(Deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC Act 1956)
Syllabus Structure for the B.Tech Pharma First year
Semester I
No. / Subjects / Hours/week (L + T) / Marks / CreditsCHT 1121 / Inorganic Chemistry / 2+1 / 50 / 3
CHT 1131 / Organic Chemistry-I / 3+1 / 100 / 4
MAT 1101 / Applied Mathematics-I / 2+2 / 100 / 4
PYT 1101 / Applied Physics-I / 3+1 / 100 / 4
TOTAL / 15 / 350 / 15
GEP 1101 / Engineering Graphics-I / 8 / 100 / 4
PYP 1102 / Physics Laboratory / 4 / 50 / 2
CHP 1122 / Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory / 4 / 50 / 2
CHP 1132 / Organic Chemistry Laboratory / 4 / 50 / 2
Total Practicals / 20 / 250 / 10
35 / 600 / 25
Semester II
No. / Subjects / Hours/week (L + T) / Marks / CreditsCHT 1231 / Organic Chemistry-II / 3+1 / 100 / 4
CHT 1211 / Analytical Chemistry / 2+1 / 50 / 3
CET 1501 / Material & Energy Balance Calculations / 2+2 / 100 / 4
MAT 1102 / Applied Mathematics-II / 2+2 / 100 / 4
PYT 1103 / Applied Physics-II / 2+1 / 50 / 3
TOTAL / 18 / 400 / 18
MAP 1201 / Engineering Applications of Computers / 4 / 50 / 2
CHP 1232 / Organic Chemistry Laboratory / 4 / 50 / 2
CHP 1222 / Analytical Chemistry Laboratory / 4 / 50 / 2
HUP 1101 / Communication Skills / 4 / 50 / 2
Total Practicals / 16 / 200 / 8
34 / 600 / 26
Syllabus Structure for the B.Tech Pharma Second year
Semester III
Course code / Subjects / Hours/week (L + T) / Marks / CreditsGET1104 / Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials / 2+1 / 50 / 3
GET1105 / Electrical and Electronics Engineering* / 2+1 / 50 / 3
CHT1341 / Physical Chemistry / 3+1 / 100 / 4
PHT1021 / Spl 1:-General Aspects of Pharmaceuticals and Physiopharmacology - I / 3+1 / 100 / 4
BST1101 / Spl 2:General Microbiology / 2+1 / 50 / 3
BST1103 / Spl 3: Biochemistry / 2 +1 / 50 / 3
TOTAL / 20 / 400 / 20
GEP1106 / Electrical and Electronics Engineering Laboratory / 4 / 50 / 2
CHP1342 / Physical Chemistry Laboratory / 4 / 50 / 2
PHP1021 / Pr1:-Physiopharmacology Laboratory / 4 / 50 / 2
Total Practicals / 12 / 150 / 6
32 / 550 / 26
Semester IV
Course code / Subjects / Hours/week (L + T) / Marks / CreditsCET1105 / Transport Phenomena / 3+1 / 100 / 4
PHT1041 / Spl 4:- Medicinal Chemistry-I / 3+1 / 100 / 4
PHT1051 / Spl 5:-Chemistry of Natural Products / 3+1 / 100 / 4
PHT1022 / Spl 6: -Physiopharmacology - II / 2+1 / 50 / 3
PHT1052 / Spl 7:-Medicinal Natural Products / 2+1 / 50 / 3
TOTAL / 18 / 400 / 18
PHP1052 / Pr 2: -Medicinal Natural Products Laboratory / 4 / 50 / 2
PHP1071 / Pr 3: Biochemistry Laboratory / 4 / 50 / 2
PHP1072 / Pr 4: Microbiology Laboratory / 4 / 50 / 2
Total Practicals / 12 / 150 / 6
30 / 550 / 24
Syllabus Structure for the B.Tech Pharma Third year
Semester V
No. / Subjects / Hours/week (L + T) / Marks / CreditsGET1104 / Chemical Engineering Operations / 2+1 / 50 / 3
GET1104 / Chemical Reaction Engineering / 2+1 / 50 / 3
PHT1042 / Spl 8-Pharmaceutical Chemistry / 2+1 / 50 / 3
PHT1061 / Spl 9:-Pharmaceutical Biotechnology / 2+1 / 50 / 3
PHT1031 / Spl 10:-Pharmaceutical Analysis / 2+1 / 50 / 3
PHT1011 / Spl 11:-Technology of Liquids and Topicals / 2+1 / 50 / 3
TOTAL / 18 / 300 / 18
PHP1011 / Pr 5:-Technology of Liquid and Topicals / 8 / 100 / 4
PHP1031 / Pr 6:-Pharmaceutical Analysis / 4 / 50 / 2
PHP1061 / Pr 7:-Biotechnology Laboratory / 4 / 50 / 2
Total Practicals / 16 / 200 / 8
34 / 500 / 26
