The 12th National Conference for Immunization Coalitions and Partnerships
Ready. Set. Vaccinate!
Indianapolis, IN – May 25-27, 2016

The National Conference for Immunization Coalitions and Partnerships (NCICP, formerly the National Conference for Immunization and Health Coalitions) is pleased to announce the call for abstracts for our 12th conference, “Ready. Set. Vaccinate!” The goal of the NCICP is to improve community health by enhancing the effectiveness of coalitions and partners through training in relevant coalition management and health promotion topics, as well as networking and professional development opportunities.


Complete the following form in its entirety and submit via email to Lisa Robertson at by December 11th, 2015. You can complete it by simply typing directly into the grey text boxes – you won’t be able to edit text outside of these boxes.

Who should submit an abstract?
Abstracts are welcome for all disciplines, including coalition staff and members, community-based providers, health care providers, social workers, researchers, government agencies, health communication specialists, and others.

Please note that we are not able to provide travel funding or registration discounts to presenters.

If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Robertson, MPH at or at 317-628-7116. The conference planning committee will confirm receipt of all abstract submissions and reply to primary authors by January 31, 2016. For more information about the conference, including registration and lodging, please visit us online at

NCICP 2016 Abstract Submission Form
Authors and Contact Information:
Please list the contact information for the presenting author and names of any additional authors. The presenting authors should be the author who will correspond with the conference planners.

Presenting Author: Click here to enter text.
Email: Click here to enter text.
Phone Number: Click here to enter text.
Mailing Address: Click here to enter text.
Additional Authors: Click here to enter text.

The conference program will be organized according to topic area. Participants will be free to attend sessions across all areas as they wish. Examples of topics within each area are listed; additional topics are also welcome. Please select up to two fitting session areas.

☐ Innovation: new and creative partnerships, innovative programming, original use of data
storytelling, inventive use of social media
☐ Research, Data, and Evaluation: collection and use of data; mapping; research; academic partnerships; use of IIS
Coalition Development and Management: coalition evaluation; working with volunteers; working across health issues; group dynamics; working with nontraditional partners; event planning; starting, maintaining and growing coalitions; developing coalition leadership; sustainability; member engagement; fundraising
Communications, Media and Social Marketing: media relations and media advocacy; social marketing; social media; storytelling; material development
☐ Policy and Advocacy: legislative advocacy; administrative policy
☐ Immunization: emerging issues; healthcare provider partnerships; health equity in immunizations; vaccine hesitancy; adolescent and adult immunizations; infant immunizations; community partnerships

We encourage abstract submission across each of these domains. If you do not feel your abstract is a good fit for any of these areas, but consider a topic of value for NCICP attendees, you are encouraged to submit it.

Intended Audience:
This is intended to help conference participants identify workshops and presentations that are most relevant to them. If your abstract represents a good introduction for new coalition members or staff, select “Beginner”. If more experienced participants are your target audience, select “Advanced”. If people with varying levels of experience would benefit equally, select “Intermediate/All Levels”.

☐ Beginner
☐ Intermediate/All Levels
☐ Advanced

Abstract Details:
Your abstract should be a maximum of one page and include the following components:

  • Title: a short phrase summarizing the topic of your abstract
  • Learning Objectives: 2-3 clear, succinct statements of the skills and knowledge that participants will gain from your presentation
  • Background: a statement of the context of your presentation topic or challenges your intervention was designed to solve
  • Activities: what you did to address these challenges or what participants can do to address them
  • Outcomes: the results of your activities, including how they can be measured/evaluated

Please attach a separate page with Abstract Details.

Please Note: Presentations at NCICP may not be used for the purpose of promoting any commercial products or services. Please check the box below to indicate your commitment to complying with this policy.

☐ I agree not to promote any commercial products or services.