4/9/13 6:00 P.M.
Attendance: 31
Principal Welcome
Principal Deborah Florio welcomed the PTA and thanked all for being there. Principal Florio welcomed April as a wonderful time to be thinking of things to put in place or change as the school year wraps up. Things are going wonderfully in classrooms, with students and teachers feeling nervous but prepared for the State Tests next week. On Monday April 15 there will be a t-shirt decorating celebration for test-taking older kids. PS 32 will not be open as a summer school site for District 15 this year. Our school is due for a PCB lighting upgrade as well as a water main update, so the building will be closed throughout the summer. Summer school will be held at PS 261 on 314 Pacific Street. Principal Florio foresees all programs being the same as in the past summer sessions, including the ASD Nest program and Good Shepherd Services.
Project Hope Report
Project Hope Social Worker David Rood-Ojalvo remembered Hurricane Sandy 5 months ago. There was a huge outpouring of support from our community, but people's lives are still affected. The NYC Department of Mental Health has joined with local non-profits to provide free anonymous counseling in Red Hook as well as assistance checking FEMA claims or figuring out next steps. As for children affected by Hurricane Sandy, Mr. Rood-Ojalvo reported that 60% of kids bounce back easily after a disaster,10% are profoundly traumatized, and the remaining 30% might just need a little support. Project Hope is there to provide counseling for all needs and ages. Please see Guidance Counselor Adrian Straker for more information about Project Hope.
Guidance Counselor Report
Guidance Counselor Adrian Straker announced that April is National Poetry Month, which PS 32 will celebrate on May 31 with a school-wide event and a beautiful poetry anthology by students and staff. PS 32’s first inaugural Spelling Bee will be held May 13 at 10 a.m. in the Auditorium. Participation is voluntary for 2nd and 3rd graders who win their classroom rounds. For many years, PS 32 has bee partnering with the Italian-American Cancer Foundation. Free mammograms will be available on May 23 (Mammography Day) in the ACIF Van parked on Union and Hoyt, a nice way to show neighbors that we are here and give back to the community. Please take advantage of this free service. Ms. Straker reminded everyone about the importance of attendance, and asked that if you are planning to change schools to please let the Principal know.
PTA President Welcome
PTA President Larissa Bailiff announced that May 11 is the Brooklyn PTA 5K Run/Walk (not April 29 as stated in the Agenda). Registration for the race is $20 for an individual, $30 for a family, with scholarships available. All proceeds are divided between participating PTAs in District 15. Wear your PS 32 t-shirt, wave banners, carry signs to support PS 32!
Treasurer Report
Treasurer Matt Johnson reported an unprecedented year in fundraising: $7665 income so far this month, with a total of $17,273. The PTA is gathering request forms from teachers to see what they’d like to get funded for the next school year. A draft budget based on teacher requests will be presented in an upcoming PTA meeting for the General Membership to vote on and approve.
The PS 32 PTA requested funds to purchase an insurance policy through AIM Association Insurance Management, Inc. The cost is $295 for an annual policy which will cover the upcoming Silent Auction, and then all PTA endeavors, for 12 months. The vote passed unanimously. The policy will cover general liability, accidental, and medical for all PTA directors and officers; the DOE recommends that all PTAs carry general liability coverage, since members of the Executive Board may be sued at any time.
Requests for Funding
Co-President Naidre Miller announced that PS 32 will celebrate Earth Day on April 22 in two afternoon sessions, 12:30-1:20, and 1:30-2:20. Fun, “earthy” arts and crafts projects, generated by teachers as in the Enrichment Clusters, are designed to produce masterpieces for students to bring home. $500 was requested, with the note that the entire amount probably won't be spent.
The request passed unanimously. Teacher Staff Appreciation Luncheon is a tradition during Teacher Appreciation week. The request for $900 towards catering costs passed unanimously. Principal Florio was the first person to request funding with the new project request form! Thanks to Ms. Florio. She requested more foldable tables for countless uses throughout the school, not to mention PTA sales and events. The tables come 24 on a rolling cart from Costco for $1700. The request passed unanimously.
