Simplifying_Experience / Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Slide 3 - Oracle Field Service Cloud Release 16.8

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Hello, my name is Erik. Welcome to training for Oracle Field Service Cloud, Release 16.8.

In this session we will talk about what’s coming in Oracle Field Service Cloud for enhancements to the Core Manage interface.


Slide 4 - Agenda

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For the enhancements covered in this training, we’ll give an overview, followed by more detail to explain how you can use them, and what business value they bring.

Next, we’ll explain what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.


Slide 5 - Enhancements Overview

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In keeping with our effort to continually simplify the user experience, we’ve introduced the following usability enhancements to Oracle Field Service Cloud:

First, we’ve added an ‘About’ page which includes a number of important details users should know. This includes information about the products and services they have purchased as well as links to important resourcesNext, we’ve redesigned the Properties screen to consolidate the different ‘Add Property’ links into a single button. This will reduce clutter on the screen and improves the user experience. We’ve improved our Native Language support with the addition of three new languages and adjusted several settings to ensure consistent implementation of the chosen language across functions. A change to the Context Layout Visibility will highlight those items which do not have a set visibility even though they are assigned to a particular context layout.The user interface that is used for selection of multiple fields within the application has undergone a significant change to become mobile-friendly. And finally, the Recalculate Structure Functionality has been changed to remove the need to manually recalculate OFSC entities in additional to saving configuration changes. Recalculations will now be done automatically.


Slide 6 - ‘About’ Page

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In 16.8 we’ve added an About page to provide clients with a single location where they can find important information about their specific instance of Oracle Field Service Cloud.

The About page can be accessed from the Configuration screen.

The About page includes information such as which version and which build or update a client is on, which is important to know when working with our Support team. The instance name will be unique as well, usually based on the company’s name. The URLs needed to access the Manage and Mobility interfaces and the APIs are included as well. A list of all of the OFSC Services indicated which the client is currently subscribed to is shown below those.On the right-hand side of the page are links to important information and support resources. This includes recent release information, user guides, and other documentation, as well as a direct link to the Oracle Service Cloud support center if further assistance is required. There is also link to submit product suggestions for OFSC.


Slide 7 - ‘About’ Page

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The About page enhancement will make it easier for clients to get support. It provides them with a direct link to the support team and easy access to important information needed to help resolve their issues, all within the Core Manage interface.

In addition, the About page provides easy access to resources such as user guides, release information, and the OFSC knowledge base. This gives users the tools they need to learn about features and find answers on their own, improving the overall experience.


Slide 8 - ‘Add Property’ Consolidation

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In previous versions of Oracle Field Service Cloud, there were separate buttons to add each of the different property types – Enumeration, File, Integer and String.

In release 16.8, these have now been combined under a single “Add New” property button.


Slide 9 - ‘Add Property’ Consolidation

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The Add Property Consolidation provides a generic way for users to create property types with a simplified user interface. Relevant property fields for the different property types are automatically made available.


Slide 10 - Native Language Support Enhancements

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After a customer upgrades to 16.8, three new languages will be available on Configuration -> Display screen in the "Available" section. These include Hindi, Korean, and Turkish.

In addition, all time zones supported by Oracle become available on the "Configuration -> Display" screen with the upgrade to 16.8. Time zones are inactive and only displayed in the “available” list unless they are selected.

Finally, adjustments were made to several screens and minor functionalities to ensure consistency and to simplify translatability.


Slide 11 - Native Language Support Enhancements

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With these Native Language Support Enhancements, the OFSC Time Zone list is now consistent with the Oracle common time zone list.

The additional changes to output and settings aligns OFSC with Oracle product localization standards.


Slide 12 - Context Layout Visibility Highlights

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The next enhancement will allow users configuring screen context layouts to quickly identify items that will not be displayed due to a lack of a visibility setting.

Items which are added to a context layout must have a visibility added and defined before they will show up on screens for any users. Previously all of the items shown in a context layout were displayed in black text, which made it difficult to easily identify which items would appear and which would not.

With release 16.8, any items within a screen configuration context layout that does not have any associated visibility setting will be highlighted in red. All section headings will be continue to be displayed in black since their visibility is determined by the properties associated with each heading.


