Test Procedure and ApprovalDCC TC WelderLast Revised 9/14/2014

Project / Date / 10/24/2018
Name / Duration / X hours
PI / Dr. Calvin M. Stewart / Approval
Equipment Documentation
Hardcopy / Located within the drawers of the workstation
Digital /
Project Description
Describe the Project.
Why do you need the equipment?
How will the equipment be used?
What modification to the standard setup must be made?
Have you conducted an experiment design?
Show your test matrix?
How long do you think this experimental will take to complete?
How will you post process the data?
What are you expected results?
List any known hazards that the operator and lab community may be exposed to during the experiment. (Mechanical, Chemical, Thermal, etc.)
What will you do to mitigate the hazard?
What emergency equipment may be needed?
Do you have access to this equipment?
Where is it located?
Technical Risks
List the known technical issues and risks identified as obstacles to success.
What could go wrong in the experiment?
Sources of Operator Error
Sources of Calibration Error
Experiment Design Problems
Unusual Material Behavior during Testing

I ______have taken the required safety training for access to laboratory and have been trained to operate this equipment. I will follow the testing procedure in this document and I will not deviate from the proper operation of this equipment.

Operator Signature: ______

Pretest Requirements
Personal Protective Equipment (Safety glasses, Lab coat, Steel toe shoes, appropriate gloves)
Shaded goggles
Inflammable coat
Respirator mask
Lab safety training
Testing approval
Previous machine operation training
Fill out the log sheet of this machine.
Make sure that inflammable or explosive materials are not in the area
Make sure that the area is well ventilated
Do not breath compounds generated by the welding
Welder is turned off (Control knob is in off position)
Welder is connected to electricity
Testing Requirements
Free-Standing Junctions
Remove insulator from thermocouple wire, leaving the two colored ends exposed
Clamp carbon block to drill press vise
Attach magnet (with ground cable attached) to drill press vise
Attach pliers to positive cable (select pliers depending on cable size)
Hold exposed thermocouple wire ends with pliers
Set toggle switch in “normal” position (downward)
Set Control knob to required power (20 watts second for #30 gauge wire), Caution must be taken this turns on the welder
Red charging led will turn on indicating the charging process is starting, it should take 10 seconds
A sound will start to notify that the welder’s capacitors are charged and the P1 and P2 LEDs will turn on, indicating that the capacitors are fully charged and ready to weld
Avoid coming into direct contact with welder’s electrodes while the welder is on (insulated portions of holding pliers or wire being welded, carbon block, magnet, drill press vise)
Press snap action button to start welding, keep it pressed
Touch the carbon block with the exposed thermocouple wire ends, this creates the welding, Caution with sparks
Release the snap action button, let the capacitors charge (until green LEDs turn on) for a second weld
Welding Free-standing Junctions to Specimen
Release carbon block
Clamp specimen to the drill press vise
Hold free-standing joint with pliers
Check for P1 and P2 LEDs to be on
Press snap action button to start welding, keep it pressed
Touch the specimen with the free-standing joint, this creates the welding, Caution with sparks
Release the snap action button, let the capacitors charge (until green LEDs turn on) for a second weld
Post Test Requirements
Set Control knob to off position
Release thermocouple wire from pliers
Release specimen with thermocouple wire attached from drill press vice
Disconnect welder from electricity
Remove pliers from positive cable
Unattached magnet from drill press vice
Clean working area if required
Remove Personal Protective Equipment
If any special change is made in software or on the machine, please, undo it. Write note on the log sheet.
Inform the PI about the test competition.
Return this Document to the PI and indicate if revisions are needed.