Due Date: Tuesday, March 14
You will be required to read one book third quarter with your club. Each club can have 2-4 members in it. (If you would prefer to work by yourself, you can do that also, but you will need to choose an award-winning book separate from those I have in the classroom. Please see list.) The book that you choose to read as a club has to come from the attached list, and no two clubs in the same class period can read the same book. There will be random times throughout the quarter that you will get with your clubs in class and discuss the book using different activities. At the end of the quarter, your club will make a 5-minute presentation with a visual aid.
Visual Aid (25 points): Think anything visual--poster, power point, re-enactment, costumes,props, illustration, etc. Use your imagination. Get creative! This will be used in your presentation to the class. 1 Visual Aid is required per group. Each student does not need to do his/her own. (*Just an FYI, your book does not count as a visual aid, although it is helpful to have a copy of it to show the class during the presentation.)
5-Minute Verbal Presentation (25 points): This is where you will present with your club to the class. Each club member must participate for full points; everyone must have something to say that is different. Don’t forget your visual aid in the presentation! If you are absent on the presentation day, you may not make up the verbal points.Your 5-minute presentation must include: Book title and author, setting, names and descriptions of two or three major characters, an explanation of the book’s main conflict, at least two plot points, and a review (what book club members like and didn’t like about the book). You may spend about half of your time giving us a summary of your book, then you’ll want to talk about at least 3 aspects of literature from your “Literary Notes.”
1-Page Book Review (50 points): Your review should be typed in Times New Roman 12-point font with 1-inch margins and should be double-spaced. Just like your 1st and 2nd quarter book reports, there should be very little summary; the majority of your paper should be an analysis of the notes you have taken on your “Literary Notes” paper, as well as what you liked and didn’t like about the book, if you would recommend it to your peers, etc. Remember to give me examples (evidence) from the book of why you think the author did what he or she did and/or what you liked and didn’t like about the book.
Looking Ahead…: You will want to pay close attention to your peers’ presentation because you will be picking an award-winning book for 4th quarter’s independent reading and a longer literary analysis paper.