Mrs J. Henry
Church Road,
Shropshire, TF2 7HG
Tel: (01952) 387880
January 2018
We are delighted to offer the current Year 5 the opportunity to take part in a highly enjoyable and beneficial residential trip to The Outward Bound Trust in Aberdovey. We will be offering children the chance to undertake this adventure in the forthcoming Autumn Term, as the week offers numerous amounts of opportunities for children to build relationships and develop self-esteem. Beneficial for all Year 6’s at the beginning of such a busy year!
Our visit to the Outward Bound at Aberdoveywill be fromMonday22nd to Friday 26thOctober 2018.
The Outward Bound is a leading activity organiser in the United Kingdom, we have chosen this centre based on the safety aspects of the course and the benefits of their courses. The instructors offer expert guidance and instruction, they help children find undiscovered skills and qualities such as the ability to make decisions and to communicate effectively. Challenging physical and mental activities are also offered, but all the while the fun element is maintained.
Outward Bound maintains a policy that no child should be denied access to their facilities because of financial hardship. Thereforeour school has been awarded a bursary to help with the cost, meaning the trip is available at the reduced priceof £260 instead of £465 per child.You will agree this is still excellent value for money at almost half the original cost.
The cost of a five day residential course will thereforebe £260 per child, which includes a £60non-refundable deposit & £10 refundable deposit to cover any kit losses whilst on the trip. This does not include the transport to Aberdovey; we are hoping to cover this cost through fundraising.Payments can be made in full or monthly with the final payment due in school on 6th July 2018. Please see the timetable below.
Please return the slip by Friday 2ndFebuary2018 together with an initial £60 non-refundable deposit,places are limited at Outward Bound so please return the slip and deposit as soon as possible.
Monthly Payment Scheme
Initial non-refundable depositDue Friday 2nd Febuary 2018 £60.00
1st Payment Due Friday 2nd March 2018 £40.00
2nd PaymentDue Monday16th April 2018£40.00
3rd PaymentDue Friday 11th May 2018£40.00
4h PaymentDue Friday 8th June 2018£40.00
Final Payment Due Friday 6th July 2018 £40.00
Total Payment for week £260.00
Please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Mrs Henry if you need any assistance with the above or would like to discuss any matters.
Yours sincerely
Mrs K Smart
Admin Assistant