/ West Virginia Division of Natural Resources
Earl Ray Tomblin, Governor Frank Jezioro, Director
News Release: August 30, 2012
Hoy Murphy, Public Information Officer 304-957-9365Contact: Bryan Hoffman, WVDNR Executive Secretary
A Day in the Life of West Virginia: A Photographic Tribute
Wonderful West Virginia magazine invites you to photograph our state Sept. 15
SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. – You and your digital camera can help celebrate West Virginia’s 150th anniversary by taking and contributing photographs of the state for possible publication in a special issue of Wonderful West Virginia magazine. The special issue will be published in June 2013, West Virginia’s sesquicentennial.
The theme of the issue will be “A Day in the Life of West Virginia.” All photos must be taken on the same day, Sept. 15, 2012, from dawn until twilight, within the state borders.
“We’re asking photographers, professional and amateur, to head for the hills, the valleys, the rivers, the farms, the small towns, and the cities to capture images that speak eloquently of life in our Mountain State,” said Wonderful West Virginia publisher Bryan Hoffman. “West Virginia’s state parks are good examples of special places to take photos that show off the beauty of nature, but we also want participants to bring us common and unusual scenes, including landscapes, events and people – slices of Mountain State life on this one day.”
Rules: Photographs must be taken in the state of West Virginia on Sept. 15, 2012, and submitted to Wonderful West Virginia no later than Sept. 30, 2012. Each contributor may submit up to five photographs from throughout the day. Only digital photographs may be accepted (no photographic paper or inkjet prints). Photographs must be submitted electronically to . Include your email address and telephone number, as well as the precise time of day and place (including county) where the photograph was taken. If there are any identifiable persons in the photo, please send the names(s) and a model release, if applicable (contact Bryan Hoffman at DNR if you have questions or need a model release form). Photographs for the tribute issue will be selected by the staff of Wonderful West Virginia magazine and will be for use only in the June 2013 issue.
Technical: Photographs must be sent as full-size resolution images (recommended size is at least an 8 x 10 at 300ppi).
For additional information about this special photographic tribute to West Virginia, please contact Bryan Hoffman at 304-558-5546 or .
Wonderful West Virginia is the premier magazine about the Mountain State, published monthly by the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources. Subscriptions are available for two years for $36 and one year for $18. Gift subscriptions are available. Call 1-800-CALL-WVA to subscribe or submit the online form at