Human DNA and the Human Spirit
Today is Heshvan 15 by the Creator’s calendar--October 29, 2015. Heshvan 1 began October 14th, as the new moon was sighted from Jerusalem. The 10th of Heshvan began the eve of October 24rd. It was on Heshvan 10 that Yahuweh instructed Noah to finalize the plans--animals, food, supplies, and all equipment loaded.The eve of October 31st begins Heshvan 17. It was on this day that the wrath of Yahuweh broke loose, and the ark began to float.
I dedicate this article, written from the heart of Yahuweh, to our brother Noah (Noach), who, on the 17th of Heshvan sailed with his family on the ark (Genesis 7), preserving the human race. We would not be here if it were not for righteous Noah, our brother in faith!!!
The name “Noah” means: “to quietly rest,” #5146 Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, or “to bring, or cause comfort.” (Genesis 5:29) Noah was a comfort to Yahuweh. He had someone left on earth through whom He could bring His royal seed – His Son, and those who would be savedthrough Him to become His precious blameless children.
Genesis 8:4-6: On Aviv 17, Noahopened the windows of the ark because the judgment had passed, and a new world began for mankind. On Aviv 17, 28 CE, Messiah Yahushua arose from the dead. On that day, our judgment was over, and new life began for all who would receive His II Corinthians 5:17-21 substitution-atonement.
Noah was “perfect” in His generation. He was biologically fully human – perfectly in the image and likeness of Yahuweh. He had a body, a soul, and an eternal spirit. His whole being was open to the will of Yahuweh! Can you imagine the trust that Yahuweh had in this one man to carry forth His passion to have a family that would love Him and know Him? But, then there was only Seth, then, only Enoch, before him. This is why I stress that we must absolutely trust Him, but He must be able to absolutely trust us, too!
It is the eternal spirit, located within the digestion and reproduction area of our body that separates humans from any other created species! It is here that the belt of truth is hung, and the sword of the Spirit, which is His Word (Ephesians 6:10-18) It is here that we communicate with our Elohim! Together with the carnal soul that operates through the brain, we have what is called a “spirit man” within us. This spirit-man is eternal. We don’t just have a “life force” like animals and other created beings. We have a functional spirit man with us that upon death either rises to Yahuweh, or descends to Satan. Our body is the house for this spirit-man. This is what makes us human, in His likeness.
Noah was a righteous man. He was pure of heart. He was set-apart. He was an obedient servant of Yahuweh who did just what Yahuweh required. Thus, he was deemed worthy by Yahuweh to save the entire human race.
Genesis 6:22; 7:1: “And Noah did all that Elohim commanded him…and Yahuweh said to Noah, `Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation.’ ”
Yahuweh has to see that we are obeying Him, that we are displaying our faith and our righteousness openly. It is so much more than a religious belief in the head. He has to see our faith. (Matthew 9:2; Mark 2:5; Luke 5:20) Messiah “saw” the faith of different people and healed them. “Seeing their faith…” In Eastern thinking, His people want to see what He does. The emphasis is on “what does He do?” Faith is based on reality and personal relationship with the One trusted. We must trust Him. He must trust us – based on whatHe sees us doing in response to His leading! He does not want His people’s faith based on head-knowledge gained from other human beings, which is usually a mixture of truth and error, which containshuman philosophies, concepts, theories, and opinions of theology--nearly all isuseless.Yahuweh hates a mixture.
But, Western culture is built on what the mind reasons, and what the flesh feels and desires. The culture of Greece and Rome lead people away from knowing that they have an eternal spirit by which we enter the dimension of Yahuweh and learn from Him.When the shocking realities of life hit, head knowledge flies away very quickly--taking head-knowledge-faith with it.
Studying the Word must only be done with the Spirit as the Teacher so that the knowledge goes into the re-born spirit, and thus can be applied, even if the mind shuts down in terror, or because of disease. (Read carefully I Corinthians 2:12-16)
I Corinthians 2:13, 16b: “…we also speak, not in words that man’s wisdom teaches
but which the Set-Apart Spirit teaches … we have the mind of Messiah.”
I was in the final stages of dying from malaria in Tanzania in 1997. I did not even know my name, and was too weak to even sit up. But, the mind of Messiah within my re-born spirit kept me functioning. After my African Director had preached 25 of my 28 meetings, I asked to be taken to the church to preach. They carried me there. I could not walk. As I began, I heard His voice in my spirit, which bluntly resides behind our belly button. I repeated what He said, in three separate meetings over two days.I was propped up in a chair with pillows, so that I didn’t fall over. I spoke with passion and fire from my spirit. Pastor Joshua translated. When I was finished, I had to be carried back to his house, for, in the natural, I was extremely weak. But, from age 4, I knew that He spoke in our spirit behind our naval. It was there that He taught me as I grew up.
The mind of the spirit, which has the nature of Messiah within us, has unlimited retention, and is never affected by problems with the body. The mind is so volatile, so always in flux, never stable. So, He cannot speak to our head-mind. He can only speak from His dimension through the portal of our eternal spirit.
