Office of
Chief General Manager(Telecom) Marketing Cell,
TamilnaduTelecom Circle Admn Building 16,Greams road
(A Government of India Enterprise)

Mktg: CS-CFA-/ Tariff Circular/ 2015-16/ 76 dated at Ch- 6 the 29/6/2015


All Heads of SSAs

Tamilnadu Circle.

Sub: Introduction new Prepaid WiFi plans for Retail customers & new WiFi Plans for Bulk user customers in association with HSSP-reg.

Ref: 1.Co. Lr 1-1/2015-R&C CFA 06/15-16 dated 15/4/2015

2.Co. Lr 1-1/2015-R&C CFA 11/15-16 dated 21/4/2015

3.CoLr 1-1/2015-R&C CFA 31/15-16 dated 08/06/2015

4. Co Lr 1-1/2015-R&C CFA 40/15-16 dated 26/06/2015

Kindly refer the above corporate office circulars. The details of the circulars are given below:

Circular 6/15-16: Introduction of new prepaid WiFi Plans for WIFI services to retail customers. Free WiFi for first 20 minutes in a day for maximum 3 occasions in a month for the same mobile number.

Circular 11/15-16: BSNL WiFi free limit in the circular 6/15-16 has been modified to 30 minutes instead of 20 minutes a day for maximum 3 occasions in a month for the same mobile number with immediate effect.

Circular 31:Introduction of WiFi plans for bulk user customer in association with HSSP (Hot Spot Service Provider)Depending upon the backhaul Bandwidth to Hot spot Location and Number of Access points BSNL has introduced 9 WIFI plans for Bulk user customer.

Circular40/15-16: The maximum bandwidth under WiFi prepaid plans to retail customers and maximum daily data usage & maximum bandwidth to the individual users of the Bulk user WIFI plans as follows:

(a)Per user maximum speed under prepaid WiFi plans(refer circular 6/15-16) for WIFI Hot spot services to the retail customers shall be limited up to 512 Kbps per user.

(b)for the individual users of Bulk user WiFi Hot Spot Plans (refer circular 31 above) the maximum data usage per user per day shall be limited to 50 MB and Maximum speed per user shall be limited up to 512 Kbps.

The copy of above circulars are enclosed herewith.


Assistant General Manager (CS CFA),

O/o General Manager (S&M-CFA),

BSNL, Tamilnadu Circle,


Copy to:

1. Sr. General Manager (TR), O/o CGM BSNL, TN Circle, Chennai-600 006.

2. Sr. General Manager (EB), O/o CGM BSNL TN circle , Chennai 6

3. The Dy.GM (TR), for information .

4. The Dy. General Manager ( IT), O/o CGM BSNL, TN Circle, Chennai-600 006.

5. AGM (MKTG-CFA)/ AGM (Udaan), GM S& M (CFA), 16, Greams Road, Chennai-6.

6. AGM (CSC), O/o GM S& M (CM), 3rd Floor, 16, Greams Road, Chennai-600 006.

7. AGM (BB), O/o the GM (Dev), No.60, EthirajSalai, Chennai-600 008.

8. Circle Intranet. 9. Spare.