Date: 4/12/05

Teacher: Courtney Robinson

School: JederElementary School


Focus: Jumping and Landing

Equipment: Trampoline, poles on cones, mats, poly spots

Protocols: When I say “go” go

When I say “stop” stop

Objective: At the end of this lesson students should be able to jump off the trampoline and land on a specific area. Their landing skills will increase.

Learning Cues:

  1. “both feet” (when landing)
  2. “feet together” (when landing)
  3. “diver arms” (for balance)
  4. “bend knees” (landing and jumping)

Set Induction

Today we are going to learn how to jump and do tricks on a trampoline. What sports do you do jumps in? Why don’t you show me how you guys jump at your spot?

Organizational Format

When I say “go” I want you to line up side by side when the white taped line is. When I say “go” one at a time you will run and jump on the trampoline and land, then return back to the end of the line. O.K. now where do you stand?

Content Development:

  1. “In your spot jump five times”
  2. “Now show me how you jump really high five times”
  3. “Now really low”
  4. “Great job”
  5. “When I say ‘go’ I want you to line up behind the white lines”
  6. go
  7. “Now one at a time jump on the trampoline and jump off and return back to your spot”
  8. “This time I want you to jump really high”
  9. “Jump really low this time and touch the mat”
  10. “Try to jump on the trampoline with two feet and land on one foot”
  11. “Great job, now let try to jump and spin around in the air”
  12. “Can you try and jump on two feet and spread your legs out”
  13. “Now try to land on the x”

Culminating Activity:

Obstacle course with lots of thing to jump over and around.


What kinds of jumps did we do today? When you jump do you want to land on one foot or two? Did you guys have fun today?