Semester VI
No. / Subjects / Hours/week (L + T) / Marks / CreditsCHT1341 / Instrumentation / 2+1 / 50 / 3
PHT1043 / Spl 12:-Medicinal Chemistry-II / 3+1 / 100 / 4
PHT1044 / Spl 13:-Drug Discovery Process and Drug Design / 2+1 / 50 / 3
PHT1012 / Spl 14:-Technology of Solid Dosage Forms / 2+1 / 50 / 3
PHT1045 / Spl 15:-Catalysis and Catalytic Processes / 2+1 / 50 / 3
PHT1062 / Elective-I : Recombinant DNA Technology / 2+1 / 50 / 3
TOTAL / 19 / 350 / 19
CHP1342 / Chemical Engineering Laboratory / 4 / 50 / 2
PHP1042 / Pr 8:-Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory / 8 / 100 / 4
PHP1012 / Pr 9:-Solid Dosage Forms Laboratory / 4 / 50 / 2
Total / 16 / 200 / 8
35 / 550 / 27
Syllabus Structure for the B.Tech Pharma Final year
In-Plant Training: 50 marks/2 credits
Semester VII
No. / Subjects / Hours/week(L + T) / Marks / Credits
1 / Project Economics / 2+1 / 50 / 3
2 / Industrial Psychology and Human Resource Management / 2+1 / 50 / 3
PHT1046 / Spl 16: -Process Technology Drug and Intermediats / 2+1 / 50 / 3
PHT1013 / Spl 17: -Validation and Regulatory Requirements / 2+1 / 50 / 3
PHT1014 / Spl 18: -Technology of Sterile Products / 2+1 / 50 / 3
PHT1047 / Elective II:–Structural Analysis by Spectroscopy / 2+1 / 50 / 3
TOTAL / 18 / 300 / 18
PHP1046 / Pr 10: -Process Technology Laboratory / 8 / 100 / 4
PHP1014 / Pr 11: -Sterile Products Laboratory / 4 / 50 / 2
PHP1071 / Seminar / 4 / 50 / 2
Total Practicals / 16 / 200 / 8
34 / 500 / 26
No. / Subjects / Hours/week (L + T) / Marks / Credits1 / Industrial Management / 2+1 / 50 / 3
2 / Value Education / 2+1 / 50 / 3
3 / Design and Analysis of Experiments / 2+1 / 50 / 3
PHT1015 / Spl 19: -Drug Delivery Systems / 2+1 / 50 / 3
PHT1016 / Spl 20: -Nanoscience and Technology / 2 +1 / 50 / 3
PHT1017 / Elective III:– Pharmaceutical Packaging Technology / 2+1 / 50 / 3
TOTAL / 18 / 300 / 18
PHP1016 / Green Chemistry Laboratory / 4 / 50 / 2
PHP1072 / Experimental Project / 12 / 150 / 6
Total / 16 / 200 / 8
34 / 500 / 26
Total credits of all semesters = 25 (Sem I) + 26 (Sem II) + 26(Sem III) + 24 (Sem IV) + 26 (Sem V) + 27 (Sem VI) + 2 (IPT) + 26 (Sem VII) + 26 (Sem VIII) = 208
Total Marks: 600 (Sem I) + 600 (Sem II) + 550 (Sem III) + 550 (Sem IV) + 500 (Sem V) + 550 (Sem VI) + 50 (IPT) + 500 (Sem VII) + 500 (Sem VIII) = 4400
Detailed Syllabus for First Year B. Tech (Pharma)
Semester I
Sr. No. / Topic / Hrs1. / CHT 1121 – Inorganic Chemistry (50 marks) 3hr./week
Periodic Table, s,p,d and f elements and their general properties, correlations among various properties. / 3
Main group Chemistry: Hydrogen, Chemistry of Group IA, II B and Group IIIB to VIIB elements and noble gases. / 12
Chemical Bonding: Valence Bond theory and Molecular orbital theory / 3
Coordination Chemistry: Nomenclature, Werner theory, VSEPR, crystal field theory, electronic and magnetic properties of the complexes. / 12
Organometallics: Metal Ligand concept, , types of ligands, Effective atomic number rule reactions using organometallic compounds like addition, insertion, migration. Concepts of sigma bond and pi bond formation. Application of organometallic complexes in hydrogenation, hydroformylation, carbonylation etc. / 15
Reference Books
- Concise Inorganic Chemistry, J.D. Lee, Wiley India Edition
- Basic Inroganic Chemistry, F.A. Cotton and G. Wilkinson, John Wiley and Sons
