January 27, 2009

Location: telephone

Time/Date: 1:30PM to 3:00PM; January 27, 2009

Members Present:Director Yehuda Bock, Art Andrew, Kevin Kelly, Ross Carlson,Chairperson Adrian “Dick” Davis,Steve Martin, Greg Helmer, Cecilia Whitaker– 8 (7 = quorum)

Members Absent:IGPP Director Catherine Constable, John Orcutt,Chris Walls,Giana “Gigi” Cardoza,Marti Ikehara – 5

Others Present:Executive Manager John Canas

Coordinator Maria Turingan– 2

Meeting Leader:Chairperson Dick Davis

Agenda:See attached.

  1. Welcome – Chairman Dick Davis:
  1. Roll Call –See above. A quorum was present. Maria will send December 17, 2008 meeting notes out for approval later today.
  2. Review Agenda –no changes or additions
  1. Director’s Report - Yehuda Bock reported the following:
  2. CCHM project report finished with a considerable amount of CSRC personnel work; will send report to Towill tomorrow for final approval and Land Surveyor signature; will post report and final coordinates on web site after approval from Towill; coords will be put into CSRC database as ITRF2005, epoch 2008.3 and NAD83 (NSRS) 2007 as epoch 2007.0; waiting to issue last Towill payment pending the report approval and signature.
  3. Caltrans Northern Region Ht Mod project – project completed last February; horizontal (Φ and λ) and ellipsoid height published with NGS 2007.0 readjustment, but not orthometric heights; ortho hts not published because they were determined using a hybrid geoid model; hybrid geoid model to be incorporated into Geoid09 and then NGS will load ortho ht portion of project; Greg will follow up with NGS on this project submittal
  4. CRTN – subcommittee has met over phone and is planning to meet at Scripps on Feb 9th; YB has met with UNAVCO to discuss possibility of having a subcontract with them for maintenance of some of the CRTN sites; UNAVCO will be coming to Scripps on Feb 5th to meet again to discuss technical issues; some funding was obtained from NOAA through the SOPAC GPS meteorology project and also through the NASA project; these funds will be used for subcontract with UNAVCO; some other SOPAC funding may be able to be leveraged for CRTN; made inquiries with Homeland Security for funding, following up on leads; DWR is looking to expand CRTN in N CA, possibly using met project funds; once we sort out technical issues with UNAVCO and have subcontract in place, will start looking at CRTN for possible upgrades to data reliability; may have enough funds to cover about half of statewide expansion of CRTN
  5. Had inquiries from a manufacturer about integrating CRTN positioning service into their hardware
  1. Financial Reports - Maria Turingan reported the following:
  2. End of December balance $68,753; most of this balance in reserve to pay last Towill invoice from CCHM project
  3. possible subcontract NSJHM project processing has been removed from budget, waiting to hear about NGS funds before proceeding
  4. continuation of CSRC depends on NGS funds; waiting on decision, Gilbert Mitchell will keep us informed; CRTN will be a possible way to generate funds through the related SOPAC projects; NGS funds uncertain, we need to pursue other funding sources;
  1. Executive Manager’s Report -John Canas reported the following:
  2. Jack Dunnigan said that $400 million is slated to go to NOAA from national stimulus package; also possible funds from infrastructure rebuilding funds; need to get Kathleen Ritzman to lobby for us
  3. Will be attending the ACSM Joint Government Affairs Committee Meeting for Height Modernization Legislation on February 19, as well as the NOAA/NGS Height Modernization Forum, February 20th;it is John’s understanding that NOAA is slated to receive $400,000,000 in the President’s Economic Stimulus Funding; he will report on these two meetings next month
  4. CA GIO office approved to be filled; $1.5 million grant from Homeland Security; need to try to get an audience with this office to tell them about CSRC
  5. Need to make funding a major topic of spring CC meeting
  1. Education and Outreach – Cecilia Whitaker reported the following:
  2. Attended Fresno Geomatics conference; low to medium turnout; good interest in CSRC
  3. RBF helped to get us a new exhibit to display on very short notice when the prior exhibit turned up missing
  4. Next exhibit to be at CLSA in San Diego; trying to arrange a session/presentation slot for CSRC
  1. Executive Committee/Coordinating Council – Dick Davis reported the following:
  2. A new EC meeting date and time was arranged – from now on tele-meetings will be on Tuesday mornings at 9AM, with the first meeting being on Feb 24th.
  3. Discussion was had about when, where and if, to hold the next Coordinating Council meeting; it was decided the cost was not prohibitive so we will hold a meeting; Dick and Maria will follow-up on whether we have a northern California member willing to host the meeting; funding sources should be the major topic of discussion for meeting
  1. NGS Report – Dick Davis forMarti Ikehara reported the following:
  2. The leveling workshop being held in Phoenix is a huge success with 80 people wanting to attend; NGS is deciding whether to hold another workshop(s) in northern and southern California; workshop is free to attendees
  1. New Business:
  2. US National Grid information was sent out by Ken Hudnut, he wants comment; Ken was going to have a meeting about it, Dick will follow-up on the status of that
  3. In discussion about CRTN, epoch to be broadcast was brought up – this is to be discussed by CRTN subcommittee on Feb 9
  1. Old Business:
  2. CA CORS – no new CA CGPS sites loaded into NGS CORS network
  3. Coordinate accuracy statement not complete yet; will be publishing 2009.0 epoch soon
  1. Adjourn: Next EC meeting scheduled for February 24th at 9AM. The meeting adjourned at 2:50PM.

Prepared by Cecilia Whitaker, CSRC Secretary


Conference Line: 1-866-740-1260

Pass Code: 8222156 (followed by the pound key (#))

1:30 / Welcome
  • Roll Call (to determine quorum; Ikehara absent)
  • Review Agenda
  • December 17, 2008 EC Meeting Notes
/ All
Director’s Report
  • CRTN Update
  • CentralCoast Height Modernization Project Update
  • Other Items
/ Bock
Financial Report
  • Report through December 31, 2008
  • Other Items
/ Turingan
Executive Manager’s Report
  • National Height Modernization Program
  • Northern San JoaquinValley Height Modernization
  • Orthometric Height Adjustment (Penfield & Smith)
  • Administration and other items
/ Canas
Education and Outreach
  • CSU-Fresno Geomatics Conference
  • CLSA Conference
/ Whitaker
NGS Report
  • Leveling Workshop
/ Davis for Ikehara
Executive Committee/Coordinating Council
  • EC Meeting Schedule
  • Spring CC Meeting
  • Schedule
  • Location
  • Other Items
/ All
New Business
  • US National Grid
/ All
Old Business
  • Coordinate Accuracy Statement
  • Publication of 2009.0 Epoch
  • Other Items
/ All
3:30 / ADJOURN