Slide 13 - Context Layout Visibility Highlights

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The change provides a way to quickly differentiate between context layout items which have visibility settings and those which do not, allowing easy identification of items which will not appear to users.

This should help streamline and simplify screen layout configuration.


Slide 14 - Multi-select Screen Redesign

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The interface used for selection of multiple fields within the application has undergone a significant change to become mobile-friendly. The new component simplifies the way configurations are done, by the administrator, and also givesa consistent experience across the application, which will improve the usability to a great extent.

For example, modifying the Visit bundling keys starts by selecting the Edit key...

That brings up the redesigned window. The Add icon is now large, obvious and consistent whether accessed via desktop or mobile device.

The appropriate values are selected and then Added, and values adjusted as appropriate

A visual indicator appears when a list can be reorganized, although users may click anywhere on the entry to drag it to a different spot on the list.


Slide 15 - Multi-select Screen Redesign

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The multi-select screen redesign provides further consistency throughout the application and makes it easier to use OFSC on mobile devices.


Slide 16 - Automatic Recalculate Structure Functionality

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Automating the recalculate structure functionality has been implemented to improve the usability of a number of configuration screens, by removing unnecessary user actions.

There are a number of configuration changes that previously required the recalculation of OFSC entities to apply changes. In addition to saving any updates, users would need to manually select the “Recalculate” button to initiate the recalculation process.

This enhancement automatically initiates recalculation in instances where it is required whenever a user saves an update.

Recalculation is done asynchronously, so users can continue working as normal while the system is processing.

Users will see a system message of “Applying changes” displayed, which goes away a few seconds later when recalculation is finished.

Confirmation that settings were successfully updated appears at the top of the screen.


Slide 17 - Automatic Recalculate Structure Functionality

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Automating recalculation makes the user experience easier and less confusing.


Slide 18 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities

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Here is the summary of the features I have talked about today:

• The About page provide clients with a single location where they can find important information about their specific instance of Oracle Field Service Cloud and centralized access to the resources and knowledge they’ll need.

• The ‘Add Property’ consolidation declutters the user interface by combining multiple links into one button. This, combined with an Add Property screen that dynamically adjusts based on the Property Type chosen, results in a simplified user experience.

• Native Language Support adds three new languages to the language offering and aligns OFSC with Oracle product localization standards.


Slide 19 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities

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The Context Layout Visibility highlights enhancements will allow users to quickly identify which context layout items do not have the necessary visibility settings to be seen by users, which will help streamline and simplify screen layout configuration.

The multi-select screen redesign improves usability on mobile devices while providing further consistency throughout OFSC.

The automatic recalculation feature will provide a better user experience by removing unnecessary actions from the configuration process.


Slide 20 - Implementation Advice

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In this implementation advice section we will go through what you need to consider before enabling these features in your business, and what you need to know to set them up.


Slide 21 - Feature Impact Guidelines

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This table depicts key upgrade information for the new features covered in this training.

All of the enhancements discussed today are automatically available after upgrade and are included in shipped job roles.

No additional setup is required for any of the enhancements, with the exception of the Native Language Support.

Native language support may require some additional setup options, depending on the client’s location and language.


Slide 22 - Setup Summary

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New languages and time zones options have been added as part of the Natural Language Support enhancement. The new options will automatically be present on the “available” lists on the Display screen, which can be found under the Configuration menu item in the OFSC Core Manage interface.


Slide 23 - Natural Language Support Setup Detail

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Should a new language or time zone need to be activated, navigate to the Display screen and select the appropriate edit option. A multi-select window will open.

Click on the Add button to bring up the list of available languages or time zones.

Select the new language or time zone you wish to add and Add it.


Slide 24 - Job Roles

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This table details the shipped job roles that will access the new capabilities covered in this training.

The single job role that every instance of OFSC will have is the Privileged Administrator role. Customers can create additional job roles that will have access to either or both features, provided the role has access to the company Business Rules screen and the appropriate configuration. Security roles have not changed as a result of these enhancements.This concludes this presentation, thank you for listening. You can easily pause and rewind any of these slides if you require additional time to take in the detail.


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