2. / CHT 1131 – Organic Chemistry I (100 marks) 4hr./week
Nomenclature of organic compounds / 5
Mechanisms of organic reactions: Types of Organic Reaction, Reactive intermediates; their generation, structure, stability and general reactions. / 10
Stereochemistry: Elements of symmetry, stereochemistry of compounds containing one and two carbon atoms. Racemates and their resolution, conformation of cyclic and acyclic systems, E and Z isomers of olefins, Idea of asymmetric synthesis. / 10
Chemistry of alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes and alkynes: Alkanes from petroleum, methods of synthesis. Properties, General reactions, oligomerization and polymerization of olefins, acidity of terminal alkynes, alkenes as fuels. / 10
Aromaticity and Aromatic hydrocarbons: Huckel’s theory of Aromaticity and monocyclic carbocyclic aromatic species, BTX, Aromatic hydrocarbons. Fridel-Craft alkylation. General reaction of aromatic hydrocarbons. / 10
Aliphatic and aromatic halides: Methods of preparation, properties, General reactions, SN1,SN2 reactions, Aromatic nucleophilic reactions. / 15
Reference Books:
- Organic Chemistry, J. McMurry, Brooks/Cole
- Organic Chemistry, T.W.G. Solomons, C.B. Fryhle, John Wiley and Sons Inc.,
- Organic Chemistry, L.G. Wade Jr, Pearson Education
- StereoChemistry of Carbon compounds, E.L. Eliel, Mcgraw-Hill
- Organic Chemistry, Paula Y. Bruice, Pearson Education
3. / MAT 1101 Applied Mathematics I (100 marks) 4hr./week
Rank of matrices, Solutions of system of linear equations (Gauss-elimination, LU-decomposition etc.) Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Caley-Hamilton theorem: / 6
Numerical methods for solution of linear and non-linear single and multiple algebraic equations. Solution of transcendental Equations, Newton’s method, Fixed point iterative method etc. / 6
nterpolation and extrapolation: interpolating polynomials for equal and non-equal spaced data (Forward, backward, central and spline) their applications to numerical integration (trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s Rule, Romberg Integration etc.) and numerical differentiations. / 10
Probability of Statistics: Review of elementary probability theory, Random variables, Functions of random variables, probability distribution functions, expectation, moments and moment generating functions, Joint probability distributions, binomial, Poisson, and Normal distribution. / 12
Sampling distributions, Point and interval estimations, Statistical hypothesis tests, t-tests for one and two samples, F-test, χ2-test, tests of hypothesis for proportion, Simple Applications; / 10
Statistical Methods for Data Fitting: Linear, multi-linear, non-linear regression, ANOVA / 6
Differential Calculus : Review and Concepts, Higher order differentiation and Leibnitz Rule for the derivative, Rolle’s and Mean Value theorems, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorems, Maxima/Minima, convexity of functions, Asymptotes, Radius of curvature; / 10
Reference Books:
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig, John-Wiely.
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics S. R. K. Iyengar, R. K. Jain, Narosa.
- Introductory Methods Of Numerical Analysis, S. S. Sastry, PHI.
- A First Course in Probability, Sheldon Ross, Pearson Prentice Hall.
