South Effingham High School Booster Club By-Laws
Revised & Accepted –08/06/15
Article One-Purpose
The purpose of each booster club is to provide support for the team or teams at South Effingham High School by working specifically with the head coach.
Article Two-Name
The name of the booster organization will be determined by the Booster Organization itself and must be approved by the Principal at SEHS. The Booster Organization will operate within the guidelines set forth by the Effingham County Board of Education, and under the direction of SouthEffinghamHigh School. South Effingham High School, SEHS Athletic Department, nor the Effingham County Board of Education is responsible for debt incurred by a booster organization. Booster organizations are prohibited from using SEHS, South Effingham High School, or South Effingham as part of their booster name.
Article Three-Dues
The dues, if any, will be determined annually by the Booster Organization. Members of the Booster Organization must pay those dues to be a voting member. Voting members only vote on items related to the operations of the athletic program as determined by the head coach. Boosters may decide to sell their sport specific season passes, but passes are not part of any corporate package sold by boosters.
Article Four-Officers and Duties
Each Booster Organization shall elect a president, vice president, and secretary/treasurer to serve for one booster season. A nominating committee will be formed before the last meeting to study the availability of officer candidates. New officers for the coming season will be elected the last scheduled meeting of the season. All nominations will be considered for election, which will occur by written ballot. The Vice President and head coach shall count the votes. If the head coach is not available, an assistant or athletic director may fill his/her spot. This must occur one week after the team is selected or one month before the 1st GHSA scheduled practice. The officers of each booster organization will meet quarterly with the Principal and Athletic Director to discuss matters relevant to each booster organization. This group constitutes the Executive Committee. The first meeting of the Executive Committee will discuss assessment of fees for each booster organization, rights to reserved parking, scholarship organization, and other relevant topics.
The President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer will conduct individual booster meetings. The Vice President will conduct the meeting if the President is absent. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be the custodian of the minutes for the organization and keep accurate records of the general meetings. The booster officers shall also have the authority and responsibility for the safe keeping of the funds and securities of the organization. Accurate record of all activities including donations and donations in kind (labor and items other than money) must be kept at all times. These records will be copied and given to the Athletic Director at each Booster Executive Committee meeting. The financial records and minutes of the previous meeting must be approved at the beginning of each meeting by vote. The elected members shall serve without compensation. An elected official may resign by written notification and a new one will be elected at the next booster organization meeting.
The head coach should attend each meeting. If a vote results in a tie, the coach will place his/her vote.
Article Five-Operating and Meeting Times
The Booster Organization will meet at times selected by the President of the organization or Head Coach. Meeting times and locations should be reserved through the school to ensure that two groups are not meeting at the same place at the same time. The Booster Clubs may meet any time necessary during the year.
The operating time (times a booster organization may fund raise) are defined as follows:
- one month before the first GHSA scheduled practice for that sport and one month after the last game is completed for that sport.
- All fundraisers that do not fit within the above time period should be approved by the principal or athletic director.
- Booster organizations may have two fundraisers for their individual sports. Additional fundraising ideas must be preapproved through the Principal or Athletic Director.
Article Six-Budget and Fund Raisers
A budget shall be prepared by the coachand the booster officers, approved by the Athletic Director, and taken to the Booster Organization at the first meeting of the Booster Organization each season. Items on this budget will be detailed and scheduled as to order of importance. The Booster Organization will have the freedom to discuss the budget and review the proposed budget. The Budget will be voted upon by the Booster Organization in a timely manner. The Booster Organization will then work to fund that budget by the directive of the head coach. The Booster Organization may fundraise within the operating times defined in Article Five above. The fundraisers must meet standards representative of The Effingham County Board of Education. Individual coaches may do fundraisers and the funds will go into the team account in the school.These are separate from the boosters’ fundraisers. Funds raised during school events will be deposited into the team account. Only funds raised outside of school will be placed into booster club accounts.
Awards, banquet, and state playoff travel must be a part of the overall budget. The awards must follow the approved SEHS Awards Policy. Boosters may purchase patches for sub-region and region champions or state playoffif they choose. For awards, the Athletic Department will provide a Highest Senior GPA plaque, certificates for everyone with an “A” average and for all who letter. Hotel rooms should also be in the overall budget and covered by the booster clubs. Overnight rooms for invitational tournaments and the cost of travel must be picked up by the boosters or paid by the students themselves. All booster clubs may choose to provide a food allowance for meals to players at home and away competition but is not to exceed $10 per meal.
Article Seven-Accounting
Booster club fundraisers will go into the Booster Organization Bank Account. Coach’s fundraisers will be deposited into the team school account. Items on the approved Budget will be paid by the booster organization. Detailed financial statements and reports should be provided to the Athletic Office as outlined below:
Each booster group should provide:
- Prior to Season:
- Budget – w/ three Categories: 1) Program Expenditures, 2) Capital Expenditures, 3) Fundraising Expenditures
- List of Fundraisers with brief description of each
- Capital Project plans (if applicable) - All must get prior approval.
- Post-Season
- Financial Report – w/ three Categories: 1) Program Expenditures, 2) Capital Expenditures, 3) Fundraising Expenditures
- Fundraiser Profit/Loss Statements
- End-of-Year
- Financial Report (final) –w/ same three Categories (not necessary if unchanged from Post-Season Report) include bank statements.
- Fundraiser Profit/Loss Statements (final) – not necessary if unchanged from Post-season Report
- A statement from a Booster Officer stating that End-of-Year reports were unchanged since Post-Season would suffice
Only itemson the budget that are approved through the Athletic Office and the Head Coach should be purchased by the Booster Organization. Donations may be given to the Booster Organization, and donations in kind may also be given to the Booster Organization. All funds in the Booster Organization’s bank account must be liquid at the beginning of the school year.
Article Eight-Endorsement of Political Candidates
The Booster Organization is not allowed to endorse or support any political candidate as an organization.
Article Nine-Rules of Conducting and Reviewing
A quorum for conducting regular business by the Booster Organization will be the members present at any regular or called meeting. A called meeting must give 48 hour notice of the meeting. Things voted upon will be determined by majority vote. Robert’s Rules of Order will be followed at meetings.
The by-laws will be reviewed annually by the Principal and Athletic Director. The Principal at SEHS along with the Athletic Director has the authority to change rules and governance of Booster Organizations at SEHS.
Article Ten-Advertisement
The Booster Organizations are not allowed to advertise at athletic events for the purpose of raising money without prior approval from the Principal or Athletic Director. They may advertise upcoming fundraising events at athletic events to encourage participation. The Booster Organization must seek approval from the Principal or Athletic Director to use or advertise school name or logo.
Article Eleven – Capital Improvements
Booster Organizations or individuals may not do any improvements to any facility without the approval of the Principal or Athletic Director at SEHS.