Nominating Committee
Parent Francisca Andino will coordinate, and needs at least three parents who are not planning to run for the PTA Executive Board to volunteer for the Nominating Committee. Responding to a question about time commitment, Ms. Andino said she needs more than 3 people to work 2 hour-long morning, afternoon and evening shifts on election day (June 9th). The Nominating Committee is responsible for sending out forms about when nominations are open, and for closing nominations at the May 14 PTA meeting, as well as making sure that any nominee has accepted his/her nomination. Rules for the election will be spelled out by the Nominating Committee. Please contact if you are interested in serving on the Nominating Committee.
Fundrasing Report
Co-President Larissa Bailiff introduced Camille Casaretti as the new Fundraising chair until end of June. Ms. Casaretti will tackle a comprehensive calendar for the 2013-2014 school year, taking into account what the events are, when they start/finish, and how many people are needed to assist. The PTA made $4,300 from the Gertrude Hawk Chocolate Sale, $730 from the World’s Finest Chocolate sale, and $1,400 from photo day. Future events: Silent auction tickets will be on sale soon, bring lots of friends and family. Gorgeous new Garden Greeting cards are now available, thanks to Ali Clarke, Bess Hauser and Larissa Bailiff; an order form has gone home in backpacks.
Parent Chris English reported that last year parents could pre-order bundled packages of school supplies for their children’s classrooms; this year we have the option to make this a fundraiser if we want by adding money to each order earmarked for the PTA. Co-President Naidre Miller mentioned that parents had a similar option to give on the form for the K-1 Lego afterschool club, with donated money going towards scholarships for other students; enough parents donated above the price of the club to grant 5 additional students scholarships to enroll in the Lego aftershool club. Ms. Miller noted that other monies were raised as well, since the $120 fee was based on a lower number of children than actually enrolled in the afterschool club, bringing the price per student down to $85. Parent Coordinator Angela Bowie asked if parents knew beforehand that price was padded, and that there was a difference between a fundraiser and an afterschool club. Treasurer Matt Johnson tabled the matter until addressed procedurally.
The next fundraising meeting will be Monday April 29 after dropoff in the library.
Spring Auction Report
Parent Brooke Wyatt announced the first annual Spring Auction on May 4, 7:00-11:00 P.M., Giant poster-sized ads are going up around school, and a flyer to purchase tickets go out Friday or Monday via backpacks. $3,800 has already been raised in ad sales for brochure and sponsorships. The Auction Committee plans to have a pamphlet at the auction that will thank sponsors and businesses/parents buying ads. On PS 32’s webpage, there is link to the auction website where you can still make donations online. The Auction Committee needs help on Friday May 3 for set-up and pickups of food and donations and on Saturday for ticket sales, clean-up, and etc.
Library Report
Co-President Larissa Bailiff spoke for Librarian Adam Marcus about the PS 32 Readathon. Students can get sponsors to pay for them to read a certain number of hours per week, with proceeds going towards new books for the PS 32 Library.
Other Stuff
Co-President Miller encouraged attendees to recruit their friends to join us at the next meeting as there is so much work to do and relatively few parents volunteering. A lively and informative discussion ensued with input from Parent Coordinator Angela Bowie, Good Shepherd Services Assistant Director Anthony Rowe, and the membership that included suggestions of "carrots" like Family Fun night to increase attendance, as well as clarification that all parents and guardians are already members of the PTA. Another parent suggested the agenda be made public a day prior so parents can be inspired to attend.
As always, the PS 32 PTA wants to hear from you! Come to meetings, share your voice, send messages to or put a note in our box in the office! The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 14, 2013 at 6:00 PM.
PTA Executive Committee
Co-Presidents: Larissa Bailiff, Naidre Miller
Co-Vice-Presidents: Elizabeth Sylvince, Camille Casaretti
Co-Treasurers: Cassandra Betts, Matt Johnson
Co-Secretaries: Daria Sanford, Ali Clarke