Edenside Consultation – Frequently Asked Questions

1)Did the building have a generator?
No - We are able to access temporary generators if we need to.

2)Why did you not have a generator for Edenside?
Generator provision is not provided to corporate buildings, if a requirement for generator support is needed provision will be made for temporary systems to be provided.

A temporary generator would not have prevented the evacuation of Edenside once the home was contaminated by floodwater and sewerage.

If we could have siteda generator in a dry area we would not have sustained lighting and power as the danger of providing power into a flooded building would be a significant risk to occupiers and emergency services.

3)How high was the water in the building?

1.5 ftapproximately, all of ground floor including contamination of kitchen and fridges.

4)Why was there a time limit on how long residents could remain upstairs?

Frail older people cannot remain confined upstairs in a building without access to heating and lighting or a kitchen to prepare meals.

In this instance there werenot enough beds upstairs to meet the capacity of the care home. The flood water also presented a risk to health with contaminants contained within. Finally, the risk of not being able to evacuate in case of a further emergency wasbe too great.

5)Why did you have to excavate?
This decision was taken due the precarious situation of highways infrastructure and the worry that residents would be stranded for a significant period of time. The bridge andembankment used for the evacuation collapsed soon after the evacuation.

6)If it flooded again you would be able to evacuate again easily?
Evacuation of a care home is never easy. The decision was not taken likely and despite being undertaken as carefully as possible caused significant distress to residents and members of staff

7)Was the building insured?
Cumbria County Council properties are not insured against flood risk asit would not be cost effective. We do maintain an insurance reserve to meet the cost of uninsured loss.

8)Why have we not started to dry out and make good Edenside?
The building has been cleared of all loose and flooded materials on the ground floor and dehumidifiers provided to dry out the building. The condition of the ground floor is appropriate following drying out of the building. Repairs and making good to the building is subject to the outcome of strategic consideration of the site.

9)Why are the repair and resilience costs so expensive?
The costs established are based on utilisation of specialist equipment and techniques required to ensure the best standards and specification of repairs are achieved. The costs are established through an existing CCC contract framework.

10)Where is the boiler house and how is the home heated?
The boiler is located in the boiler room on the ground floor of the building (approx. 4 feet below ground floor level). The home is heated by gas from the boilers providing hot water and heating provision.

11)Why wasn’t the decision make straight away to fix the home?
Following such an incident it is important that the County Council take stock before making any decision. We cannot ignore the fact that the home flooded and we need to perform due diligence, considering all the options prior to repair and potential reopening.

12)What would we do with the property if we didn’t reopen?

We would not be able to speculate at this time as we have not concluded the consultation.

13)Why is it ok for health centre and the fire station to remain in the flood plain and not Edenside? Resident and the potential future evacuation of vulnerable adults presents a unique challenge for Edenside not faced by any off the other properties.

14)What are the £150k resilience costs?

Flood resistant modifications to the fabric of the building to stop water ingress are identified at £87k and an additional £63k to support modifications to relocate boiler plant internally and electrical modifications.

15)What services could I access if I need support in future? , I don’t want to go into a care home even if it is located near to my home.

The Council will be considering the types of services that people may wish to access in future as part of this consultation , including extra care housing and access to care and support at home.