- Probability and Statistics in Engineering , W.W. Hines, D. C. Montgomery, D.M. Goldsman, John-Wiely
4. / PYT 1101 – Applied Physics-I: (100 marks) 4hr./week
Thermal Physics
Temperature and the zeroeth law of thermodynamics, heat conduction, first law of thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases, Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, some aspects of non-ideal behavior, entropy and second law of thermodynamics / 12
Introduction, Diffraction – basic concepts, diffraction at a straight edge, diffraction at single and multiple slits, Resolving power – Rayleigh’s criterion, resolving power of various optical components. / 6
SolidState Physics
Crystal Structure
Crystal structure of solids, unit cell, space lattices and Bravais lattices, Miller indices, directions and crystallographic planes. Cubic crystals – SCC, BCC, FCC, Hexagonal crystals – HCP, atomic radius, packing fraction, ion-ligancy and critical ratio, Bragg’s law, determination of crystal structure using Bragg spectrometer / 6
Formation of energy bands in solids, concept of Fermi level, classification of solids – conductor, semiconductor and insulator. Intrinsic semiconductor, Effect of doping – extrinsic semiconductors. / 4
Generation of ultrasound – mechanical, electromechanical transducers, propagation of ultrasound, attenuation, velocity of ultrasound and parameters affecting it, measurement of velocity, cavitation, applications of ultrasound. / 8
Optical Fibers
Introduction, optical fiber as a dielectric waveguide – total internal reflection, numerical aperture and various fiber parameters, losses associated with optical fibres, step index and graded index fibers, applications of optical fibers. / 6
Lasers and Microwaves
Introduction to interaction of radiation with matter, principles and working of a Laser– population inversion, pumping, various modes, threshold population inversion, types of Lasers – solid state, semiconductor, gas, applications of Lasers. Microwaves – production and applications. / 6
Reference Books:
- Physics: Vols. I and II – D. Halliday and R. Resnick, 2nd ed, 1962, Wiley Eastern.
- Lectures on Physics: Vols. I, II and III – R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton and M. Sands, 1963, Narosa.
- Concepts of Modern Physics – A. Beiser, 1969, McGraw-Hill.
- Introduction to Modern Optics – G. R. Fowles, 2nd ed, 1975, Dover Publications.
- A Course of Experiments with LASERs – R. S. Sirohi, 2nd ed, 1991, Wiley Eastern.
- Optical Fibre Communication – G. Keiser, 3rd ed, 2000, McGraw-Hill.
- Optoelectronics – J. Wilson and J. F. B. Hawkes, 2nd ed, 1992, Prentice-Hall India.
- Ultrasonics: Methods and Applications – J. Blitz, 1971, Butterworth.
- Applied Sonochemistry – T. J. Mason and J. P. Lorimer, 2002, Wiley VCH.
- SolidState Physics – A. J. Dekker, 1957, MacMillan India.
5. / GEP 1101 – Engineering Graphics – I
(100 marks) 4hr./week
Solid geometry projections of solids like prism, pyramids, cylinders and cones. Sections of solids. Developments of solids. Interpenetration of simple solids including cone and cylinder. Isometric scales and projections.
Machine drawing-Orthographic projections, First Angle and Third Angle method of projections. Conventions in dimensioning and in sections. Forms and proportions of screw threads, bolts, nuts, locking devices for nuts, studs, set-screws, hangers and brackets. Free hand sketches of the above parts
6. / PYP 1102 – Physics Laboratory (50 marks) 3hr./week
Students will perform eight to ten experiments from selected topics in modern physics, heat and fluid mechanics
7. / CHP 1122 – Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory
(50 marks) 3hr./week
Volumetric Analysis: Preparation and Standardisation of Volumetric solutions. Acid base reactions, titrations of a mixture of (a) hydrochloric and acetic acid (b)Sulfuric and phosphoric acid (c) carbonate and bicarbonate. Oxidation - reduction titrations involving permanganate, dichromate, ceric sulfate, iodine (tri-iodide) potassium bromate. Precipitation titration: Mohrs and Volhards titrations. Compleximetric titrations involving EDTA: Deterimination of hardness of water. Determination of Manganese in pyrolusite. Gravimetric analysis: Gravimetric determination of Fe, Ni, SO4-2 and Cl-. Analysis of a Fe-Ni alloy. Suitable number of experiments from the above list will be performed.