[Refer to: “Beyond This Dimension – Through Your Own Portal”/May 30, 2015]
Our eternal portal is opened by the Spirit at the true new birth [Refer to: “The True New Birth”/4th revision July 28, 2015] The re-born spirit is an eternal portal into the realm of Yahuweh. We must live by His Spirit within us! (II Corinthians 6:19-20)
In the true new birth, the Spirit turns on the lights in our spirit and makes a temple out of it for His indwelling. It is our highest privilege to ask the Spirit of Yahuweh to dwell there, so that we can live and walk in His Spirit as our lifestyle, faithful to keep the portal open always for His input. But, we must ask Him to dwell there. It is not an automatic thing.
Genesis 6:6-9: “And Elohim was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart…But, Noah found favor in the eyes of Yahuweh. Noah was a righteous man, perfect in his generation. Noah walked with Elohim.”
Noah walked with Elohim as Enoch had done. (Genesis 5:22-24)Noah heard from Elohim, as Enoch also heard from Him. He is not silent with His servants!
Enoch was “taken.”He is symbolic of the transformation of the Bridal remnant before judgment, before the resurrection. This remnant is the “first fruits” of the resurrection. (Revelation 14:1-5; 15:1-2). As we are proceeding back to the time before the Flood, repeating conditions that brought the Flood of judgment, we also are proceeding back to Enoch and the Garden of Eden. The Enoch-Noah remnant is being set-apart. The world is becoming more like the pre-flood Nephilim – aligned to Satan.
Noah went through the tribulation in human flesh, because He was pure and blameless before Yahuweh. The Bride of Messiah will be transformed during the Elul (29-30 days) before Messiah comes on Yom Teruah. She is marked, sheltered, and hidden--Psalm 91--but she will also go through most of the pre-cursor to the final wrath of Satan. So, Enoch, and his great grandson Noah, both represent today’s Bridal remnant! They also represent the set-apart protected ones. Enoch was protected in, most likely, the portal of Mount Moriah. Methuselah knew where he went. Noah sailed on top of the water through it. Both went through without death. [Refer to: “Through”/May 4, 2012]
Yahuweh said to Abraham also, “…Walk before Me, and be perfect.” (Genesis 17:1) This is the calling of all of us who are born of His Spirit! In Galatians 5:24-25notice the word “have.” To walk in the Spirit, we have repented. We have turned away from the ways of the flesh. The Spirit takes us one direction; the flesh takes us another direction. Read carefully Romans 8:6-8, 11-14! Unless we walk 24/7, 365 days a year, in the Spirit, there is only death in our life.
The “few” of Matthew 7:13-14 are very, very few. They walk the narrow path to the narrow gate that leads to life. The path is “hard-pressed.” But, it is the “pressure”/tribulum that separate.[Refer to: “Royal Secrets and Exclusivity”/October 29, 2010]Yahuweh is a jealous Elohim! (Exodus 20:5; 34:14)
Noah had pure blood, a pure mind, and a pure spirit. He was “perfect” in his generation because of his pure DNA. But, most preachers fail to show that he was also perfectly righteous before Yahuweh. He wasaligned to Yahuweh in obedience.
The Bridal remnant will maintain pure blood, for they will not take the mark of the beast. They havea pure mind and a pure spirit. There will be a Noah remnant, and it is joining together now.(Revelation 14:1-5, 9-11)
There are those who will be alive and remain who will be caught up to meet Him as He descends. These have endured the shaking that is designed to loosen the chaff from the wheat and blow away the tares and chaff in the wind. This is the loving “tribulum” of Yahuweh! (Hebrews 12:25-29; Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43; I Thessalonians 4:13-18)
We are the last generation before judgment. We are at the end of our generation, which began in 1948, just like Noah was the last of his generation before judgment.
We have a ceiling (Matthew 24:27-34)In Israel, the fig tree puts out its leaves and begins its fruit bearing around April-May. On May 14, 1948, the fig tree, Israel, began to put out its leaves and produce fruit. This fruit will be harvestedon Yom Teruah, the time of Messiah’s return. Joel 1:9;Hosea 9:10: Israel is Yahuweh’s fig tree. A Scriptural 70-year generation from 1948 puts us at 2018. According to the words of Messiah, that puts our ceiling for His return at Yom Teruah 2017/2018. He can only come on a Yom Teruah – “the day and hour no man knows.” Date setting? No…just observing the times and seasons (I Thessalonians 5:1-10) Am I alone in understanding this timing? Oh no!
From back 1000 years, I have confirmation from His people, Jews and believers in Messiah to date, as well as secular people who know timing. The children of light know that He operates on the Festival calendar! (I Thessalonians 5)
Noah was a restrainer of judgment. The Bridal remnant of today has been a restrainer of judgment. But, as the restrainer-Archangel Micha’el in Daniel 12:1 and in II Thessalonians 2:7, His Bride will step back to allow the will of Yahuweh to go forth.
The “he” of II Thessalonians 2:7 is not the Spirit of Yahuweh. “He” is Micha’el, the Archangel who stands to protect Israel. The word for “stands” in Daniel 12:1 means “to stand aloof, to one side, to step back.” Read all of Daniel 12 to get the context!
