild celebrations to family picnics
2. middle-class women had more time for leisure & domestic duties
F. working-class women had to work to keep families going
1. by 9 or 10, childhood was over for working-class children
2. they had to go to work doing odd jobs or become apprentices
G. early 20th c – some working class mothers could afford to stay oat home to due to risig wages in heavy industry (for husbands) & they could buy products like sewing mach.
H. Modern feminism – movement for women’s rights – began during Enlightenment as a fight for right of women to own property
I. Women – sought access to univ & other traditionally male fields of employment
1. Amalie Sieveking – medical field as nurse
2. Florence Nightingale – efforts during Crimean War
3. Clara Barton – efforts duing US Civil War
J. during 1840’s & 50’s, women began to demand equal political rights (vote)
1. Brit women’s movement – most active in Eur
2. suffragists – ppl who wanted vote extended vote to all adults & women should have full citizenship
K. before WWI, only few nations & some states in US gave women right to vote, but after WWI, males gave in on this issue
IV Universal Educaiton
A. product of a mass society late 19th c & early 20th c (before it was for wealthy & upper mid class)
B. 1870-1914 – most W gov’ts began to set up state-sponsored primary schools
1. boys & girls b/w ages of 6 and 12 were required to attend
2. states trained their teachers
3. first female colleges were teacher-training institutes
C. W states made commitment to educ b/c of industrialization
1. firms of 2nd Indus Rev needed skilled, knowledgeable labor
2. now boys & girls of working class could aspire to fields not previously available to them
3. w/ educ they could now be teachers & white-collar gov’t jobs
D. chief motive for pub educ – was political b/c extending right to vote called for better educated public
1. schools instilled patriotism
2. as ppl lost ties to region and even religion, it gave rise to nationalism, a new faith
E. compulsory educ – new demand for teachers – mostly women and this allowed lower salaries
F. Increased educ increased literacy or ability to read – where there was universal schooling most adults could read – where there was not, 80% could not read
G. Literacy helped spread newspapers
V New Forms of Leisure
A. leisure activities were a source of entertainment and distraction form realities of work
B. new Indus Rev – gave ppl time in evenings to pursue fun after work
1. introduction of amusement parks to show off technology
2. team sports developed – working classes could attend b/c of pub transp
C. new mass leisure differed from earlier cultures – were standardized for passive audiences – now amusement parks and sports were big businesses to make profits
Chpt 20.3
I Western Europe and Political Democracy
A. 1905 in Russia, there was a massacre of peaceful petitioners by Czar Nicholas who now faced a revolution – elsewhere in Eur, others loyal to nation-states
B. late 19th c – progress made in est constitutions, parl, & indiv liberties in main Eur states ® as more won vote, larger organiz were necessary to appeal to masses
C. Grt Brit – 2 parites: Liberals and Conservatives – competed w/ each other for laws expanding right to vote Þ by 1918, all males over 21 & females over 30 could vote
D. Pol Democ pretty well est in Grt Brit at beginning of 20th c –
1. social reforms (promoted by Liberals) were put in place for working class
2. trade unions grew which pursued more radical reforms
3. this led to emergence of new party ® Labour Party, feared Liberals would lose support of working class
E. Liberals enacted their own social reforms to retain support of workers Þ benefits for workers in case of sickness, unemployment, or injury on job (THIS IS HUGE!!!)
F. Fr – collapse of Nap III’s 2nd Emp – left country in confusion Þ led to a Third Republic which gained a republican constitution (1875)
1. had a president and a two-house legislature (sound familiar ?!)
2. Upper House (Senate) elected indirectly; Lower House (Chamber of Deputies) elected by univ male suff
G. a Premier (prime minister) actually ran Fr state – premier and ministers were responsible to Chamber of Dep
1. the principle of ministerial responsibility was seen as crucial for a democracy
2. this idea means prime min is responsible to popularly elected legisl body & not chief executive
H. Fr failed to develop strong parl system b/c had dozen pol parties – but most Fr ppl loyal to 3rd REP
I. IT – emerged as nation by 1870, but little unity b/c great separation poor (agric south) from the rich (Indus north) ® unity torn by turmoil b/w labor & Indus
1. universal male suffrage granted in 1912
2. HOWEVER, this did little to stop corruption & weakness in gov’t
II Central and Eastern Europe: The Old Order
A. Germ, Aust-Hung, & Russ pursued policies different from other Eur nations
B. Germ – constitution of gov’t begun by Bismarck in 1871 provided for 2-house legisl
1. lower house was called the REICHSTAG – elected by universal male suffrage
2.Gov’t ministers reported to emperor, not the legisl (dif from Fr and others)
C. emperor – contrl’d armed forces, gov’t bureaucracy, & foreign policy
1. Bismarck ( as chancellor – prime minister ) worked agst democ
2. by reign of William II & w/ expansion of Germ’s Indus, cities grew along w/ cries for democ
D. Conservatives ( landowning nobility and big industrialists ) tried to stifle demands for democ by supporting a strong foreign policy, thinking expansion abroad would not only profits but would distract ppl from making democ demands
E. After creation of Aust-Hung, they enacted constitution, but emperor Francis Joseph ignored parl syst – what he did to alienate his ppl:
1. he appointed & dismissed his own ministers
2. he enacted laws when parl was not is session
F. Aust – troubled by disputes among nationalists under rule (Germ, Czechs, Poles, & other Slavic groups) all wanted freedom
G. Hung – had parl that worked - contrl’d by Magyar Landowners who dominated the peasants & other various ethnic groups
H. Nicholas II – began rule in Russ 1894 – believed in absolute power of czars, BUT conditions were changing as industrialization began to take off in 1900 w/Russ becoming 4th largest producer of steel
I. Industrialization – brought creation of working class & pitiful conditions for most members ® Socialist parties developed – gov’t repression forced them underground until Revolution broke out 1905
J. 1905 – massive procession of workers went to Winter Palace in St. Petersburg to present petition of grievances to czar, but instead of listening:
1. troops open fired and killed hundreds of demonstrators
2. this was called “Bloody Sunday” and it caused workers in Russ to call strikes
3. civil liberties were granted and a legisl assembly formed called Duma
4. in a few yrs, Nicholas again contrl’d Russ through army & bureaucracy