8. / CHP 1132 – Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
(50 marks) 3hr./week
Identification of an organic compound through elemental analysis, group detection, physical constants (m.p and b.p) and derivatisation.
Estimation of selected organic compounds like: aniline/phenol, formaldehyde/acetone, glucose, glycerol. Neutral equivalents of acids and bases, SAP value of an oil.
Semester II
Sr. No. / Topic / Hrs.1. / CHT 1231 – Organic Chemistry – II (100 marks) 4hr./week
Chemistry of Hydroxy derivatives of aliphatic and aromatic compounds: Methods of preparation, Properties, General reaction, Acidity of phenol / 10
Aldehydes and ketones: Methods of preparation. Fridel-Craft acylations and related reactions, properties and reactivity, general reactions / 16
Carboxylic acids and their Derivatives: Carboxylic acids, esters, amides, acid chlorides and anhydrides Methods of preparation, Properties, Acidity of carboxylic acids, General reaction of their compounds. Interconversion. / 10
Amines: Methods of preparation of primary, secondary and tertiary amines, properties, Basicities and general reactions. / 7
Ethers, epoxides and sulphur acids: Methods of preparation, General reaction, Acidity of sulphur acids. EO condensates. / 5
Heterocyclic chemistry: Comparison with carbocyclic compounds, methods of Preparation, Regenerated compounds Pyrrole, Furan, Thiophene, Pyridine, Quinoline and Isoquinoline. Retrosynthetic approach, characteristic properties and Reactions / 12
Reference Books:
- Organic Chemistry, J. McMurry, Brooks/Cole
- Organic Chemistry, T.W.G. Solomons, C.B. Fryhle, John Wiley and Sons Inc.
- Organic Chemistry, L.G. Wade Jr, Pearson Education
- Organic Chemistry, Paula Y. Bruice, Pearson Education
2. / CHT 1211 – Analytical Chemistry (50 marks) 3hr./week
Concept of quality: Definition of quality, quality control and assurance, TQM. Correlation between quality and analysis, steps and types of analysis, Stoichiometry and expression of concentration. / 2
Theory of errors: Sources and classification of errors. Statistical treatment of analytical data and presentation of results / 2
Sampling of solids, liquids and gases. / 2
Evaluation and validation of analytical methods / 2
Good laboratory practices. / 1
Fundamentals of chromatography, Chromatography methods: GLC, HPLC, TLC, HPTLC, ion chromatography, hyphenated techniques like GC-MS, LC-MS / 6
Fundamentals of absorption / emission spectroscopy: Absorption of light, UV – VIS spectrophotometry, Beer-Lambert Law, characteristic bond frequencies. Energy levels in atoms and molecules. Principles of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), its application, feature of the instrument. Principles of IR spectroscopy, application, and features of the instrument / 10
Diamagnetism and paramagnetism, nuclear spin, NMR spectroscopy, chemical shift, nuclear spin - spin coupling, EPR spectroscopy, Spectroscopy based on Scattering. / 6
Fundamentals of Imaging Techniques: SEM TEM / 4
Electrochemical instruments, techniques and applications, controlled current and controlled potential principles, amplifiers, potentiostats, galvanostats, cyclic voltametry, chronoamperometry, chronopotentiometry, applications such as corrosion, electroplating, anodising, organic and inorganic electrosynthesis, fuel cells. / 8
Thermal Methods : TGA, DTA, DSC / 4
- Instrumental methods of Chemical Analysis, E.W. Ewing, McGraw Hill.
- Instrumental Methods of Analysis, H.H. Willard, L.L. Merrit, J.A. Dean and F.A. Shette, Jr, CBS Publishers an Distributors, New Delhi.
- New Instrumental Methods in Electrochemistry, P.D. Delaha
- Instrumental methods of analysis, D.A. Scoog and D.M. Wes
- Inorganic quantitative analysis, A.I. Vogel, Longmans ELBS.