Yahuweh will pull the Bridal remnant back beyond the veil of His Most Set-Apart Place, and Psalm 91’s promises will go into effect, as the Beast comes with great rage against His people. Yahuweh will give him a very short time to do his dirty-work, and then it will be over FOREVER!
I was asked by a friend if His Bride wore combat boots under her wedding dress, and I said, “Yes, for now. But, when it comes time for the marriage, she will take them off.” (II Timothy 2:3-5) We are born again with combat boots on. We are servants who are also soldiers in training for reigning. After the true new birth, in which the Spirit does 40 things to change us into a totally new creation, we begin combat against the Devil and his forces, almost immediately. If we don’t let the Spirit teach us how to do spiritual warfare correctly, we’ll fail every time – the enemy knows our weaknesses and plays on them to get us to sin. Read the Word, whole books at a time. Saturate your mind with what is on His mind. Be strong in the power of His might! [Refer to: Scriptural Spiritual Warfare, Parts I, II, and III/June, July 2010]
Once the restrainers have been told to stand aloof, stand aside, then His wrath will go forth to divide out the wicked for burning, and the righteous for preservation. (Matthew 13:24-30, 47-50)
Remember! We are told to “endure to the end.” It is at the end of our faith that we receive the complete salvation of our entire being – our soul and spirit, (spirit-man) and new body. (I Peter 1:9; I Thessalonians 5:23; Revelation 14:12-13)
There are many martyrs for their faith every day in many countries, like China. But, the number of martyrs has been increasing for over 100 years worldwide. In the days to come, there will be millions of martyrs for their faith. Messiah said we would be hated by all men on earth before He comes.
The Spirit of Yahuweh has already withdrawn to allow the earth’s people to divide into two camps. But, He has not withdrawn from His set-apart ones who continue in His service as His precious children and loyal friends. He is closer than ever to His set-apart servants and “treasured ones.”
II Chronicles 15:2; 16:9: “Yahuweh is with you as long as you are with Him. And if you seek Him He is found by you, but if you forsake Him, He forsakes you.”“For the eyes of Yahuweh diligently search throughout all the earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect towards Him.”
Being “perfect” means to be mature, complete, aligned to His heart, strong and yet gentle, having His nature, ways, and thinking. Read in context:
Matthew 5:48: “Therefore be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.”
If Yahuweh finds no one left on earth that is in His likeness and image, with His nature, who loves Him and is obedient to Him, who loves others, serving others, He has to destroy the earth and all of His creation.
This is why Malachi 4:5-6 is so important. Eliyahu will come just before the “great and awesome day of Yahuweh, to restore love, order, the family unit that is like Abba Yahuweh. If He finds no one loving, kind, compassionate, thoughtful, gentle, faithful and trustworthy, who cares beyond their own needs, then His nature is not on the earth.
Luke 18:7-8, Messiah speaking: “`And shall Elohim not do right by all means to His own chosen ones who are crying out day and night to Him, and being patient over them? I say to you that He shall do right to them speedily. But, when the Son of Adam comes shall He find faith on the earth?’ ”
We know from at least 200 passages of Scripture that He will find faith on the earth – a Noah-type remnant, sealed into the ark of safety by Abba, those who dwell in His Presence (Psalm 91:1). Psalm 91 as a whole was written by Moses to a small remnant of people who would go through the time preceding and during the wrath of Yahuweh, but be protected under His “talit”--kept in His Presence at the time of Revelation 12:7-12, when the wrath of Satan is allowed to rule for a very short time. How short?
[Refer to: “The Day of Yahuweh--The Timing of the Tribulation and the Return of Messiah”/November 14, 2014, “The Abomination That Lays Waste”/November 21, 2014 and “The Hidden Bride of Messiah”/November 28, 2014]
Always look up all Scriptures and read in context, otherwise you’re cheating yourself out of His instruction!
Genesis 6:12: All mankind had “corrupted” itself. Today, by DNA manipulation, all of mankind is being corrupted. Like Noah, only His marked remnant will remain purely human.We are a pre-fire remnant. The suffering is that this remnant will see the destruction of a great part of the earth by fire.Daniel 3! Read that carefully!These three Hebrew youths represent the victory of the end-time Bridal remnant.
From Isaiah 33:14-17: “Sinners in Zion are afraid. Trembling shall grip the defiled ones. Who of us shall dwell with the devouring fire? Who of us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?...” (Read in context! It ends well for the blameless)
Isaiah 43:1-2 speaks about the water and the fire, referencing the Flood at the time of Noah and what is coming on the earth now. Read Yahuweh’s promises to His set-apart ones who remain undefiled!
Noah did not have the written Scriptures. He did not have the revelation of the Savior that we have, nor of Yahuweh’s dealings with His people through the centuries that we have. But, He knew Yahuweh from his lineage through Seth, Enoch, and Methuselah. Noah would later teach Abraham, who would come to know His voice and His love, teaching it to Isaac, who would teach Ya’cob, who would teach his 12 sons.From his sons would come Moses, Joshua, Caleb, King David, and then King Yahushua. Noah lived until Ya’cob was a teenager!