Kotara High School

Technological and Applied Studies Faculty

Year 7, 8 and 9 Assessment Guidelines 2016

Assessment is the ongoing process of gathering, analysing and reflecting on evidence to make informed and consistent judgments of student progress and achievements.

These processes allow students to improve on future learning and performance, andprovide useful information to report credibly to parents on student achievement.

These guidelines have been developed to allow students to become responsible learners and managers of their learning commitments.

-It is the student’s responsibility to submit tasks for assessment within the required time frame
-Students will be given 10 schooldays’ noticeof assessment tasks
-Non submission of a task will be awarded a zero and parents/care providers informed
-Late submissions will be penalised with 10% penalty for each day late
-Tasks must be submitted before the close of school business on the due date
-If a student is absent on the due date the task must be submitted on the day they return to school(even if the subject is not timetabled on that day). The task must be accompanied by an explanation. Full marks will be awarded if a valid reason is supplied. Late penalties will apply if an inadequate or non-explanation occurs.
-If a student knows about an absent prior to the due date then he/she needs to notify the teacher to discuss an alternate date for submission
-Parents will be notified by mail of any tasks not submitted
Computer or technology problems are not seen as valid reasons for failure to submit assessment tasks. Students are advised to keep ‘back up’ copies and allow sufficient time for printing.
Unfair advantage - If a student does something that gives them an unfair advantage they may be penalised and a possible zero mark awarded for the task. This can include copying other peoples work, cheating in a test, or providing your work to be copied by others, etc.

Staff are always available to assist students with the requirements of assessment events. If any student experiences difficulties in meeting the demands of an assessment event he/she should speak to the classroom teacher or Head Teacher TAS.

Success will be the reward for those who are committed to doing their personal best through consistent effort and application. All students are encouraged to AIM HIGH in every aspect of their school commitments.

Parents can help and encourage their children to organise their time and assessment tasks in order to develop effective ‘life long’ management strategies