DearBride to Be,

Thank you for your interest in obtaining information about our Wedding Ministry at First Baptist Kettering. The Pastoral Staff and Wedding Coordinator look forward to assisting you in planning your wedding ceremony, making your wedding day a joyous and memorable occasion.

Care is taken to ensure that each couple receives spiritual and Biblical guidelines about marriage and God’s expectations when entering into the covenant of marriage. It is our goal that every marriage performed at First Baptist Kettering is Christ-honoring, and the wedding ministry staff is committed to working with each couple to see that their wedding ceremony is worshipful and meaningful.

Understanding the many details that must be planned prior to the “big day”, practical information and planning tips is another important service of our wedding ministry. Our wedding coordinator will assist you with coordinating and facilitating the final plans of the wedding rehearsal and ceremony.

This policy manual has been prepared to guide you through the different steps of planning your wedding. It will be our privilege to be part of this special occasion and may you experience God’s richest blessings in the days ahead.

Joyfully Serving,

Sheila Wuebben

Pastoral Support

First Baptist Kettering

Wedding Policy for Members of First Baptist Kettering


  • The Pastor’s Assistant will discuss dates and times available on the church calendar.
  • After selecting the officiating Pastor he will arrange for pre-marital counseling with the bride and groom.

This is a requirement for weddings performed by one of our Pastors.

(You must contact him at least three (3) months in advance)

  • If you are using a pastor from another church one of our pastors must talk with him to be sure they are of like faith.
  • Your selected date/time will be submitted for approval by the Pastoral staff.


Wedding / Rehearsal$500

Includes: A sound technician for one (1) rehearsal and the wedding ceremony

and our wedding coordinator’s assistance. (lighting and media technicians may be requested)

This fee is also used to offset cost of custodial services, utilities and other expenses.

It does not include honorariums for the pastor, musicians, and vocalists.

With Rehearsal dinner in Fellowship Hall$550

Wedding with reception in Fellowship Hall$600

Also includes: kitchen, custodial, setup, takedown fees and use of the kitchen.


  • Fill out the application for use of the facilities the services of one of the Pastors.
  • Mail the application, with a deposit of $250 for a wedding only or $300 for a wedding/reception,

or bring it in person to:

First Baptist Kettering

3939 Swigart Rd

Dayton, OH45440

  • If approved your date will be placed on the church calendar.
  • The balance of the fee is due two (2) weeks before the wedding.

Wedding Coordinator:

Our Wedding Coordinator will contact you to discuss the wedding details. She/he will meet with you a minimum of

two (2) times (an initial meeting at the earliest convenience and a meeting the week of the wedding).

You will be assisted with the following:

  • Walk through the facilities
  • Verify the calendar information
  • Discuss needed setup
  • Assist Pastor with ceremony details
  • Payment of fees
  • Secure sound, lighting, and media technicians, as needed
  • Secure pianist, if requested
  • Open the building and secure it after the wedding
  • Work with the families and ensure that church policies are being followed

The Wedding Coordinator from First Baptist Kettering will direct all rehearsals and ceremonies

Church Policy Prohibits:

  • Smoking in the building or on the church property
  • Serving alcoholic beverages in the building or on church property
  • Throwing of rice (birdseed may be used, but only outside of the building

Sanctuary Wedding Decorations:

Please consider the Sanctuary while planning decorations for your important day.

  • No nails or tacks may be used or driven into a wall, woodwork, seating, floors, or other property

of the church. (Approved tape may be used. Check with the wedding coordinator)

  • Mechanical candles are available for use. If regular candles are used a clear mat must be placed beneath to catch any drips. Large pillar candles may be used if placed on plates.
  • Seasonal decorations may not be removed or re-arranged.
  • Two candelabras are available for your use. We also have glass globes which may be used.
  • Floral/foliage arrangements and/or equipment may be delivered on Friday between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM. Alternate times may be arranged with the wedding coordinator.
  • Property belonging to the florist must be removed from the church immediately after the ceremony.

Please Note:

  • The family of the bride/groom will be responsible for any property damage or cleaning expense incurred due

to failure to comply with the policies of the church.

  • With the exception of Service Dogs, animals are not allowed to participate in the church ceremony.
  • Flower petals may be used only if on an aisle runner. Potpourri, rice, confetti, glitter, or anything else is not allowed inside or outside the church buildings.
  • The church cannot be responsible for unattended personal items, and cannot be liable for such items should they be lost, stolen or damaged.
  • Slideshows and music must be approved by the officiating pastor.
  • All Saturday wedding events must be completed by 9:00 PM so that preparation for Sunday service is assured.

Other Information about our Facilities:


A total of 996 guests may be seated in this space.

Fellowship Hall:

Up to 550 may be seated (8 to a table) using round and rectangular tables.