3. / CET 1501 Material and Energy Balance Computations
(100 marks) 4hr./week
Introduction to Chemical Engineering: Historical evolution of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Process Industries, Chemistry to Chemical Engineering / 4
Revision of Units and Dimensions., Mathematical techniques, Introduction to use of calculators. / 4
Mole concept, composition relationship and stoichiometry / 2
Applications of Laws of Conservation of Mass and Energy to single and Multistage processes. / 6
Behaviour of gases and vapors / 4
Material balances for reacting systems. / 8
Introduction to psychrometry humidity and air-conditioning calculations. / 6
Calculation of X-Y diagrams based on Raoult’s law. / 4
Fuels and combustion / 6
Unsteady state material balances. / 4
Material and energy balances for complete plants. / 8
Material and energy balances using computers. / 4
Reference Books:
- Chemical Process Principles, Hougen O.A., Watson K. M.
- Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering, Himmelblau
- Stoichiometry, Bhatt B.I. and Vora S.M.
4. / MAT 1102 Applied Mathematics II (100 marks) 4hr./week
Functions of two or more variables, Limit and continuity, Partial differentiation, Total derivatives, Taylor’s theorem for multivariable functions and its application to error calculations, Maxima/Minima, Jacobian. / 10
Integral Calculus : Improper integrals, Beta and Gamma functions, Differentiation under the integral sign, Curve tracing, Application to length, Area, volumes, Surface of revolution, Moment of inertia, Centre of gravity / 14
Differential Equations: Solution of Higher order ODE with constant and variable coefficients and its applications to boundary and initial value problems, Series solution of differential equations, Bessel functions,
Legendre Polynomials, Error function, Solution by orthogonal set of functions. / 12
Fourier Series and Fourier integrals, Fourier and Laplace Transforms and their applications to differential equation (both ODEs and PDEs) / 14
Numerical methods for solution of ODEs (initial values and boundary values) using single step methods (RK, Euler’s explicit and implicit methods). Multi-Step methods (predictor – corrector methods etc), Solution of Stiff ODEs, Adaptive step size, Shooting method , Solutions of Differential Algebraic Equations / 10
Reference Books:
Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig, John-Wiely
Advanced Engineering Mathematics S. R. K. Iyengar, R. K. Jain, Narosa.
Elements of Applied Mathematics. Volume 1, P.N.Wartikar and J.N.Wartikar, Pune Vidyarthi Graha.
Introductory Methods Of Numerical Analysis, S. S. Sastry, PHI.
Numerical Solution of differential Equations, M. K. Jain, Wiley Eastern.
5. / PYT 1103 – Applied Physics – II (50 marks) 3hr./week
Quantum Mechanics
Introduction to quantum physics, blackbody radiation, explanation using the photon concept, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, de Broglie hypothesis, wave-particle duality, verification of matter waves, uncertainty principle, Schrodinger wave equation, Born’s interpretation of the wave function, particle in a box, quantum harmonic oscillator, hydrogen atom (no detailed derivation) / 12
Introduction to rheology
Basic concepts in fluid flow, importance of non-linearity, concepts of elasticity in solids and liquids, Hooke’s law, Newton’s law, scaling of time by means of Deborah number for characterisation of flow behaviour in melts and liquids, constitutive equations relating stress and deformation variables. / 6
Melt Viscosity
Concept of viscosity, variation of viscosity with different experimental conditions as shear rate, time of shearing, temperature and pressure, shear dependent viscosity , definition of Newtonian behaviour and Non-Newtonian behaviour, concepts of shear thinning and shear thickening. / 6
Introduction to viscoelasticity, Maxwell and Kelvin models, relaxation models, relaxation spectrum, creep and creep recovery, complex modulus and complex viscosity / 6
Reference Books:
- Perspectives of Modern Physics – A. Beiser, 1969, McGraw-Hill.
- Introduction to Rheology – H. A. Barnes, J. F. Hutton and K. Walters, 4th ed, 1996, Elsevier Science.
- Physical Chemistry of Polymers – A. Tager, 2nd ed, 1978, Mir Publishers.
- Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers – J. D. Ferry, 3rd ed, 1980,Wiley.
