Chapter 8 and 9 Dialogue EXPRESSIVE QUIZ
You will be creating a dialogue with 1-3 people focusing on chapter 8-9 vocabulary. Be creative, describe people at an event or situation.
- You must use at least 25 vocabulary total from both chapters.
- If you do the dialogue alone only 20 vocabulary words are required.
- Each student must sign at least 8 lines in the dialogue.
- Each student must use at least 2 classifiers. (highlight)
- Each student must have a time OR age (double underline or both HL/UL)
- You need to have this dialogue written in Gloss and English
- The vocabulary must be underlined in the glossed version
- The dialogue needs to be color coded if more than one person.
FINAL DUE March 5th
Chapter 7-8 Expressive TestName of Presenters: / 10-7pts / 6-4pts / 3-0pts
Classifiers / Students signed 2 and MORE different classifiers 100-80% accuracy / Students signed 2 different classifiers with 70-40% accuracy / Students signed 4 different classifiers with 30% or less accuracy
Times/Age/WHq Yes/No / Student signed times/age at least twice in their dialogue and 2 questions (y/n and WHQ) with 100-70% accuracy / Student signed once about age/time in their dialogue and 2 questions (y/n and WHQ) with 70-40% accuracy / Student signed did not sign or include time/age in their dialogue and 2 questions (y/n and WHQ) with 30% accuracy or less.
Sign Production / Student signed presentation with 5 or less sign errors. Demonstrating Good NMS. / Student signed presentation with 6-10 sign errors. Showing Average NMS / Student signed presentation with 10 or more sign errors. Lacking NMS.
Glossed Dialogue / Student brought in their Glossed dialogue with the questions boxed, classifiers highlighted, 25 vocabulary words underlined, and the times/age double underlined. Their Gloss was 100% accurate. / Student brought in their Glossed dialogue with the questions boxed, classifiers highlighted, less than 25 vocabulary words underlined, and the times/age double underlined. Their Gloss was 70-40% accurate. / Student brought in their Glossed dialogue with the questions boxed, classifiers highlighted, less than 25 vocabulary words underlined, and the times/age double underlined. Their Gloss was less than 40% accurate.
Fluency/Eye Contact / Student demonstrated strong fluency and maintained eye contact more than 80% of the presentation. / Student signed with appropriate fluency and maintained eye contact around 70-50 % of the presentation. / Students fluency was not appropriate (fast, slow, choppy). Student lacked eye contact less than 50% of the time