Church linens are available. Let the wedding coordinator know how many are needed.


Wedding rehearsals should be conducted in a prompt and timely manner. It is essential that the entire wedding party be punctual for the rehearsal and the wedding. The bride should ask the wedding party to arrive 15 minutes prior to

the rehearsal. It will begin on time and should last no more than one (1) hour.

Bride’s Room:

This lounge is located in the main restroom of the church, near the worship center. The bride and attendants may

hang their dresses there, a long mirror is provided and there is a table with mirror for use as needed. We also have a steam iron and ironing board if requested in advance. A sewing kit is also available.

Please be sure that someone removes all items from this room after the ceremony.

Groom’s Room:

The groom and his groomsmen will be shown where they may change clothes. It does include a restroom.

Please be sure that someone removes all items from this room after the ceremony.

Child Care:

Childcare is not provided by church personnel. Arrangements should be made by the bride and groom and must

occur elsewhere.

NOTE: Children’s space is not available.


  • The wedding is a religious service. We request that all photographers (amateur and professional) respect

the ceremony and the church.

  • The photographer should be as unobtrusive as possible and should be dressed appropriately for the wedding.
  • Pictures may be taken before and after the ceremony.
  • No flash photography may be taken during the ceremony.
  • The photographer may not be on the altar during the ceremony.
  • Church furniture/accessories may not be moved unless approved by the wedding coordinator.
  • Please do not stand on the furniture.


  • Use existing lighting only.
  • Church equipment is not available for use.
  • The videographer must remain stationary during the ceremony.
  • No movement should take place on or near the altar.


Decorating may begin on Friday morning, if there are no other events scheduled in the space. Or, it may begin on Saturday morning at 8:00am. Talk with the wedding coordinator about your plans.

  • Please return the kitchen and fellowship hall to the condition in which they were found.

NOTE: if any problems are found you risk losing your deposit.

  • All belongings must be removed at the end of the reception (4 hrs allotted time).
  • Dancing is allowed, but is limited to dancing between the bride and groom and their parents and/or grandparents. All dances and music should be tasteful, traditional, and respectful of a worshipful

environment. The wedding coordinator, sound technician or other staff member will immediately stop

anything that is deemed inappropriate. Also, your deposit is at risk of being forfeited.


The staff at First Baptist Church of Kettering believes the wedding ceremony is one of the most sacred ceremonies

of the church. The wedding ceremony is a time of worship. Nothing in your life is more sacred than your relationship

to God and each other.

There are only two institutions that God has ordained, the church and the home. Therefore, marriage is a sacred institution, ordained by God Almighty. Marriage is always a three-way relationship, involving Almighty God, man

and woman. It should never be entered into lightly.

In His Word, God said: It is not good for man to be alone; I will make a helper suitable for him. Genesis 2:18

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh. Genesis 2:24

The Apostle Paul said: Husbands, love your wives even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for her. Ephesians 5:25

We are pleased to offer our facilities for your upcoming wedding. The Senior Pastor and the entire staff wish to extend any assistance to you as you prepare for this special day.


Our pastors will officiate the marriage ceremony of those people who are Christians and can give adequate testimony

about their experience with Christ. Outside of Christ, marriage is a human struggle. Only “In Christ” can a marriage ever be what it was intended to be. If one or both persons desiring to be married are not a Christian, a pastor would be thrilled to present “God’s Plan of Salvation,”so there can be “completeness” in Christ. An appointment may be scheduled for that purpose.

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new: 2 Corinthians 5:17

The pastors will not officiate the marriage ceremony of a believer with an unbeliever. The two will not be able to have one purpose, one mind (“the mind of Christ”) and one lifestyle. It is a direct violation of Scripture to marry a Christian with a non-Christian. Again, if the “believer” would desire to bring the “unbeliever” to a pastor so that the gospel may be shared, the pastor would count it a privilege to do so.

Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light

live with darkness? What harmony can there be between Christ and the devil? How can a believer be a partner with an unbeliever? And what union can there be between God’s temple and idols? For we are the temple of the Living God.

2 Corinthians 6:14, 15


The question of divorce is perhaps the most difficult and complex question regarding a new marriage. Our pastors are under no obligation to officiate the marriage of anyone, but we are open to counsel those who choose to marry. Each situation will be treated individually, compassionately, and redemptively.

The following principles apply to remarriage after a divorce: No remarriages after a divorce will be performed if there is a possibility of reconciliation with each person. No remarriages after a divorce will be performed until at least one year from the date the divorce is final.

Any couple “living together” would be required to move out of the living arrangement and practice sexual abstinence until the marriage ceremony. In cases where there is a willingness to correct the situation, and a desire to live in obedience to the authority of God’s word, our pastors will be more than happy to work with the couple and talk with them about scheduling the marriage ceremony.