6. / MAP 1201 Engineering Applications of Computers (Lab)
Computer Programming Languages: FORTRAN, C, C++, etc. / 32
Softwares : Wordprocessing, Spreadsheets, Database, etc. / 8
Softwares for Libraries etc. / 8
Introduction to Computer Hardware, Architecture, Networking / 12
7. / CHP 1232 – Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
(50 marks) 3hr./week
Synthesis of several organic compounds such as acetanilide, m-dinitrobenzene, methyl salicylate, benzamide, o-chlorobenzoic acid, tribromophenol, p-nitrobenzoic acid, azo dye, etc. to demonstrate the various unit processes like oxidation, reduction, alkylation chlorination, nitration, etc. Seperation and purification of binary mixtures of the type : water soluble-water insoluble, both water soluble, liquid-liquid by distillation, dissociation –extraction ,crystallization, etc.
8. / CHP 1222 – Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
(50 marks) 3hr./week
Students will perform eight to ten experiments based on topics that are covered in the theory
9. / HUP 1101 Communication Skills. (50 marks) 3hr./week
Development of communication skills in oral as well as writing. The writing skills should emphasize technical report writing, scientific paper writing, letter drafting, etc. The oral communication skills should emphasize presentation skills. Use of audio-visual facilities like power point, LCD for making effective oral presentation. Group Discussions
Detailed Syllabus for Second Year B. Tech (Pharma)
Semester III
Sr. No. / Topic / Hrs1. / GET1104 – Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials (50 marks) 3hr./week
2. / GET1105 – Electrical and Electronics Engineering (50 marks) 3hr./week
3. / CHT1341- Physical Chemistry (100 marks) 4hr./week
4. / PHT1021–General Aspects of Pharmaceuticals and Physiopharmacology - I (100 marks) 4hr./week
Over view of Pharmaceutical Industry / 1
Introduction to human body, Organization of human body, Different system of human body, Definitions and examples of different drug categories, composition and functions of blood, cardiac cycle / 14
Introduction to pharmacopoeias, Routes of drug administration, introduction to bio pharmaceutics / 10
Discussion of monographs and general test procedures and their importance, inorganic chemicals of pharmaceutical importance with respect to their manufactures and uses, assay methods / 5
Hematinics, thrombolytics, coagulants / anticogulants / 4
Digestive system antacids, purgatives / 4
Structure and function of kidney, diurectics / 4
Respiratory system / 3
General pharmacology (ADME, routes of administration, MOA) / 10
Bioassay: histamine and antihistaminic, Pharmacology and local anesthetics / 5
- Remington’s Pharmaceutical Sciences, A.R.Gennaro Mac Pub. Co. Easton, Pennsylvania 1990
- Indian Pharmacopoiea, British Pharmacopoiea, United States Pharmacopoiea.
- Bentely’s Textbook of Pharmaceutics, Rawlins, Cassell Ltd, London
- “Anatomy Physiology”, C.C. Calcuttal Medical Allied agency, 1994
- “Anatomy Physiology”, Toutora, 10th Johns Wiley and Sons, NY, 2003
- “Pharmacology” Tripath, 4th Jaypee Brother New Delhi, 1999
- “Pharmacology” Satoskar-Bhandarkar, Popular Prakshan, Mumbai, 2003
- “Pharmacology” Seth, Churchill Livingestone, New Delhi, 1998
- “Handbook of in Pharmacology”, S. K. Kulkarni, Vallabh Prakashan, New Delhi, 1999
- “Element of in Pharmacology”, Dr. R. K. Goyal, 10th S. B. Shah, Ahmadabad, 2003
5. / BST1101 – General Microbiology (50 marks) 3hr./week
6. / BST1103 – Biochemistry (50 marks) 3hr./week
7. / GEP1106–Electrical and Electronics Engineering Laboratory (50 marks) 4hr./week
8. / CHP1342–Physical Chemistry Laboratory (50 marks) 4hr./week
9. / PHP1021–Physiopharmacology Laboratory (50 marks) 4hr./week
RBC count, WBC count, Differential leucocytes count, Hemoglobin estimation, Blood grouping
Histology, study of effects of various drugs on isolated frogs heart e.g Ach, adrenaline, effect of adrenergic and cholinergic blockers, effect of ions on the isolated frog heart (through audiovisual demonstration)
Demonstration of different routes of administration of drugs. Effects of clotting time, bleeding time
Semester IV