Country Week
Senior High School
Speech & Debating Awards
School Sport WA
Department of Education, Western Australia
Venue /Dates / Rules/ Duties / Courtesies / 03The SPEECH Competition / 04
The DEBATING Competition / 07
Winning School Speech & Debating
Champion School Points / 10
Prepared Speech / 11
Monologue / 14
A Guide to Debating / 18
Sample Prepared Speech Adjudication Sheet / 19
Sample Monologue Adjudication Sheet / 20
Sample Debate Adjudication Sheet
Dates to Note / 22PLEASE NOTE THAT all forms to be completed and returned are separate documents.
It is preferable that nomination form is completed electronically using CAPS ON by saving as a Word 97 - 2003 document, placing the cursor in the shaded boxes and typing, before saving again and emailing to
You can print the forms and complete by hand, scan and email.
Venue & Dates
Date: Monday 30 June – Friday 4 July 2014
Venue: Challenge Stadium, Mount Claremont
Further Information
Denyse Passmore
9383 7708 (work phone)
0409 933 347 (mobile) Entries close 5.00pm Monday 12 May 2014
Late nominations will only be accepted to make up numbers in divisions.
The DRAFT Program will be uploaded to the School Sport website ( as soon as possible after 2 June and emailed to those staff members who have provided an accurate email address.
1. The decisions of all adjudicators are final and appeals are not permitted.
2. No prompting, cameras or tape recorders will be permitted as they can distract the presenter.
3. A media person from each school may record presentations by students FROM THEIR SCHOOL ONLY. To record a debate, the Teacher in Charge of the school wanting to make the recording must seek written permission from the Teacher in Charge of the opposing team before the commencement of the debate.
4. No movement will be permitted by the media person during filming.
5. At no stage during or after Country Week can any video clip be:
· used to comment on or to question adjudication results.
· Circulated on the internet / facebook or any other electronic social media.
6. No eating or drinking by the audience is allowed during presentations.
1. Each school will be rostered to provide officials to help with the tasks of timekeeping, door duty and announcing.
2. Duties are to be carried out by each and every school. If, due to timetabling clashes, this is not possible, it is your responsibility to arrange a swap with another school.
1. The audience is to be quiet at all times during presentations.
2. Mobile phones are to be turned OFF in all rooms.
3. No food or drink is to be taken into the presentation rooms.
4. Parents, teachers or students may not question the ruling or the integrity of the
adjudicators. Adjudicators will be happy to answer questions that are constructive.
5. During debates:
· there shall be no intimidation of the opposition – either verbal or physical
· speakers shall address the opposition as ‘the opposition’ and not as ‘you’ and shall address
all comments to the audience / adjudicators
The SPEECH Competition is designed for students interested in developing their oral communication skills.
Students are given the opportunity to communicate their ideas to an audience in two sections:
· a Prepared Speech of their own composition; and
· a Monologue to communicate the ideas of a writer.
The Speech Awards are a TEAM event and as such are considered 'one event' for the purpose of the allocation of points towards Champion School.
Schools may enter ONE speech team of up to 8 students, which allows each school to enter 2 debating teams (with each debating team having 4 members) and up to 8 prepared speech and monologue entrants.
The top 3 scores in Prepared Speech and Monologue for each team across all divisions will be used to calculate the team’s score, which will be averaged by 3. This will added to the team’s Debating score to calculate each teams’ points earned for Champion School points.
Where a school does not have three competitors in the Prepared Speech and Monologue sections the total score for these two sections will still be averaged by three.
In the Prepared Speech and the Monologue sections students compete as:
· individuals for the Speech Awards trophy in each division
· as a team to score points towards Champion School
· A student who competes in only the Prepared Speech OR the Monologue section of the awards cannot win the perpetual trophy.
There will be three divisions:
· A Division for the more confident student and / or for the student who has had previous public speaking experience;
· B Division for less confident speakers;
· C Division for students who are new to public speaking.
Students should nominate in the appropriate division for their expertise.
Individual Scoring
In each division (A, B & C) of both the Prepared Speech and the Monologue sections of the Awards all students will be scored out of 100 and then all students will be ranked, with the highest scoring student in each division ranked first. Points as per the table on page 5 will be applied.
The top ranked competitors in each division of both the Prepared Speech and the Monologue sections will compete in the finals, giving them the chance to improve their ranking, and thereby their points. The number of finalists (up to 10) will be decided upon by the adjudicators, taking in to account the number of competitors in each division. It is likely that there will be a different number of finalists in each division.
Finalists will re-present their Prepared Speech and/or their Monologue piece giving them the chance to improve their ranking, and hence their final score. For example, 5 students are in the Prepared Speech final:
Place after first round Place after Finals
Student 1 5 5
Student 2 1 2
Student 3 3 1
Student 4 2 3
Student 5 4 4
The perpetual trophy for Speech for each division will be won by the student who has demonstrated consistency in both the Prepared Speech and the Monologue sections. Therefore, students will need to rank highly in both the Prepared Speech and the Monologue sections in order to qualify for the perpetual trophy.
Medallions for first, second and third place getters will be awarded in each division of the Prepared Speech and Monologue.
Team Score for Speech Competition
After the Prepared Speech and Monologue finals, the top three scores (points applied to rankings) for each team in both Prepared Speech and the Monologue will be totaled and averaged (by 3) and points as per the table on page below will be applied and then totaled to give the team’s final combined score for the Prepared Speech and the Monologue sections.
