Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

It is a great pleasure for me to be here invited to this meeting of the 1st Interregional Conference of the CeRamICa project.

I decided to divide my presentation in three parts.


As you certainly know, man made ceramic products started to be made some 45.000 years ago.

It should be interesting to explain to all of you how we suggest the birth and development of ceramics; however this should take some extra time; I will just mention that the important and certified point of ceramics offspring is that this has not happened in one single point, but in many points of the planet even at different times.

Europe has received ceramic influences mainly from Romans and from Arabic occupations.

The ceramic know how was then spread all over the continent.

But all the products were made in red firing clays, the so named terracotta.

In the 11th century Marco Polo returning from his stay in China took with him some white shinning pieces, shaped like sea shells and made of one ceramic material, latter on called porcelain, a name derived from the Italian

“ porcella “ for shell.

Such fact has not been considered of major importance until in the 16th century Portuguese fleets started to bring

from the Far East many types of spices contained in porcelain bowls.

Such ceramic pieces were so attractive that the ceramic community started trying to reproduce such material; it took at least 2 centuries until the goal was reached.

But on the way to such objective a lot of ceramic compositions, ceramic glazes and ceramic colors were developed; one can say that such single fact lead the ceramic world to receive a big development which has been continued until today.

In some countries quite big units were installed to produce a lot of ceramic products: bricks and roofing tiles, glazed wall and floor tiles, tableware, sanitary ware, refractory materials, etc.

But side to side with such big units, other type of ceramic organizations continued to coexist, the so called Micro, Small and Medium enterprises.


Following the EU glossary the type of such enterprises is the following:

Micro enterprises: less than 10 workers and turnover less than € 2.000.000.

Small enterprises: less than 50 workers and turnover less than € 10.000.000.

Medium enterprises: less than 250 workers and turnover less than € 43.000.000.

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises are socially and economically important, since they represent 99 % of all enterprises in the EU.

They provide around 65 million jobs and contribute to entrepreneurship and innovation.

The ceramic Micro enterprises exist in quite all European countries, usually in specific areas:

Here in Vallauris, also in Alsace and Bretagne;

In Italy in the area of Faenza;

In Spain in the area of Talavera and Sevilla

In Portugal in the area of Alcobaça, Coimbra, Barcelos;

However one first question concerning the position of Micro enterprises, mainly ceramic arts & crafts producers must be raised here; such definition in one block of MSME is not at all convenient to the Micro ceramic enterprises; and why? because when they apply for EU special programs or funding they don´t have the necessary resources either in capital or in skilled support

( economists, lawyers, etc).

The Micro enterprises are also analyzed for instance in SWOT analysis in the same group as SME.

A micro ceramic arts & crafts business is usually a family operation; most of the times it´s like a family of 4 and another two or three collaborators.

It may be considered a survival production.

This is the reason why in my opinion there should be a clear differentiation between Micro and Small or Medium ceramic enterprises.

The arts & crafts Micro enterprises produce mainly single ceramic pieces, reproductions of museum pieces, small panels of decorated tiles, etc.

One can say that each final piece is a single one, since every reproduction always shows small differences.

All steps of production are hand made, most of the times even the ceramic bodies, the glazes and the colors, each producer using its own formulation.

They rely mainly on proximity local sales.

Concerning Small and Medium ceramic companies, they usually use ceramic equipment, most of the times quite sophisticated and are able to produce important quantities of one single item.

Sometimes they work in a “cluster“ philosophy, each one acting only in part of the production.

They rely in intern as well as in export markets.

The present situation of the whole block of MSME is reason for great concern:

*Markets have been lost, due to third countries production.

*Workers lost their jobs, since orders have been downsized.

*Most of the production facilities mainly of SM enterprises have been closed down.

*The perspective of recuperation of such enterprises seems to be difficult or in most of the cases impossible.

The reasons of such situation are clear and identified even if they are not completely of public knowledge.

However and as a special remark it looks like Micro enterprises escaped to this turmoil.


Because most of their production, due to its characteristics can not be made in other countries.


As mentioned the future for SM enterprises does not look too clear.

There are some extreme innovative and creative ideas for some areas of this type of enterprises, like:

*Special tiles enclosing nanoparticles that behave like thermo accumulators.

*Special wall tiles enclosing nanoparticles that behave like photovoltaic cells.

*Special sanitary ware W.C. tanks that may work properly with less water than actually.

*High valued tableware products that have enclosed gold and real diamonds.

*Use of microwaves to dry and fire tableware.

*Innovative construction bricks.

It seems that there are here and there reactions to the crisis in the different segments of ceramics produced by SM enterprises, increasing Creativity and Innovation.

Such ideas are still in laboratory tests; however I am sure that many of the still existing SME´s will not be able to adapt to the mentioned innovations.

On other hand an important question remains:

*Will all this developments lead to a better working and social environment, thus the enterprise assuming its social role?

*Is it possible that the enterprises repeat all the previous mistakes that have also been cause to the actual situation?

The future and the development of such enterprises depend of technical and financial support but also require new mentalities and entrepreneurship.


*It is necessary to open new export channels, supporting them on Governmental entities, like the Commercial Ambassadors.

*It is necessary to finance such enterprises with a reasonable interest rate.

*It is necessary to adapt VET to the requirements of the ceramic area.

The Micro enterprises require other type of support:

*Since they are not able to go to the market it is necessary to take the market near them.

The main and most important client for the Micro enterprises in the future will probably be the tourism.

Nowadays the touristic activity represents millions of persons passing from country to country.

Most of them visit monuments, cities and regions where Micro enterprises are located; however the visit to such facilities is not proposed.

Touring in Egypt one is taken to the papyrus craft center. In Turkey to the semiprecious stone market;

In Morocco to handicraft ceramic producers;

and so on…

So it will be necessary to sell in the same pack, tourism and short visits to Micro enterprises producing ceramic handicrafts.

But since it will not be possible to take visitors to all ceramic handicraft producers in one region, one solution could be proposed:

*Construction with support of Central and Local Authorities of one Center for production / demonstration / sales.

*This Center could be used by all interested ceramic handicraft producers, to boost their sales.

*The local Authorities should furthermore promote and provide visibility to this Center.

*The Center could also be used to promote cooperation with other Microenterprises that may use ceramic to be used with their products: liquors, dried fruits, sweets, honey, etc.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

I do thank you very much for your attention.