<May 11, 2009>
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John L. German <
Dr Jacek Gajewski <
Bernhard Fabianek <
Susan Krauss <
(a) (05/10/09)-BPossible GUS/Bulgaria and its envisioned functions
(b) (03/21/09) Japanese government's $4 billion pledge at TICAD and broadband Internet optical fiver net among African countries
(c) (03/24/09) GUS in Central Asian countries with ultra broadband Internet along modern silk road with $18 billion of Asian Development Bank
Dear John:
(1) Many thanks for your msg (ATTACHMENT I) in response to the Reference (a) above.
(2) You may suggest your Bulgarian friend to introduce our projects to some people at higher educational institutions in Bulgaria, so that they can meet the requirement of the America for Bulgaria Foundation <
The ideas of the projects mentioned in the Reference (a) have been well accepted by the Black Sea Interconnection (BSI) Initiative of the Turkish Academic Network and Information Center (ULAKBIM) < and The Central and Eastern European Networking Association (CEENet) < which connected at 38 Mbps the GEANT2 with academic networks of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan by fund from the European Commission. They are also interested in fibre connectivity to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.
The consortiums of higher educational and healthcare institutions in the countries around the Black Sea and the Central Asia can promote its use in education and healthcare fields.
Dear Jacek:
(3) Many thanks for your msg (ATTACHMENT II) in response to the Reference (b) above.
My wholehearted congratulations to your inauguration of the Black Sea Interconnection (BSI) Initiative <
You may suggest our projects to your Bulgarian colleagues so that they may approach to the America for Bulgaria Foundation.
Pls visit the Section IX “Action Plan” of the following paper for the procedures how to create the GUS;
Al-Azab, M. and T. Utsumi, (2007), "Creation of Global University System in Egypt (GUS/Egypt)," Paper for "ICT-Learn 2007" conference in Cairo, Egypt, September 2 to 4, 2007
Dear Bernhard:
(4) Many thanks for your msg (ATTACHMENT III) in response to the Reference (b) above.
Thanks also for your msg (ATTACHMENT IV) in response to the Reference (c) above.
Dear Suzan:
(5) Many thanks for your msg (ATTACHMENT V) in response to the Reference (a) above.
Many thanks also for your publicity effort of our projects to several Mid-Eastern Government agencies and universities.
(6) The planning workshop mentioned in the Section IX “Action Plan” of our paper in the Item (3) above will discuss those subjects you inquired. We expect our counterpart colleagues in developing countries to autonomously conduct and manage their GUS and GCEPG projects as much as possible, as those are OF, BY and FOR of their part.
(7) Pls see ATTACHMENTs II to IV below for the development of Black Sea Ring.
About GLORIAD, pls visit <
About the extension to the Middle East, pls refer to the CAREN (Central Asian Research and Education Network) in ATTACHMENT IV.
Although I do not know the judicial boundaries of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), their proposed super highway is to cover silk roads — some of which go to some Middle Eastern countries.
If Pakistan is a Middle Eastern country, the ADB has provided US$2 million to the Pakistan researchers for their constructing their national energy economic simulation model — see;
5 November 2007
ADB Assisting Pakistan Develop Energy Model to Meet Requirements
I have been trying to contact with the responsible person of this project through ADB, but in vain so far.
Best, Tak
From: "John L. German" <
Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 06:51:00 -0400
To: Tak Utsumi <
Subject: Tak Utsumi, GUS: Bulgaria
Tak Utsumi, GUS:
Reply I received with regard to your potential proposals for Bulgaria included:
any proposals to the America for Bulgaria Foundation should originate from Bulgarian entities for projects which they wish to develop in Bulgaria, and be submitted to the foundation in Bulgaria
Looking forward
If anyone needs anything else, about the above or anything else, let me know.
If this email message leads to any useful or interesting results, I'd be interested in hearing about it.
John L. German (a pro bono volunteer)
Non-Profit Computing, Inc. (a nonprofit organization) -- since 1984, an all-volunteer organization best known for arranging computer donations, procurement, and logistics worldwide
Main Representative to the United Nations
Member of the Board of Trustees
People to People International (founded by President Eisenhower) -- includes Committee on Disability
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The Rotary Club of New York
Non-governmental organization (NGO) representative
Technical Subgroup of the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Working Group on Informatics
(informally, the Working Group on Informatics)
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
United Nations
Senior Advisor
United Nations Public-Private Alliance for Rural Development
Non-Profit Computing is a member of the United Nations Global Compact
From: Jacek Gajewski <
Reply-To: <
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2009 20:36:18 +0100
To: <
Cc: Tak Utsumi <>, gu-new <>, <>, <>, <
Subject: Re: [gu-new] (03/21/09) Japanese government's $4 billion pledge at
TICAD and broadband Internet optical fiver net among African countries
Dear Tak,
As Bernhard informed you, we just opened BSI link from Europe to
AM, AZ and GE. Within this project I am responsible for dissemination
work package - one of the activities is the search for possible
cooperations/colaborations and funding possibilities.
