Franciscan Bookreviews: Franciscan Periodicals
by André Cirino OFM
Much new information has been surfacing in Franciscan research and study. And there are some periodicals which print articles and monographs on these Franciscan topics. The following periodicals would be helpful for informing friars about the latest research and study. They would be basic for friary libraries, especially those of our formation units.
THE CORD A monthly Franciscan spiritual review, Elise Saggau, OSF, editor. It contains popular articles on solid topics written by students/graduates of the Franciscan Institute as well as other Franciscans. Other features: it includes some poetry and book reviews. Annual subscription rates can be obtained by writing THE CORD, P.O. Drawer F, St. Bonaventure, NY 14778-2286.
TAU A quarterly Franciscan review published in India, Gerry Lobo, OFM, editor. This little periodical contains articles written by some friars in India as well as from other parts of the Franciscan world. It is a good opportunity for those of the English-speaking world to read reflections on Franciscanism from a perspective other than European or American. Subscription rates can be obtained by writing TAU, St. Anthony’s Friary, Johnnagar P.O., Bangalore 560 034, India.
FRANCISCAN STUDIES An annual volume, insert name editor. This work contains scholarly research and data out of the Franciscan Institute at St. Bonaventure University. The annual subscription rate can be obtained by writing FRANCISCAN STUDIES, St. Bonaventure University, St. Bonaventure, NY 14778-2286.
Many of us may be familiar with the series of books put out by Paulist press called THE CLASSICS OF WESTERN SPIRITUALITY. It is described as a library of the great spiritual masters. In this series six volumes at present are works of Franciscans themselves or about Franciscans. Each volume has an introduction to the particular works of the writers that have been translated.