As this is a team competition, all teams will be averaged by three, regardless of whether or not they have three competitors.
Team 1
All three competitors are in A division. Two are ranked first and second and the third is ranked 10th.
The points are: 80+ 78 + 62 = 220 / 3 = 73.33
Team 2
Two competitors are ranked first and second in A division and the third competitor wins B division.
The points are: 80 + 78 + 60 = 218 / 3 = 72.66
Team 3
Two competitors are ranked first and second in A division and the third competitor wins C division.
The points are: 80 + 78 + 40 = 198 / 3 = 66
Team 4
Has only two competitors who are ranked first and second in A division.
The points are: 80 + 78 + 0 = 158 / 3 = 52.66
1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th / 6th / 7th / 8th / 9th / 10thA DIV
/ 80 / 78 / 76 / 74 / 72 / 70 / 68 / 66 / 64 / 62B DIV / 60 / 58 / 56 / 54 / 52 / 50 / 48 / 46 / 44 / 42
C DIV / 40 / 38 / 36 / 34 / 32 / 33 / 28 / 26 / 24 / 22
The DEBATING Competition is to give students more opportunity to compete in debating and to improve their debating skills.
Schools may enter a maximum of 2 teams in the Debating Section of the Awards. The ‘Debate 1’ team will be the team competing for Champion School points. Schools may only nominate two teams in the same division if there are not 8 teams from different schools in the division.
NOTE: if there are less than 24 teams nominated for the competition, schools MAY be permitted to enter a third team to make up the numbers in divisions. Schools which express interest, on the Entry Form, in nominating a third team will be entered in to a ballot to fill the vacancies. Students in the third debating teams WILL NOT be able to take part in the Speech Competition.
Each team may have 4 members who may be rotated .
The fourth member of each team will take on the role of Timekeeper for each debate in which they are arguing the affirmative case and as Chairperson in each debate for which they are arguing the negative case. Where a school does not have a fourth team member, the staff member will take on the roles.
The names of the students to debate each debate MUST be clearly written down and handed to the adjudicator 5 minutes prior to the start of each debate so that they can be entered on the adjudication sheet.
If a team loses two team members, for any reason, once the competition has begun, and if one of them cannot be replaced, the team will be permitted to continue to debate with the first and third speaker being the same person. The team may win their debates, but will be placed last at the end of the competition, regardless of how many debates they have won.
The Debating competition will be run using the Rules and Guidelines of the West Australian Debating League Inc., which form part of this nomination booklet. It is highly recommended that you familiarize yourselves with these rules.
Each division will participate in Round Robins and places will be decided by wins over losses.
Where schools have won and lost the same number of debates, points scored ‘for’ and ‘against’ by each team in each debate will be used to calculate positions at the end of the round robins. This is accepted practice by the WA Debating League.
If more nominations than can be accommodated in a division are received, teams will be placed in divisions by the coordinators according to the 2013 Country Week Debating Cup results, for both relegation and elevation.
The organisers reserve the right to cancel any of the divisions.
Three divisions of A, B and C are offered, with up to 8 teams per division, as decided by the organizers and will depend upon the number of nominations received.
Please note:
· A Division is for experienced debaters
· B Division for debaters with limited experience
· C Division for novice debaters.
Medallions for first, second and third place getters will be awarded in each division of the Debating
Speaking Times
PREPARED DEBATESDivision / Speaker / Warning Bell / Final Bell
A Division / Speakers 1 and 2 / 3 minutes / 4 minutes
Final speaker / 4 minutes / 5 minutes
B & C Divisions / Speakers 1 and 2 / 2 minutes / 3 minutes
Final speaker / 3 minutes / 4 minutes
A Division / Speakers 1 and 2 / 2 minutes / 3 minutes
Final speaker / 3 minutes / 4 minutes
B & C Divisions / Speakers 1 and 2 / 1 minute / 2 minutes
Final speaker / 2 minutes / 3 minutes
Final Bell
If a speaker continues to speak after the final bell, the adjudicators will cease to write comments or even to listen to the argument being presented and points will be deducted for going over time.
Please note that it is each school's responsibility to ensure they prepare to debate the correct topic. The organisers take no responsibility for topic information.
Prepared & Impromptu Debate Topics
Where there are 8 teams in a division:
Topics prepared in advance will be debated for Rounds 1 and 2.
Impromptu topics will be debated for Rounds 3 - 5.
Where there are 6 teams in a division:
Topics prepared in advance will be debated for Round 1.
Impromptu topics will be debated for Rounds 2 and 3.
Topics for the impromptu debates will be given to schools 45 minutes before the start of the debate. For each impromptu debate, both schools must be present for the topics to be given out i.e. one school cannot begin to prepare before the other.
Preparation will take place in the Hall of Champions. All team members will be permitted to take part in the preparation. Teachers are not permitted to take part in the preparation.
On the advice of the WADL use of the internet is not permitted during the preparation time. Any team found with an electronic device will automatically be disqualified i.e. no mobile phones permitted.
Teams may use a hard copy dictionary and a hard copy thesaurus only.
Topics to be debated will be included in the Program Booklet posted on the website as soon as possible after 2 June for all round robin debates.
Impromptu debate topics will be given to teams 45 minutes before each impromptu debate.
Palm cards may be used
During the impromptu debates, schools must be seated in the room allocated to their debate 5 minutes before the start of the debate. For every half minute a school team is late there may be a penalty of half a point.