PTA News
May 20th, 2015

2014-2015 PTA Board
Elisa Clark, Co-President


Sarah Post, Co-President


Stephanie Clarke, Treasurer


Teresa Briest, Secretary


Melissa Holm
VP-Fundraising & Events


Amy Morrow, VP-Communications


Seeing the rewards of the 2014-2015 School Year

It’s easy to see the physical growth of our children from year to year as they outgrow last year’s sizes. It’s encouraging to see their scholastic growth as we watch them read more and more challenging materials and master emerging concepts. Equally is it rewarding to see the fruits of our efforts as a PTA in supporting this community.

At the last PTA meeting of the year last week, we enjoyed getting to know and hearing from the 4th and 5th grade teachers. We learned that every student in Mr. Kellenberger’s 4th grade class went to Camp St. Croix this year – the first year that EVERY student in his class attended this overnight camping experience. Part of the success of getting every student there is due to the PTA’s financial support through fieldtrip assistance. This year the PTA provided $6000 to field trip assistance for Kinders through 5th grades. At the PTA meeting, we enjoyed reading thank you notes from the 4th grade students about their camp experience. I’d like to share some excerpts here so that you can feel proud of your part in supporting the NH PTA and in turn the NH Students!

-  “Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me and for others. I just wanted you to know you’re appreciated! You help everyone in Normandale Hills Elementary. I wish I can pay back all that money but I’m paying back with a thank you card.”

-  “Thank you PTA. Whoo (with picture of owl adjacent) appreciates you? We do! You’re amazing.”

-  “Dear PTA, Thank you guys so much for helping me and my classmates going to camp St. Croix. I would feel super sad if someone didn’t get to go to CSC because everyone should be able to get the experience.”

-  “Thank you PTA, We are happy to have you to help us. You are awesome and we want you to know we appreciate you helping us with things we can’t pay for like Camp St. Croix and school supplies.”

Thinking Ahead to the 2015-2016 School Year
With only 9 days left of school, is anyone else feeling as caught off guard by that fact as I am? Wow, this school year has gone by quickly! But before we head off into summer there are a few things that we need to start thinking about now for next school year. We have several PTA leadership rolls that need filling for next school year’s success and smooth transition. If any of the following open positions interest you, please contact anyone from the board (contact info in the side bar). This is a great way to be a part of the NH community and to help keep this school going strong. Why volunteer? Because your enthusiasm and ideas will spur on others to volunteer. Because your dedication to this community provides support to ALL of the NH Kids! Because your kids will think it’s cool. Because it’s a visible way for your kids to know you care about their school! Please consider sharing your time and talents!

1)  PTA Board Secretary

2)  PTA Board Treasurer

3)  Fall Fundraiser chair

4)  Room Lead Coordinator

If those rolls don’t suit where you can give service, we’ll be sending out the 2015-2016 volunteer forms soon. Look for it in the next brown envelope and electronically. There are many more ways to volunteer.