Thus the info mentioned by you is of great interest for us and I
would be grateful for more informations and hints how to follow.
With kindest regards,
Jacek Gajewski
CEENet Secretary General
From: <
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 08:47:44 +0100
To: Tak Utsumi <>, gu-new <
Cc: <>, <>,
>, <
Subject: RE: [gu-new] (03/21/09) Japanese government's $4 billion pledge at TICAD and broadband Internet optical fiver net among African countries
Dear Tak,
We read with great interest your information on possible Japanese funding for the Southern Caucasus.
> (f) (02/17/08) Possible Japanese fund to Armenia, Azerbaijan
>and Georgia along
> with Black Sea Ring Project
Please note that on 17 March we inaugurated the Black Sea Interconnection (BSI) infrastructure (
This builds on the NATO supported ground breaking Virtual Silk Highway. BSI is the largest communication infrastructure ever put in place for the R&E communities in the region.
With kind regards,
Bernhard Fabianek
European Commission
Information Society and Media Directorate-General
GÉANT & eInfrastructures
Office: BU25 4-82
BE-1049 Bruxelles Tel: +32 2 29.69.615
Belgium Fax: +32 2 29.93.127
From: <
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 09:51:43 +0100
To: Tak Utsumi <
Subject: RE: [gu-new] (03/24/09) GUS in Central Asian countries with ultra broadband Internet along modern silk road with $18 billion of Asian Development Bank
Dear Tak,
End of last year the European Commission signed a contract with DANTE to finance CAREN (Central Asian Research and Education Network). Again this is done to carry on from SILK (as NATO is focusing its efforts on Afghanistan).
In early July we will meet with the government stakeholders from the region and discuss the implementation of CAREN. Once we have got their agreement to this the procurement of the network infrastructure will commence. The objective is to have CAREN fully operational by June 2010 (when NATO linking will end).
With kind regards,
Bernhard Fabianek
European Commission
Information Society and Media Directorate-General
GÉANT & eInfrastructures
Office: BU25 4-82
BE-1049 Bruxelles Tel: +32 2 29.69.615
Belgium Fax: +32 2 29.93.127
From: Susan Krauss <
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 23:31:52 -0400
To: Tak Utsumi <
Cc: corsairlabs <>, corsairlabs <
Subject: Re: [gu-new] (05/10/09)-B Possible GUS/Bulgaria and its envisioned functions
Hello Tak,
I hope you and your family are well.
I initially discussed my interest in your projects with application to several Mid- Eastern Government agencies and universities that I have met with.
I noted that you proposed three projects to John German, who I have actually met with at GISMO mapping infrastructure meetings!
Are you suggesting or are you open to a licensing model and is there a cost structure for licensing and replicating your model and projects? In terms of appraising cost factors, what is the cost basis that you will be presenting to the Bulgaria focused foundation for replicating the game based project and theGlobally Collaborative Innovation Network with Global University System."
> Paper for Learning Technology.
In addition, I would appreciate your feedback regarding theDeployment of Black Sea Ring optical fiber net; GLORIAD links; The Black Sea Ring. Do you think these projects may be extended to the Middle East and will the Asian Development Bank be interested in extending the US $18 funds to developing Middle Eastern linkages?
I look forward to your feedback and I look forward to meeting again at the Columbia U. CITI symposiums.
Best regards,
Susan Krauss
President and Founder
Corsair Tech Labs Ltd.
Innovation Smooth Sailing
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List of Distribution
John L. German
Non-Profit Computing, Inc. (a nonprofit organization)
125 East 63rd Street
New York NY 10021-7310
Dr Jacek Gajewski
Secretary General
CEENet Secretariat, NATO
Central and Eastern European Networking (CEENet) Association
UNDP, EC Consultant, Senior
Member of the "Internet Society"
Researcher at Warsaw University
CEO of Internet for Schools
ul. Pasteura 7
02-093 Warsaw, POLAND
Tel/Fax: +48 22 - 6685807
Mobile tel: +48 601 440602
fax. +48 22 - 8239956
Bernhard Fabianek
EU – research technical assistance and program development
European Commission
Information Society and Media Directorate-General
GÉANT & eInfrastructures
BU25 4-82
BE-1049 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 2 29.69.615
Fax: +32 2 29.93.127
-- bio in Linked.
Susan Krauss
President and Founder
Corsair Tech Labs Ltd.
310 West 56 Street, Suite 4J
New York, NY 10019
* Takeshi Utsumi, Ph.D., P.E., Chairman, GLOSAS/USA *
* (GLObal Systems Analysis and Simulation Association in the U.S.A.) *
* Laureate of Lord Perry Award for Excellence in Distance Education *
* Founder and V.P. for Technology and Coordination of *
* Global University System (GUS) *
* 43-23 Colden Street, Flushing, NY 11355-5913, U.S.A. *
* Tel: 718-939-0928; Email: *
* U.S. Federal Tax Exempt ID: 11-2999676 <
* New York State Tax Exempt ID: 217837 <