A marriage is not merely the union of two individuals, but also the union of their families. The pastors of First Baptist Kettering will not officiate a Christian wedding if the parents of the bride and groom do not approve. Therefore, it is expected that the couple will have the full blessing of both sets of parents before preparation for marriage.


Each pastor has a different program for premarital counseling. After you have selected which pastor will perform your ceremony, and it has been approved, he will discuss his program with you. A minimum of three sessions are required.


Our pastors are the only ministers to perform weddings at First Baptist Kettering, unless the minister you have selected is approved by the staff. Only ministers of like faith and practice are considered. For approval we will request to see a copy of the minister’s service, including the vows the bride and groom are to take, prior to the wedding ceremony.

If the minister is expected to wear formal attire, it is the responsibility of the wedding couple to make these arrangements. The pastor will wear a dark suit, unless other arrangements are made.

Wedding Application

Please fill out the form in full and return it to the church office as soon as possible to assist in preparing for this special day.

Today’s Date: ______

Wedding Date: ______Time: ______

Rehearsal Date: ______Time: ______

Bride’s Name:______Cell Phone: ______

Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______

Current Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Email Address: ______

Bride/Groom’s Address after wedding: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Is Bride a member at First Baptist Kettering? Y N

Is Groom a member at First Baptist Kettering? Y N

Pastor to perform ceremony: ______

Number of Bridesmaids: ______Number of Groomsmen: ______

Other participants: ______

Accompanist: ______Soloist: ______

Available are the following: Please check all that apply

___ Candelabras___ Bible

___ Kneeling bench___ Candles/holders

___ Unity candle/table/cloth___ Other (please specify)

Florist: ______

Photographer: ______

Locations in the church to be used:

___ WorshipCenter___ Dressing Rooms

___ Kitchen___ Fellowship Hall

(Fees for receptions are available from the Office Assistant)

After reading the Wedding Policies of First Baptist Kettering we agree to abide by the same and if we are permitted to use the facilities we will make every effort to see that our guests will do likewise.

______Date ______

Signature of Bride


Signature of Groom

Please return this completed form with your deposit of $250 for wedding only or

$300 for wedding/reception to:

Senior Pastor’s Assistant

First Baptist Kettering

3939 Swigart Rd

Dayton, OH45440


Checks may be made out to First Baptist Kettering

*Balance is to be paid 2 weeks before the event.

For office use:

Date / Deposit / Check # / Amount / Cash / Payment / Final due date

NOTE: Fees for additional days or custodial assistance. ______



Greene County Website:

Who may apply for a marriage license?

Male persons of the age of eighteen years, and female persons of the age of sixteen years, not nearer of kin than second cousins, and not having a husband or wife living, may be joined in marriage.

How do we apply?

Both marriage applicants must apply in person, together. The license may be obtained in this court if one of the applicants is a resident of GreeneCounty. The license may be used anywhere in the State of Ohio. The minimum age for applying for a license in Ohio, without parental consent, is eighteen (18) years of age. No blood tests or physical examinations are required in Ohio.

This Court will also issue the license if neither of the applicants is a resident of the State of Ohio, but the marriage ceremony must take place in Greene County.

A valid driver’s license or state I.D. with date of birth and current address is required. In lieu of a valid driver’s license or state I.D., the Court will accept a birth certificate and social security card*. If correct address is not on I.D., a checkbook, car title or mail addressed to you at your current address will be accepted.

*All social security numbers are held in confidence

Is there a waiting period?

After the application is accepted, there is no waiting period in GreeneCounty to receive the license. The license is valid for sixty (60) days from the date of issuance.

How much does a marriage license cost?

The cost of the license is presently $65.00 cash only (no checks, credit or debit cards), and must be paid upon completion of the application.

How do I get a certified copy of my marriage license?

When proof of the marriage is needed, a certified copy of the marriage abstract can be obtained by writing to the Courts’ Marriage License Bureau or by appearing at the Marriage License Bureau in the Greene County Probate Court, 45 North Detroit Street, Courthouse, Xenia, Ohio, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M., Monday through Friday. The cost of a marriage abstract is $2.00, cash or money order (no checks). Usually, the marriage abstract can be obtained the same day it is applied for.

Montgomery County Website:

The Marriage License Bureau is located on the Second floor of the MontgomeryCountyCourtsBuilding, 41 N. Perry St., Dayton, OH45402. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. on Monday thru Friday. Plan to arrive by 4 p.m. as the marriage license application process takes time.

The marriage license grants you the permission to marry. The license is only valid for
60 days from the date of issuance. A lost or damaged marriage license cannot be replaced.

Checklist : Each party must bring a valid picture I.D. Any of the following are acceptable means of a picture I.D. *A valid driver’s license *A state ID All social security numbers are for identification purposes only and are held in confidence.