Study Guide for In-class Test #1 on "In the Arena" - Chapters 1-12
Test Date: Wednesday, April 30
Instructions: This first test covers chapters 1 through 12 of “In the Arena”. I will choose 10 out of the 40 questions below for the test, so you must study all 40 questions. Write your answers on 3 x 5 note cards (front and back is fine), since these cards are the only form of notes you can use during the test. You can use as many 3 x 5 note cards as you wish. Each question on the test will be worth 10 points, for a total of 100 points. This test is worth 20% of your overall grade.
1. When Heston's mother learned that he was writing an autobiography, what did she say to him and how did Heston react to her attitude?
2. Where did Heston spend his first years as a child, what activities did Heston do with his father, and how does Heston picture his father when looking back on those days?
3. Where did Heston move in 1933, why did he move there, who was his first good friend there, and how much racial prejudice did Heston feel in those days?
4. Where was New Trier high school, what subjects did Heston study there, what were the most important lessons he learned there, and how does he describe himself in those days?
5. Where and when was Heston introduced to Shakesepare, what did he think of Shakespeare as a writer, and what Shakespeare roles did he play from high school up through the end of chapter 4?
6. What was Heston's most important scene in the high school play "Death Takes a Holiday", why was this scene so important to him, and when he performed it on stage, what happened?
7. What was the first film offer which Heston received, how long did it take for him to shoot the movie, how much support did he get from his family, and how did this role change Heston's attitude about himself and acting?
8. Which university did Heston attend, how was he able to afford going there, how did he meet and get to know Lydia Clarke, and how did he feel about her?
9. After Pearl Harbor and Heston's decision to enlist in the Army Air Corps, what was the most important thing he wanted to do before he left for military service, how difficult was it for him to do this, and where and when did he eventually do it?
10. What kind of military training did Heston receive, what was his assignment after training, where did he spend most of World War II, and what was the most dangerous moment he faced during the war?
11. Where did Heston and his wife Lydia settle after World War II, what kinds of jobs did they get in order to make ends meet, in which Shakespeare play did Heston get a role, what was his role and how was this play staged so differently from earlier versions?
12. According to Heston, what is possibly the hardest obstacle to acting, how does an actor overcome this obstacle, and how hard was it for him to overcome this obstacle when he was starting out as an actor?
13. Why did Heston and Lydia leave New York for Asheville, North Carolina, what were their jobs in Asheville, how long did they stay there, and how important was this period for the development of his acting career?
14. In what role and in what play did Heston make his Broadway stage debut, who was the biggest star in this play, what did Heston think of this star, and why did this star call Heston to meet in the star's dressing room?
15. According to Heston, what is the difference between "summer stock" and "resident stock", which of these types of stock did he do, how much acting did it involve, and how much good did it do him as a developing actor?
16. What was Heston's first acting job on television, how did Heston get this job, and what made this television programming so different from later programs?
17. Which producer brought Heston to Hollywood and the movies for the first time, what kind of contract did Heston make with him, and what are the qualities of a good producer, according to Heston?
18. What was Heston's first film in Hollywood, what role did he play in it, and what are the main differences between acting for the movies versus acting for the stage?
19. What are "tape marks" and "key light", and why are these techniques so important in movie acting, according to Heston?
20. According to Heston, what are the three keys to success for an actor, and how important is raw talent to becoming a good actor?
21. What casual event led to Heston getting a major role in ambitious film "The Greatest Show on Earth" by Cecil B. DeMille, what was Heston's role, who were his main co-stars, and how did critics and the public respond to this film when it was released?
22. What was the most dangerous moment for Heston during the filming of "The Greatest Show on Earth", and how did he get out of this dangerous predicament?
23. What does Heston think of the word of big Hollywood parties and the word "star" to describe himself, and what word or phrase does he prefer in place of "star"?
24. What role did Heston play in the movie "The Savage", what was the main storyline in this movie, how did it anticipate a later and more recent film, and what did Heston learn about acting from director George Marshall during this film?
25. What was Heston's first biographical role, who were the "great men" whom he played over the years, and what are the special challenges necessary to play these roles?
26. What combination of events in high school and later in Hollywood led to Heston’s getting the part of Moses in Cecil B. DeMille's "The Ten Commandments"?
27. Where did Heston shoot the first scenes for "The Ten Commandments", how many days of shooting did it take, which historic Christian building did he visit, and how did this shooting effect him physically and emotionally?
28. How big was the set for the "Ten Commandments" in Egypt, how many extras and animals were used to film the exodus from Egypt, and what rumored event never really happened during this scene, although it could have happened?
29. Where was the scene featuring the worship of the Golden Calf in "The Ten Commandments" shot, how many days of shooting did it take, and what did one actress ask an assistant director because she was getting tired of shooting?
30. How many sets of make-up did Heston have to wear to play Moses, According to Heston, what was the greatest role of his life, why was it the greatest, and when did this role begin for him?
31. Please define the following film terms: "Pre-production"; "5-T system"; and "Phone booth".
32. In the movie "Touch of Evil", how did Heston make Hollywood history by doing something for the first time on film?
33. What was Heston's role in the William Wyler western "The Big Country", who was the lead actor in this film, and why did Heston eventually enjoy not being the lead?
34. How did Director William Wyler use conflict and even deception to get Heston and a co-star to get a better performance from both of them in "The Big Country"?
35. In "Ben-Hur", why did Heston have to arrive in Italy weeks before shooting began, who taught him the skill he needed to know, and how did Heston team up with a talent stunt man to film what he calls the best action sequence in movie history?
36. What is an example of the perfectionism of Director William Wyler in the shooting of "Ben-Hur", and how did Heston face up to a childhood nightmare during the filming of the movie?
37. What did Heston think of the abilities of the actors Jennifer Jones and Gary Cooper? Describe one event from the book involving each actor to support your answer.
38. Which actor did Heston desperately want to work with, in what production did they both appear, what role did Heston play in it, and what was the most difficult scene for Heston to play?
39. In what city in Japan did Heston attend a premiere of "Ben-Hur", how did the Japanese film fans respond to him, and what went wrong during the premeire?
40. According to Heston, what are the problems with the Academy Awards, and what types of roles give actors the best chance to win an Academy Award?