Matrix for the Country Profile of the Unreached
Country Name: CAMBODIA
Priority (Please tick first three) / Unreached and Underserved Groups / A / B / C / D / E / F /Data/Information about the Group / Barrier(s) to Education in Terms of Access and Participation / OUR STRENGTHS: what we can share and give away to other Southeast Asian countries / OUR NEEDS: what we might take and learn from other Southeast Asian Countries /
Existing Programmes, Projects and Activities for the Target Unreached Group / Challenges to implementation of Existing Programmes / Planned strategies to improve existing Programmes / Areas, Programmes, Projects, Activities where the country would like to work with other Southeast Asian countries /
1. / Learners from remote and rural communities, including isolated areas (remote islands, mountainous areas, etc.) / N/A
2. / Learners from religious, linguistic and ethnic minorities/indigenous peoples / 280 minorities children / Bilingual education problem / Bilingual education at Rattanakiri province / The children in community can’t speak national language / To implement the bilingual education program and support by Unicef and Care. / Rattanakiri province
3. / Girls and women, especially from rural/ethnic nationalities (pregnant girls) / 200+ (2006) and
400 (2007) ethnic minorities phnong children
900+ (2006) and 2,000 (2007) young cham / Bilingual education problem / Bilingual education at Mondulkiri, Kampong Cham provinces / The children in community can’t speak national language / To implement the bilingual education program and support by ESCUP. / Mondulkiri and Kampong Cham provinces
4. / Underperforming boys, boys at risk of dropping out, male dropouts / N/A
5. / Children from migrant families, refugees, stateless children/ children without identify papers/ nomadic children / N/A
6. / Learners with disabilities/special needs / 530 disable children, 22 disable children, 586 deaf and blind / Communities can’t understand & push CWDs attend school / Inclusive education program, / CWDs lack of teaching aids & accessibility / To improve IE program, Kruosar Thmey, DAC, Unicef, Unesco. / 9 provinces out of 24 provinces, 8 provinces, and special school.
7. / Working children/street children/trafficked children/abused children / N/A
8. / Children in difficult circumstances (affected by armed conflict, disaster, children in prison or who are with their parent(s) in prison) / N/A
9. / Orphans and abandoned children / N/A
10. / Learners from very poor families (urban poor) / N/A
11. / Children affected or infected by HIV and AIDS / N/A
Matrix for the Country Profile of the Unreached – Cambodia Page 2 of 2