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Welding, including any type of electric or fuel gas welding or cutting process such as arc welding, brazing, solid-state welding, soldering and resistance welding, is used to join materials and is a common practice in many industries. But welding exposes workers to various hazards, most notably the risk of inhaling toxic fumes and gasses.
Give this handout, which is based on one created by the IHSA in Ontario, to workers as a supplement to a safety or toolbox talk on the inhalation hazards posed by welding.Adapt it for yourOHSprogram and the welding or hot work requirements in your jurisdiction’s OHS laws.
The person giving the safety talk should review the safety data sheet (SDS)for welding rods with the workers, paying special attention to:
• Hazardous ingredients;
• Health hazard data; and
• Preventive measures.
Take 6 Steps to Protect Workers from Welding Hazards
Know the Laws: Welding PPE Requirements
Welding Training Checklist
Welding Safety Checklist
Welding releases toxic fumes, gases and vapoursinto the air. Breathing in these contaminants canmake you sick if you don’t take steps to protectyourself. And in confined spaces, welding fumes andgases can be much stronger.
Fumes are released when heating the base metal,surface coatings, electrode and fluxes.Gases are released in welding from shieldinggases, heating the electrode coverings andfluxes, reactions by ultravioletradiation, andheating solvents and other surface coatings.
Inhaling these contaminants can causeimmediate health effects, such as eye, noseand throat irritation or a flu-like condition called“metal fume fever.” Metal fume fever causeschills, dry mouth and throat, muscle pain, fatigue,fever and vomiting.Long-term exposure to welding fumes can causemore serious health effects such as damage to thenervous system, bone damage, fluid in the lungs,bronchitis, loss of consciousness, suffocation,severe allergies, and nasal and lung cancer.
Gather some information before you startwelding:
• Consult the safety data sheet (SDS) for thewelding rod to determine the hazardouscomponents and recommended controlmeasures.
• Determine the composition of the base metalbefore welding begins.
Take some simple steps to help reduceyour exposure to welding contaminants:
• Keep your head as far away from the fumes aspossible.
• If welding outdoors, position yourself so thewind blows from behind you through the weldarea and carries the contaminants away fromyour breathing zone (wind at your back).
• Weld on clean metal only. Remove any surfacecoatings, paints or degreasers. Coatings shouldbe removed at least four inches on each side ofthe weld point.
Fume extractors are the best way to reduce yourexposure:
• Position portable hoods as close as possible tothe weld to extract the most fume.
• Ensure that the air velocity is enough to removeairborne contaminants.
• Ensure that the ventilation unit is maintainedproperly. Prior to use, check that fans areworking properly and that filters are in placeand are clean.
If adequate ventilation isn’t available or if thewelding process creates a toxic fume such asfrom stainless steel and beryllium, use respiratoryprotection:
• For low levels of fume that are relatively nontoxic,a disposable filtering facepiece respiratormay be adequate. Where high levels of fumeare expected or the fumes are toxic, a halffacepiece respirator with cartridges suitable forfume and gases should be used.
• In areas where gases may build up or oxygenmay become deficient, a supplied-air respiratoror self-contained breathing apparatus may beneeded.
• Always consult the respirator manufacturerfor operating conditions and maintenanceprocedures.
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